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Signed Up October 30, 2012
Last Posted February 27, 2021 at 2:57 AM
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#4 AsiaFortress Cup 9 Showmatch: Emi Dizziness vs. Cute Beast in Events

updated with vods, please let me know what you think about the showmatch!

posted about 8 years ago
#3 AsiaFortress Cup 9 Showmatch: Emi Dizziness vs. Cute Beast in Events

showmatch delayed by ~1 hour due to player issues. Sorry!

posted about 8 years ago
#197 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

I uploaded b9 to the workshop:

I'll take it down when the original author uploads it himself.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Asia TF2 Roadmap in News
KanecoShounicThey kept pushing in on even ubers and won. If that isn't insane I don't know what is.I believe that called superior dm.
If u keep winning teamfights on even ubers/non uber pushes and with no discernible player advantage you just have better dm

I can't say you're wrong, but the only notable players on Cute Beast were the pocket and scout, and Unagi Park had a few star Korean players too.

I watched the cast back a little since you brought it up, and there were plenty of times where Unagi Park's flank would destroy Cute Beast's flank, so I still don't really think it's up to DM since there's times where Unagi Park would win DM fights.

The thing is that Cute Beast is winning even uber fights without relying on DM. I remember asking them in mumble why they were so successful with it, and 10 (the CB scout) said that they practiced their coordination and uber kiting tactics a lot.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Asia TF2 Roadmap in News
aimanfireMy biggest problem with asiafortress (trying to watch every bit of comp. tf2 that i can) is that it's hard to navigate. where are the standings or brackets? if you could explain it that would be nice :)

For now we only really have a forum to work with and a challonge account, so our matches are coordinated through forum posts in a particular section by the admin (e.g. me) and the respective team leaders will talk it out there. Our brackets aren't created yet as the season hasn't started, but when it does me / another admin sticky a forum post with the link to the challonge brackets. I'll remember to add them to the Youtube VOD descriptions!

RainmanI would really like to see more activity between Asia Fortress and TF.TV since we never hear of them. Maybe if things go well, there will be the possibility of an Asian team at the next I-series?

To be completely honest, the only real issue is money. Our community is too tiny to be able to fund anything, but given that can be covered for us, I think it shouldn't be too insanely hard to put some sort of a team together.

Tery_Shounici'm swimming in pussy send the life guard
Do not believe shounic's lies.

are you being racist

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Asia TF2 Roadmap in News
badinkajinkcan you describe the 'ridiculous' chinese style?

They kept pushing in on even ubers and won. If that isn't insane I don't know what is.

JINGJINGdoes asiafortress have any cute tf2 asian girl gamers

i'm swimming in pussy send the life guard

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Consolidation of the TF2 competitive scene. in TF2 General Discussion

i agree with what other people said, has a lot of room to grow and become the go to link for whatever a newbie needs to see. Even that thread on consolidating newbie resources is quite hidden within the forums and i doubt new players have the patience to really sift through the mess to find some good guides. I think should honestly just be less of "here are some links" but rather "if you're new, everything you need is here" so include guides to getting a team / pugging / practicing dm etc for each region.

to be completely honest if the guy has disappeared i wouldn't mind making a site like that so there isn't so much bullshit edit: many twist and turns a new player has to make to find what they need.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Gunboats Pocket in TF2 General Discussion

aggressive = good
gunboats = aggressive

-> gunboats = good

always gunboats pocket


posted about 9 years ago
#35 a humble request from AsiaFortress in TF2 General Discussion

I've opened a Patreon!!!

We're still thinking about how we want to reward people and I hope I haven't taken too long to do it. We're still open to ideas so don't be shy to say something to us! I wanna thank WhoDatBe for giving us 5$ recently too, you're all amazing.

Enough of that though, the Koreans are currently running a local tournament trying to raise some young talent. I'm planning to follow them at the semi and grand finals, but are people interested enough to want coverage throughout the entire bracket? From what I hear they have two double elimination brackets (split due to skill level) so it might be logistically difficult to cover them all.

AFC9 is also coming up, would people like to see the round robin phases? AFC is split into 3 divisions with a round robin to seed into a playoffs bracket, so a lot of matches are going to be happening. Maybe I can pick out which matches to follow, or catch the STVs?

And finally I've started streaming more often!! If you see me online come say hi! I'm in the process of making a highlight video of all the stupid shit that I happen to catch so hopefully people will enjoy that.

Thanks for sticking around everyone :D

posted about 9 years ago
#45 asian pipe jesus? in Videos
blue_rondoum that red soldier didnt really die in that first clip
but a sick shot anyways

shhhhhhhhhh we need to keep the illusion alive..

(i'll pay you)

posted about 9 years ago
#33 a humble request from AsiaFortress in TF2 General Discussion

Alright bump time!

I've set up some bits of the Patreon and I've reached a point where I want to hear about what people think. So the tshirt thing is on our minds, but we want to have a better understanding of what people want.

I've set up my stream and have all the time in the world, what do you want to see? Keep in mind that if you want me to go pug with the koreans and japanese, regardless of ping, the language barrier is going to be difficult. the pugs I usually play in involve english speakers, so does that interest anyone?

For now, don't worry about how silly the suggestion may be - we just want to know what captures people the most about our tiny scene. Maybe I could host some show matches? scrims? mixes versus the koreans and japanese guys?

posted about 9 years ago
#9 asian pipe jesus? in Videos

Mad played for Unagi Park in the tournament that just passed. I can confirm I saw him hit pipes only a young fool could dream of with my own eyes. He's in a Korean super team now that's going to try take revenge on the Chinese super team for taking their crown for being the best Asian tf2 country. Hype!

posted about 9 years ago
#31 a humble request from AsiaFortress in TF2 General Discussion
futurefundraiser tshirt
All profits go to the league, I have the know how's and the tech to make it happen. Add me and lets make something happen <<<

I can even handle some orders and do shipping to folks in the US and send you the dough

Uhhh I know you told me you tend to forget things but I talked to you about it the other day, so... Sure?

posted about 9 years ago
#20 a humble request from AsiaFortress in TF2 General Discussion
ConcordiaShounic, I'm sorry I can't donate due to my economical situation but, if I may suggest maybe if AF wanna be included to the TF.TV line of casts, maybe show them some clips of AF matches to the TF.TV staffs. Maybe they will consider. Remember when AF once casted on TF.TV when Mercenary CUp.. I forget when Deadly Momentum vs and again I forgot the other team. Oh well. You know what I mean. Cheers.

We have plans for what we want to do, and we've got contact with people. They're very willing and helpful people but the issue isn't with them it's us having to get ourselves organized to present things to the world. We've never broadcasted much and considered growing seriously so we want to do it correctly and carefully this one time we begin our efforts. It'll be obvious when we get the ball rolling and we want to put our hearts into it so please just be patient for us :)

posted about 9 years ago
#18 a humble request from AsiaFortress in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for the suggestion, we'll be sure to look into doing a Patreon.

I wanna bump this thread to say thanks to someone called Teng Cai who sent in 38 dollars holy shit thank you!

We're going to work hard over the next few months to bring some exciting Asian content to and I hope you let us know who you are so I can keep track of who we want to sent personalized thanks to!

posted about 9 years ago
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