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Signed Up November 15, 2015
Last Posted May 14, 2024 at 10:38 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ⋅⋅ 137
#5 why does it take so long 4 cheaters to get banned in TF2 General Discussion

Hold On!!! Stop this NonSense!!! If You Publicly Accuse A Cheater of Cheating, It Actively Hinders AntiCheat Progress! This Will Help The Cheater Hide Their Cheating, Making It All But Impossible To Take Corrective Action!!!! Time to Lock The Thread!

posted about 3 years ago
#11159 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#27 Refresh: Gully (Prerelease thread) in Map Discussion

Overall, the clipping improvements are great, especially in lobby. Makes rolling out lower a lot less of a pain. : you can stand on top of here by shutter/2nd forward spawn. Not too big of an issue but also kinda goofy : here under mid theres either a leak or a nodraw placed here that shouldn't be. I think this can cause some performance issues. : not a fan of removing this hiding spot :( it was neat. : it appears you tried to remove this hiding spot but its still possible to do albeit you are stuck surfing on it instead of being able to stand. not a fan of "nerfing"/removing imo : you can see over into mid by jumping up over the roof. You can see entities too i think cus u can see my stickies

posted about 3 years ago
#11146 stream highlights in Videos
wonszunot from stream, but it was insane tbh

posted about 3 years ago
#3 I'm gay in The Dumpster

posted about 3 years ago
#59 RGL's reach outside of official matches in TF2 General Discussion
When enforcing this rule, RGL makes the assumption that the person who organized the scrim or pugscrim is responsible for each player's inclusion in it, which is true in almost every situation.

In my experience at least, this is far from the truth. 90% of my pugscrim experiences involve me and 1 or 2 other people all scrambling to message everyone on our friendslist, and we usually all pull 1-2 people each. I'm sure there are others who can back me up here.

Ultimately though, as a scrim organizer, you take responsibility for your team in the scrim. This rule is also by far our most widely published rule, being displayed in a large banner at the top of every banned player's page, so we feel it is reasonable to expect players to be aware of this rule.

It wasn't a scrim, it was a pugscrim. I feel like there is a big enough distinction here to where you can make it a rule, maybe define what RGL sees as a pugscrim (x players on a roster or something) instead of just blanket banning like this.

posted about 3 years ago
#23 PugChamp Evidence of Alien Lifeform in TF2 General Discussion

watched the codyody demo and I'm almost sure he's triggerbotting in it. There are so many moments where he aims at people and doesn't shoot because he expects his triggerbot to do it (best seen in the first clip where any non cheater would take the shot on the demo but cody doesn't). Many other moments where he peppers people who come on his crosshair across the map for like 1 frame for no reason. Also in the log/demo shown in the video cody shoots his teammates and the air very often to lower his acc on the logs page but i think thats what zesty was showing in one of the clips.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 fenomeno / toasterbr0 in TF2 General Discussion
a man can only take so much
never forget

posted about 3 years ago
#9 My thoughts on the Loch-n-Load in The Dumpster

Look, I'm gonna be completely honest here and say that I have no idea how this website really works. Is turning a guide someone made into a copypasta something that happens normally, or do y'all just not take this seriously at all? I'm honestly curious.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 My thoughts on the Loch-n-Load in The Dumpster

The Loch-n-Load is looked at by many to be Demoman's worst primary, and while in some scenarios that's true, there's one area where it's usable to its fullest.

Before that though, let's look at what it offers. First, let's look at the extra damage to buildings. That seems great and all, but stickies can destroy buildings just as easily, so on a stock Demo loadout, this stat is pretty negligible. Second, there's the longer travel time granted by the faster projectiles. On stock demo, the grenades are usually your close to mid-range option, with stickies being your mid to long-range option. Making your grenades able to fill all 3 of those options is useful, but you can do better at long ranged combat with stickies more often than not. Finally, there's the faster pills. This is useful for follow-up damage, and is arguably the only thing this gun has going for it when it comes to stock Demo in my opinion. But with the downsides of no rollers, a smaller blast radius, and 1 less pipe, this launcher is almost a direct downgrade to the stock launcher, meaning that you'd be better off with any of the other 3 launcher options.

So where is this gun viable? Usually it's just used as a crutch for people who can't aim pills, so what possible situation could you be in to make this better than the other 3 launchers? Well, in my opinion, Hybrid-Knight is the way to go with this launcher. Let's look at the stats again, but in the context that you have opted to use a shield in place of a stickybomb launcher. Extra damage to buildings? That is amazing to have, since sentries shut down a Demoknight otherwise. And since you can now 2-shot a level 3 sentry, you can kill a nest and then pick off the Engineer or anyone else using the dispenser to heal, which if you're using a sword like the Half-Zatoichi or the Eyelander will let you leave the fray with more health than usual (overheal for the Half-Zatoichi and a higher overall health with the Eyelander). Now, you may argue that any launcher can take out a sentry base (save for the Loose Cannon) easily, but that's where the second upside comes in. You can outrange the sentry thanks to the longer travel distance, letting you safely pick it off. With other launchers, you'll often have to quickly enter then exit the sentry's range before being able to actually hit it.

But this is only with sentries. Let's talk about the other bonuses this launcher offers for Hybrid-Knight. The longer range also lets you comfortably be able to deal with opponents out of the range of your charge. Normally if you had stickies, this long range wouldn't be an issue, as you can charge a shot with the launcher, but with this, you can take out someone shooting you from a distance that you normally couldn't reach. Take pl_frontier's last point for example. On defense, if you hide out by the little shack in the corner, you can comfortably take out any enemies hiding on the cliff or on the other side of the building. This can let you take out a push from the safety of the shack, and then charge inwith your shield once the powerhouses are either retreating or dead to take out the rest. Considering that this location is a common place for a BLU dispenser, it is often that it'll end up housing a potential push.

This gun also has very good synergy with a shield. Say you miss a melee swing and end up sending your opponent flying backwards. This is where the faster projectile speed comes into play. You can quickly switch back to your primary and finish them off in 1 to 2 good shots. The same goes for if your charge is empty and an enemy is retreating. Your fast pills and their long travel distance can finish off that pesky scout that you almost had but barely missed with your melee.

Based off of what I've observed from using the Loch-n-Load for a while now, it's my current go-to choice for a primary weapon on my main loadout, which also uses the Tide Turner and the Bottle. Sure you lose out on the area denial of the other launchers, or the mobility offered by the Iron Bomber or the Loose Cannon, but this gun's synergy with Hybrid-Knight is nothing to be underestimated, which is why I use it.

Hopefully this can change your mind on this weapon normally used as a crutch, or at least give you a new perspective on how to use it. I've been having a lot of fun with it in my main Demo loadout, being a Hybrid-Knight, and it's capable of doing some serious damage.

tl;dr: The Loch-n-Load is probably the worst choice for stock Demoman, but works very well on a Hybrid-Knight loadout.

posted about 3 years ago
#17 what happened in TF2 General Discussion

samiface really 0 for 2 on LANs

posted about 3 years ago
#11074 stream highlights in Videos

where the fuck did he come from

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Is Lange OK? in Off Topic

its either hes schizo or hes being extremely pretentious
everyone instantly assuming hes mentally ill but its also a possibility he has some sort of ego
also apparently he deleted the nodecg github which is pretty dumb

posted about 3 years ago
#11070 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#156 pegging in Off Topic

full circle

posted about 3 years ago
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