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SteamID64 76561198057286883
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Country Poland
Signed Up September 8, 2016
Last Posted May 29, 2024 at 11:40 AM
Posts 1272 (0.4 per day)
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Headphones Sennheiser PC360
Monitor my parents bought it for me for christmas like 3 y
1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 85
#73 TF2 needs optimization in TF2 General Discussion

This is a throwback. What a legendary thread

posted about 4 years ago
#68 what happend to tftv in Site Discussion

Not saying this is the main reason tftv sucks these days, but lately so many harmless meaningless threads have been getting locked. I love those silly little stupid threads where people just run along with a jokr, but they've been constantly getting dumpstered AND locked. Why bother having a subforum for shitposts and joke threads if you're going to lock them and prevent further goofing around anyway?

I agree some threads where there is actual flaming going on in them should be locked for sake of preventing a wildfire of toxicity, but now it just feels like admins are using it at their discression to lock threads they just don't like. even when there's nothing necessarily wrong going on in them.

posted about 4 years ago
#39 I need your terrible inventions in Off Topic

A bookmark with an adjustable slit which indicates the exact word you last read.

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Math problem IQ test in Off Topic

inb4 some bot necros this thread a year from now advertising their maths homework website or some shit

posted about 4 years ago
#10 gay in TF2 General Discussion

sorry in advance for my ego but my favourite gay player is ME!!!!!

posted about 4 years ago
#28 I need your terrible inventions in Off Topic

A thing which holds open plastic bags to your dog's arse so that when your dog shits when out for a walk, you don't need to pick up your dog's poop yourself

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Political Corruption in Malta in World Events

Also, please, if you are interested or want to remain aware of this situation, please do not get all your information from me. I am simply relaying the information I hear from our local media outlets. I am not a journalist. I am not guaranteeing that everything I say is 100% factual. I could be biased and not know it. Please make sure to do your own research. For all I know, I alongside the rest of the Maltese population who believe our government is corrupt, could all be hideously wrong, though I hope and feel confident that this is not the case. Do your own research and above all, think for yourself.

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Political Corruption in Malta in World Events

Update: Articles are circulating that Joseph Muscat is set to announce his resignation from his position as prime minister in the coming hours. If this turns out to be true, this is fantastic news, as he will no longer be in a position to pull the strings regarding the investigation of the murder.

On a personal note, I am partly relieved, but I remain skeptical as to who will take his place, as they are coming from and will still represent the labour party, which to me, is still guilty for unanimously supporting Muscat in his position in the events leading up to this announcement.

Thank you guys for your kind comments thus far. This seems to be a step in the right direction, though the case is far from closed.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Political Corruption in Malta in World Events

I would just like to put this out there, even if it does not spark a discussion. If just a few people learn about what's currently happening here, then that's good enough for me.

Malta is currently undergoing one of the biggest political scandals in European history.
For the uninitiated, 2 years ago, Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated. She was the only major investigative journalist in Malta, and in the months leading to her assassination, she was uncovering a lot of corruption within our island's government. Amongst other things, she revealed that our prime minister, as well as his chief of staff and other ministers, all had companies set up in Panama for tax evasion. Two years have passed and up to a few days ago those people were still in power, with not much progress made on the investigation of her murder.

However, these past 10 days have been like a fever dream for this country. People with ties to her murder one by one got caught and were quick spill the details and rat out other suspects in return for presidential pardons. Not long after, the prime minister's chief of staff, Keith Schembri, resigned from his position, only to be arrested the following day on suspect of being the mastermind behind Daphne's assassination. On the same day of his arrest, one of the ministers (Konrad Mizzi) related to the Panama Papers scandal resigned from his position. Another minister, Chris Cardona also 'suspended himself' until investigations regarding the murder concluded.

At the time I'm writing this, our prime minster, Joseph Muscat, has maintained his position. Despite the fact that, even if Muscat had no involvement in Daphne's murder, there isn't a shadow of a doubt that he was aware of everything going on. Those were his right-hand men who resigned amidst all this unfolding. That was his chief of staff who got arrested and is suspected of being the mastermind behind Daphne's murder.

Unfortunately, the situation seems to be such that the ball is always in our prime minister's court. He is involved in the investigation of Daphne's murder, despite those being his ex-colleagues and close friends suspected in the case and despite the fact that the general public sees him as a suspect as well. He is also calling the shots on who gets their presidential pardons and who doesn't. To top it all off, not more than 2 hours ago as of writing this post, Keith Schembri was released from custody. This is a mere two days after he was arrested for being the suspected mastermind behind Daphne's assassination.

Malta has reached an all-time high in terms of mass hysteria and scepticism. There are mass protests taking place in the capital city and in front of parliament everyday now. Today, people actually went back to form a second protest after the news got out that Keith Schembri was released from custody. It is unquestionable at this point - our prime minister and his associates were willingly involved in the planned assassination of the one person who could have ripped them out of government with the touch of a button. I can only hope that it is only a matter of time before our prime minister resigns and our government collapses.

For those who want to do more research about the situation, look up about Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder. I've linked a blogpost by her son, which offers a good, although emotionally charged, rundown of the events currently going on. I still implore those interested to do more research.

If you've read this far, thank you for your attention. Again, I don't really anticipate much of a discussion will bloom out of this post, but I suppose there's no harm in spreading word of what's happening here.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Happy Thanksgiving in World Events

Wow.. I wouldve never guessed that eXtine would vape the turkey, insult the sprouts and destroy the potatoes. Thats gotta be a bad thanksgiving dinner.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 ETF2L S34 Div1 GF: Crunge Esports vs. Lentavat Sirkkelit in Events

posted about 4 years ago
#15 top juice threead in TF2 General Discussion

Pineapple easy

posted about 4 years ago
#23 shitpost containment thread in The Dumpster

Underrated post

posted about 4 years ago
#6 ams quits in TF2 General Discussion

Underrated post

posted about 4 years ago
#18 Hey guys, didn't you hear tf2 is dead? in TF2 General Discussion

Does anybody remember when VNN found out about comp tf2 and kept referring to b4nny as "bunny" and deleted the video a few days later because of it?

posted about 4 years ago
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