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SteamID64 76561197998890766
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Country Canada
Signed Up August 4, 2012
Last Posted April 17, 2023 at 10:01 PM
Posts 2000 (0.5 per day)
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 131
#3 how did ESEA LAN planning work as a player? in TF2 General Discussion

ESEA let every team use 4th place money and would book your flights, meaning they would deduct that from your final winnings. To be fair no one really cared for the money that much back then, everyone was just excited to compete on 5 ping and meet their friends IRL.

posted about 2 years ago
#60 Russia Invades Ukraine in World Events

Russia has been messing up eastern EU since post-WW2 and all the world did was sit and watch as those countries got ruined. Now they are doing it again, and in broad daylight, as all of us can follow the events on a screen. Coming from a country that used to be in the soviet block and hearing stories of how Russia treats the people after taking over, it's inhumane that this is allowed to happen.

I hope the rest of the world can figure out a way to actually help the innocent people in Ukraine instead of just slapping sanctions because Putin clearly does not care nor will he change his mind. Good luck to Ukraine friends and I hope you guys get through this, it's unreal to me this is even a thing happening in post 2000.

posted about 2 years ago
#20 best worst players in TF2 General Discussion
Geknaiiralfa would not be playing in invite today if mr popo didnt carry him from the depths of L (also made sushi, kobe1920 and drag)


posted about 2 years ago
#45 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic
ssssssHere is some juicy drama. Thanks to Wg Alfa for spreading this information but paddie has been trying/succeeded to bill cosby tf2 players at lans.

The what

posted about 2 years ago
#13 Fullerton LAN MVPs? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#6 Med school + TF2 in Off Topic

kermit did

posted about 2 years ago
#42 RGL S8 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#176 sin karma? in TF2 General Discussion

RGL AC discussing the 69th sinkarma clip this week

posted about 2 years ago
#7 ESL and Faceit bought by Saudi Arabia in Esports

Looking forward to the Faceit Bugatti

posted about 2 years ago
#14 RGL S8 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#9 where all my pre-2010 gamers at? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#17 Why the WMO is the best mouse on the market in Hardware


posted about 2 years ago
#13 define “generations” of TF2 players in TF2 General Discussion

Holy shit Alex has been winning longer than b4nny

posted about 2 years ago
#3 The Bogs are dead in World Events

sell signal

posted about 2 years ago
#50 NA Invite Top 100: #5-#1 in News

If I had to base things off how hard I got shitstomped in the "golden era", and how hard those guys dominated the whole div I would put b4nny, clock, plat, enigma, TLR/seagull/harb. But after playing vs people like yomps, habib, laz, jay and slemnish I could argue all of them deserve top 5 so it's kinda hard to rank people based on 1 time span alone.

Given I played all those eras mentioned, I can safely say there are insane prodigies in both who dominate, but I would not harp on boomers too hard since the meta and way of playing the game was just worse back then. I will stand by what I said before, what made those guys really good back then was their ability to learn and if they wanted to play again they would certainly be very good again after a season or two.

posted about 2 years ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 131