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Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2023 at 7:41 PM
Posts 360 (0.1 per day)
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Headphones Sennheiser PC 360
Monitor ASUS VG278HE
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#6 Tech_N9ne LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Old school player! Knows how to play the game and a chill person. Definitely high Open / IM.

posted about a year ago
#2 Scout - OPEN/IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

From one washed up player to another, Dance has always been a nice person, and a good TF2 player. Known him for years now, longer than anyone else currently playing competitively. Would recommend to any team.

posted about 6 years ago
#39 GoT season 6 in Music, Movies, TV

Look at the bright side, D&D's take on Dorne is one step closer to ending.

Wasted potential though. I think Doran's actor was pretty good for the little screen time he had. I feel like D&D took a good, hard look at what went wrong with season five and decided a quicker death to this miserable plot will make everyone happier in the long run.

posted about 8 years ago
#416 GXL LAN 2015 in News


posted about 9 years ago
#12 ESEA Invite Season 20 Preview in News

Phelon and I have switched roles. I'm playing roamer, Phelon is on pocket.

posted about 9 years ago
#121 Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide in Off Topic
HedoKingogluI think civil partnership would be enough, marriage means both changing the traditional way marriage is, and opening a door for homosexuals to raise children...

You mean, separate but equal? That worked out well for blacks...

posted about 9 years ago
#86 Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide in Off Topic

If you want some good laughs (and facepalms) over the next year or so, I'd recommend subscribing to Right Wing Watch. You're going to hear a lot of crazy things from christian conservatives that will be covered by them after this decision, and during the upcoming election.

posted about 9 years ago
#65 Game of Thrones S5 in Music, Movies, TV
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fuck that fire priestess Melisandre she killed shireen :((((
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You'll be thanking her next season.
posted about 9 years ago
#29 Game of Thrones S5 in Music, Movies, TV
BLoodSireRigelI don't mind most of the changes, except of course Ser Grandfather's early death.
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One change I especially like is how they're handling Winterfell. I can see Theon's redemption arc being very satisfying, especially after seeing that last scene.

I always felt Jorah would end up playing the role of the tragic hero, every part of him both in the books and show seems to point to it, so him getting grayscale is only fitting.

Book 5 Spoilers Below, Friends:
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The reason I hate the Winterfell shift is because it takes 2 POV characters (Sansa and Theon) and merges them, seemingly for the benefit of advancing only Theon's story in the show. I get sort of eye-rolly when people start talking about women's victimization in fictional storytelling, but . . . Sansa is already a victim and already a survivor. Her plot line in the books has her moving away from that; now in the show, they've backtracked and added rape to her victimization. The big question is why? Sansa is a victim, Ramsey is a villain, Theon is a broken man who needs to find redemption. All of these things are true without raping Sansa. So why rape her? It also seems pretty tasteless when you consider the title of the episode was "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" but the focus was not on Dorne.

Sansa in Winterfell could have been interesting if they made her a player there. Instead she is just a pawn for Littlefinger's plot line, and Theon's. I'm not a Sansa fan in the books, but people have been wondering when she'll ever get her own story. I see where they are coming from.

As for the Jorah thing, I'm interested to see where it goes (this probably means he'll be the one in the pits when the Drogon "pops in," but it puts a tentative end to this theory: http://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/1xgw3l/spoilers_all_i_guess_you_could_say_im_on_a_jorah/ And that is a big shame, because it's an awesome theory.

I disagree completely that Sansa is the victim here. She could have easily told Baelish she wanted no part in this arrangement a few episodes ago. It's also not like Sansa didn't know what was going to happen to her the night of her wedding. She specifically chose this path because she was ready for it. She has completely matured at this point and is in charge of her own destiny... even if it means going through some pretty nasty stuff. She isn't frightened anymore, as you can tell from the bath scene, and it looks like there's going to be a conspiracy brewing after watching the trailer for next week.

