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SteamID64 76561198163061296
SteamID3 [U:1:202795568]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:101397784
Country Finland
Signed Up December 15, 2014
Last Posted August 27, 2021 at 2:04 PM
Posts 464 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.835
Windows Sensitivity 36.7cm/360
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK1
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#2 Silentes cfg? in The Dumpster

If you didn't find it on his profile or twitch page, then your best bet is to ask him directly for it. I hardly doubt anyone else here is going to have it as ppl tend to use their own configs.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 ETF2L is temporarily offline in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#6 We seriously need more koth and a/d maps. in TF2 General Discussion

Hasn't there been dozens of threads like this "We need koth maps" already? I think ppl are aware it'd be nice, I think it comes down to the lack of good koth maps but I'm not sure though.
Also isn't it like gravel pit for example is aids for players but interesting for viewers or something among those lines? I don't really have exp with A/D maps other than the map test sunday on cp_jaddou which isn't likely too comparable to other A/D maps as it's very narrow and much terrible.

posted about 7 years ago
#34 tracking aim with scatter gun as a scout.. in TF2 General Discussion
wonderlandin one post you state the best sensitivity range

Yeah fair enough but I did state it isn't any scientific exact number, I just gave a direction if you want to purely track from my own experiences, if tracking is what you feel most comfy with, I was unclear about this sorry.
It's somewhat obvious that there's a point where a fast sens will limit the capability to purely track precisely at mid/long range and where a too slow sens will limit your ability to keep track in close range. I definitely meant to say this if you want to purely track.

I wrote my posts in a hurry and was a bit disrespectful and unclear, sorry about that. I guess we can agree that players should choose a sens/way of aiming they feel comfy with, be it pure tracking, flicking or the combination of both.

posted about 7 years ago
#25 tracking aim with scatter gun as a scout.. in TF2 General Discussion
wonderlandI didn't say anything about sensitivity but nice one.

Nor did I say that you said so. What I said was telling someone the best way of aiming on scout is like saying what is the best sens, it's stupid. You should play with what you're comfortable with, some are more comfortable with flicking, some on tracking. If you just force yourself to do something that's supposedly "the best way" but you're not comfortable with at all you might not improve at all. As you said, personal preference.

Oh please, tell me about accuracy in quake while entirely tracking being worse, I just told in the separate post that entirely tracking isn't ideal at all in quake, because you have to give up your movement a bit every time you want to aim, while also you have to use projectiles which you really want to flick if you want to actually hit something and react fast where to shoot.

EDIT: I can't care enough to think my head through every scout's aim in prem/invite to remember whether some actually just entirely flick aimed or all flick+track, but I have a feeling that most of the top competitive flickers' aims have developed into the track+flick, the ones with slower sensitivities at least.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 tracking aim with scatter gun as a scout.. in TF2 General Discussion

There isn't the best way to aim on scout, it's personal preference, it's way more important in order to get really good to actually practice the way of aiming that's comfortable to you. Saying that isn't far from saying that certain sensitivity is the best for aiming on scout, which is dumb as well.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 tracking aim with scatter gun as a scout.. in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry for the long ass post but I really went into detail there with my experience on tracking. But I'd like to say that in quake you will also use projectiles, I believe absolutely no pro quake player tracks ultimately, where they'll track with shotgun and projectiles, in that game tracking isn't just an ideal way to aim, on LG etc. tracking is your only option, and you can improve your tracking obviously itself.
That game is also a lot movement based and tracking limits your movement to a certain degree and you don't want to give up your movement for entirely tracking in quake for obvious reasons.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 tracking aim with scatter gun as a scout.. in TF2 General Discussion

It's a personal preference. There are mad aimers who flick with scatter and also really good scouts who track (AU Sheep for example). I don't think you really can flick with pistol anyways but let's forget about that.
It's more common that players first learn flicking, as flicking tends to be more of a fast way to aim and works out on both projectiles and hitscan well when you improve. Building muscle memory on tracking is much harder than flicking in my experience as well.

I used to flick when I started playing, but I pretty quickly got frustrated with the amount of hours I put into grinding my aim but I couldn't hit easy flicks I 100% should've, considering I was comfy with my sens and knew how the enemy would move, I still missed. I then remembered Sheep's and quad's frag clips, and their tracking was so impressive that I wanted to give learning it a try.

After I got into the tracking it made my aim a shitton more consistent and I became a hundred times better on sniper as well. It was the more comfortable way of aiming for me, even though I used to start by flicking. However, for me my sens felt a bit too high and I'd choke often and flick, I then lowered my sens from around 21.2cm/360 to ->31.3 and from there to ->36.7, which was the sweet spot for me and made me very consistent on scout.

What I'd like to point out though is that if you learn tracking, you're much bound to it's muscle memory and can't really play projectile classes. You can play projectiles and flick around, but after you do that for a while your arm gets tired, and when you then go back to scout or sniper you can't track anymore, you automatically flick & building muscle memory back on tracking is really annoying as you just must force your hand to move on the opponents and focus on aiming without flicking & you will miss a lot of your shots.

TL;DR: It's just a personal preference, there are great scouts who track and others who flick. Flicking has the upside that if you like playing projectile classes you can just convert the muscle memory there, but when you obtain tracking muscle memory you can't really play projectile classes without messing up your track aim on scout.

EDIT: I'd also like to note that in my experience if you want to track aim, you'll likely want your sensitivity between 16-45cm/360', these aren't exact scientific numbers, but the reason here is that I'd say anything faster than 16 cm will likely limit your ability to track smoothly even at mid range, while sens above 45 cm will limit your ability to track opponents really close to you.

posted about 7 years ago
#39 Starkie retires from TF2, kaptain rejoins Se7en in News
ThalashPuoskariJust noting that AMS did not get cut, he was offered a spot on an Overwatch team.ams got cut ✀

I agree

posted about 7 years ago
#37 Starkie retires from TF2, kaptain rejoins Se7en in News

Just noting that AMS did not get cut, he was offered a spot on an Overwatch team.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 Mapchamp by Champ.gg in TF2 General Discussion

Priderock is absolutely unplayable in all honesty when it comes to 6's. http://logs.tf/1632822#76561198163061296 Not too much fun, not going to give really any feedback the map just won't be suitable for 6's.

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Can pro gamers........................ smoke weed? in Esports

It would be pretty shitty if weed was dope-tested as it can be seen in drug tests for very long time especially if you blaze everyday, like even up to month or over if you have smoked multiple years daily.

posted about 7 years ago
#44 Habib cheating confession?? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#32 Habib cheating confession?? in TF2 General Discussion

Habib can most likely focus just normally on TF2 without his meds but there will still be a fuzzy mess going on his brain to some degree, which the stimulants help calm down while also improving focus.

posted about 7 years ago
#52 No Hats Mod in Customization
xJeebsxdeguspirit of the bombing past is missing in the latest headfeets version :(
Show Content
Fixed! https://www.mediafire.com/?c8b4a4718bpmayr

Oh wait, is this the newest headsfeet? o.O

posted about 7 years ago
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