our teams plans also died, if anyone's still looking for a scout hmu, I'd love to play
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Last Posted | December 1, 2024 at 12:38 PM |
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our teams plans also died, if anyone's still looking for a scout hmu, I'd love to play
I do agree tho that league bans are not necessary unless things like this happen in-game, at which point they break league rules.
This is something we should take care of as a community, call shit like this out, cut off people that support it, let them live in their circlejerk that thinks it's funny
EDIT: ondkaja's comment makes a fair point as well, this behavior can very well damage the look of the league so I guess there's a valid reason there
TailorTFYeeHawjust curious, what sort of TF2 content did this guy make before he got banned? i saw he had a popular stream in the sidebar but i'm not familiar with his channelHe mostly made videos of him getting sniper frags in lobbies and pubs if I remember correctly.
That is not me, you must be thinking of ShortWhat.
On topic: variety of TF2 stuff. Video essays and commentaries, live comms related to wacky maps, gamemodes and mods, stream highlights and sometimes stuff you could deem as going way out of the line of ordinary TF2.
Blizzard are trying so hard to make a professional esports league, but their policies are turning the game into an actual joke and literally sucking every fun part out of esports as a whole.
Not to mention their piss-poor management of the game in general. The absolutely useless PTR (changes shipped without community feedback mattering); updates literally only centered around hyping up skins to sell more lootboxes; ignoring feedback from high-level gameplay and instead balancing around quickplay; their atrocious """"toxicity"""" policy, not allowing you to play the game in a way you like, even in quickplay, or for using voicelines, or taunts... the list goes on.
"Having fun in our game? No thank you, thanks for the 40$ btw."
It's a shame really, OW is an okay game, fun to watch at times and obviously a lot of the personalities in the OWL are amazing people, but Blizzard are a fucking joke.
Name: Surny
Country: Germany
Stream TF2 and occasionally other games
Pubs, occasionally FaceIT, waiting for the TF2PL to finally hit EU to stream that a bunch
I mean, nothing's stopping him from going out of his way to find the servers those games are on.
Wouldn't surprise me, this dude's desperate for some form of attention
PuoskariVery likely same person joined my stream, threatened to ddos me apparently, didn't notice, well i got ddosed and then when i got subbed someone joined the pug with spinbot and my name or some shit. this guy, he has essentials followed as well, wasn't that ddosed too?
It has to be that dude, he's currently going around doing it to all kinds of TF2-streams. Did it to me until I cranked up that ddos protection on my server.
All you can really do for now on casted games is to play on protected servers I'm afraid.
EDIT: He's a known cheater as well apparently.
I never post on this website but I like compliments
This happened to me like a week or two ago, worked around it by task-killing.
It randomly stopped happening after like 2 days though, so idk
I dominated benny :)
Appearently at least 2 teams will be running Prolander
Have fun.