But why have her raped? Well, with a wedding comes a bedding, and I have a hard time seeing Sansa willingly bedding Ramsey. It meant a lot for Theon's character, which I feel was definitely the focus of the scene. You can tell he's completely broken at this point, but you could glimpse a little bit of that shortly before when he goes up to Sansa's room before the wedding to take her to it. Maybe there was a way to get around the whole bedding without turning Sansa's character into something closer to Margeary or Cersei (manipulative and borderline whore-ish), but I can't see it.

I do think it says something about Sansa's character though if she was willing to go through with this, knowing what was going to eventually happen. We'll have to see how the season plays out, but I have a feeling that Sansa is going to be in an interesting position by season's end. They've been reminding us "the north remembers" every episode, and I don't think D&D will wait till next season to tell us what exactly that means.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Game of Thrones S5 in Music, Movies, TV

I don't mind most of the changes, except of course Ser Grandfather's early death.

Show Content
One change I especially like is how they're handling Winterfell. I can see Theon's redemption arc being very satisfying, especially after seeing that last scene.

I always felt Jorah would end up playing the role of the tragic hero, every part of him both in the books and show seems to point to it, so him getting grayscale is only fitting.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 I need help regarding RAM upgrades in Hardware

The disc (or flash drive if you go this route) itself is necessary for the installation. It contains the files required for the actual installation of Windows. The product key is usually printed on the box itself. You have to manually enter it during the installation of Windows.

If you had an installation disc, you could buy a product key. However, I wouldn't trust purchasing a product key off eBay. The product key is checked once you get an internet connection on your machine. If its invalid or already taken, you're going to run into more problems.

I'm not too experienced with doing things this way so I'll refrain from any more comment on that subject.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 I need help regarding RAM upgrades in Hardware
MubbyRigelYou would need to buy a 64bit version of Windows. You can install it on your current PC. As with any install of an OS, you'd overwrite your drive and lose any data on it.
Would this include programs, and important stuff the computer needs to actually run?

Windows comes with everything that is needed for the computer to run. You'll be left with a bare-bones system and have to start from scratch. This means re-downloading all the programs you once had. If you have any important documents (perhaps stuff from school you need) store them on Dropbox or something before you proceed with the install.

You should be able to buy Windows from any online retail store that sells computer stuff (Newegg, Amazon, PCOutlet has it 13 dollars off right now if I recall correctly). Alternatively, Best Buy should still be selling copies. I'd recommend Windows 7, but you could go with Windows 8 if you'd like. Windows 10 will come as a free upgrade when it comes out to current owners of either Windows 7 or 8, so buying Windows Vista again at 64 bit would be less than ideal.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 I need help regarding RAM upgrades in Hardware

You would need to buy a 64bit version of Windows. You can install it on your current PC. As with any install of an OS, you'll lose any data on the drive you install Windows on.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 I need help regarding RAM upgrades in Hardware

If you want to upgrade your RAM, the best way to check the DDR type is to remove your current RAM and check the labels on it. It's likely DDR2 or DDR3 depending on how old the computer is.

Look up a video on how to install and remove the RAM. Try to remember which slots the RAM sticks were in before you remove it too. Depending on your motherboard, it might matter.

If you don't want to open your computer just yet, you can also download a program called CPU-Z and check this page for the information you're looking for:


Buy RAM sticks that are the same DDR level as you currently have, and have about the same frequency. If you use CPU-Z to figure out the frequency, you have to multiply the frequency by two to get the real frequency (533Mhz * 2 = 1066Mhz). So in the above case, you'd want to buy DDR3 RAM with a frequency of ~1066Mhz.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Tom Brady to be suspended in Off Topic

Someone is going to be suspended for something someone else did, which wasn't caught by someone that should have caught it, and there's a kinda sorta more-than-fifty-percent chance that he knew about it.

Sounds legit.

posted about 9 years ago
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