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Signed Up December 28, 2016
Last Posted September 27, 2024 at 9:50 PM
Posts 457 (0.2 per day)
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#9812 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 1 week ago
#4 democall in Videos
GrapeJuiceIIIPOV + STV when possible :)

updated that link with STV demo + tick (in .txt file)!

posted 3 weeks ago
#2 democall in Videos

got a huge airshot the other day, happy to share. It's POV but I can help u find the STV if you want

Link includes tick, demo, and a preview image :)

posted 3 weeks ago
#1 TUTORIAL: Recording TF2 with Melies + SparklyFX in Q/A Help

I got sick of Lawena acting really buggy, even with the community patches, after the 64 bit update and decided to explore different workflows.

Using Melies Recording Tool and SparklyFX together is really powerful and easy so I made this video tutorial to help others get started!

It's super nice to just start the process and then just walk away from my PC while the automation takes over and grinds through recording all my bookmarks for me. Enjoy! Shoutout to Maven and Hold On! for collaborating to integrate their two tools, this is awesome

posted 1 month ago
#13348 stream highlights in Videos

posted 1 month ago
#9791 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 1 month ago
#1 ETF2L PASS TIME Cup Group Stage R3: the streets don't know you vs. Tier 1 Jumpers in Events

posted 2 months ago
#2 Observer Feedback in TF2 General Discussion

I have casted, produced/observed, and just enjoyed comp TF2 as a casual viewer for quite a while - my thoughts, spewed out in no particular order:

I know Dr. Underscore of Fireside has a plugin called Flask where it matches your player camera in game to the observer's so you know what's on your screen is what the cast will display, without having to deal with stream delay or a separate observer feed. When I cast with them I find it a really powerful tool to know that what I'm talking about and what the stream is seeing is 100% in sync.

Static cams can be a useful tool for an occasional cutaway to cover chaotic but localized fights like last pushes, but should be used lightly since a good POV is always more compelling.

I've always thought pre-made smooths that follow rollouts, like they do in CS:GO, are theoretically possible within the engine and could be incorporated into casts with enough production value.

I think cheatfeed is a must have for observers when it's an option - I know some older producer/observers swear by their ability to follow a fight organically and refuse to use cheatfeed at all and I question that approach. I think the best way to observe is a healthy mixture of using your own gamesense as an observer to predict the flow of the game, while also checking the cheatfeed to make sure you catch critical moments.

The danger of cheatfeed is that when you rely only on cheatfeed to observe you start to lose any surprise or drama in the match, as a viewer you start to sense that the player the observer cuts to will always be the one winning a given fight or making an effective play.

posted 2 months ago
#13 (ETF2L) The offseason is 4 months long. Thoughts? in TF2 General Discussion

ETF2L is also running a 4v4 Passtime Cup over the summer, June 24th – July 19th

posted 4 months ago
#2 4v4 PASS Time $100 Draft Cup - Day 2 in Events


posted 4 months ago
#1 4v4 PASS Time $100 Draft Cup - Day 2 in Events

TIMING DETAILS FROM THE EVENT PAGE: (Note that we will likely run ahead of schedule since players like to get into their next matches quickly)

Sunday, 2 June - 15:00 EDT | 12:00 PDT - Best-of-3
Upper-bracket Semifinals
Sunday, 2 June - 17:00 EDT | 14:00 PDT - Best-of-3
Upper-bracket Final
Lower-bracket Semifinal
Sunday, 2 June - 19:00 EDT | 16:00 PDT - Best-of-3
Lower-bracket Final
Sunday, 2 June - 21:00 EDT | 18:00 PDT - Best-of-5 with 1-Win Advantage to UB Winner
Grand Final

posted 4 months ago
#13 are there any fun games left guys? in Other Games

Seconding Hunt:Showdown if you like that extraction shooter adrenaline

posted 4 months ago
#75 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion

posted 4 months ago
#7 * RGL Season 15 preview in News

wait this season looks good???

posted 4 months ago
#2 * 4v4 PASS Time Draft Cup with Fireside preview in News
YoYoBobbyJoeWow, Bobby Match really got shafted, huh?

sorry Bobby we didn't have the budget for 2 TFTV articles T-T

posted 4 months ago
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