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Signed Up June 24, 2015
Last Posted October 15, 2017 at 5:07 AM
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#10 17 in Projects

the showmatch sounds hilarious, can't wait

posted about 6 years ago
#4 CPU without Ivy Bridge similar to Intel i7-3770? in Hardware

Ivy bridge isn't a thing inside the CPU, it's what intel named that specific generation of CPUs. What generation of CPUs your motherboard is compatible with depends on its socket.

posted about 7 years ago
#30 Starkie Legacy The Second in Videos

I'm not sure if the music is part of the joke or if that's just beater being beater.

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Mr Slin - Potential Fixes for 5cp in Comp TF2 in Videos
qkye5cp is meant to play smart ( slow ) against good teams. No room for mistakes.

tf2 was designed for competitive play?

posted about 7 years ago
#25 my 5cp idea to help with stalemates in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#3 fix kuferl dm servers ty in TF2 General Discussion

fix kuferl please

posted about 7 years ago
#7 koth_heartthrob in Map Discussion

looking at the top image, the "main" area around the point looks soooo tiny

posted about 7 years ago
#40 To Valve. RE: The current state of demoman in TF2 General Discussion
clckwrkobviously in a competitive ruleset in which you're allowed 2 of every combat hero except for demoman, he gets the short end of the stick. the reason demoman was limited to 1 in the first place is his ridiculous control over the game.

it's unlikely valve will balance the game around an arbitrary ruleset of "class limit 2, except for medic, demo, engineer, or heavy" or whatever the accepted ruleset is

so glock or no glock??

posted about 7 years ago
#50 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion

It wouldn't have an impact on me, but I sure as hell wouldn't blame someone for being impacted by something like that. That's not something you should have to be able to put up with just because you want to play pugs/comp tf2.

saamfind some other shit to experience in life besides tf2

I think you have it completely upside down. The more of "real life" you experience, the less shit you want to put up with when you play tf2, because it's not as essential to you so any stress you get from it just feels stupid and the whole idea of playing tf2 becomes counterproductive.

posted about 7 years ago
#43 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion
quequeni dont get why se7en had to upload this other than to start more tf2 "drama" :vGazThis shouldn't be on the Se7en Youtube channel imo. Feels quite unprofessionalsaamto be fair if you're a very new player you probably shouldn't be adding to the late night IM/invite pugs, it's not fun for anyone and people aren't playing 1am pugs to teach new players how to play the gameLonsforWhy is the official Se7en youtube channel posting pity drama videos?

Keep in mind that the medic (psi) wasn't just yelled at by b4nny, his fans also told him to commit suicide. B4nny has so much influence over the young minds of his fans, and so if he does something, hundreds/tens of ignorant kids will follow suit.

I do think that whoever silly boy behind this video probably just wanted some stupid drama, but whatever the case you should keep in mind that exposing b4nny like this means standing up against hundreds/tens of kids bandwagoning hate on people.

Psi doesn't seem to have been affected by it, but it could've been a lot harder to take for someone more sensitive, had he been yelled at by a respected and influential community member (and his fans).

posted about 7 years ago
#25 New top eu team to challenge 7? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#8 Mirelin banned from ETF2L in TF2 General Discussion

yea mirelin's being pretty silly

posted about 7 years ago
#20 ETF2L is temporarily offline in TF2 General Discussion

what about the beta version? it hasn't been up for about a week

posted about 7 years ago
#21 Pro Gamer in Esports
PubSimply put:

Streamers are usually paid entertainers

Pro gamers earn their money through competition.

I mostly agree with you, but I think that most players we consider to be "pro" actually get quite a lot of money through streaming.

posted about 7 years ago
#374 The Side Porn Show in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
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