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Signed Up September 10, 2013
Last Posted February 7, 2023 at 10:12 AM
Posts 29 (0 per day)
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Monitor BenQ XL2411T
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#86 if u could see 1 retired tf2 player play again in TF2 General Discussion
doikuggglygy. His videos and humour were pure gold :')

B4nny burger cooking parody when?

posted about a year ago
#58 if u could see 1 retired tf2 player play again in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#81 Tagg: Why I "Quit" TF2 in Videos


posted about 4 years ago
#20 What books did you read in 2019? in Off Topic

Orwell's Burmese Days, Keep the Apidistra Flying and Coming Up For Air in an omnibus, still need to read Clergyman's Daughter, amazing novelist

Star of the North by D.B. John, raw and absorbingly realistic for a modern thriller

Inner Engineering by Sadhguru, the most transformative non-fiction book I've read up to now discussing yoga and well-being

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, short novel that takes you through the intricacies of a man's spiritual journey during the time of the Buddha, invaluable read

Contact by Carl Sagan, surprisingly great novel coming from the creator of the original Cosmos series/book, an old gem that you shouldn't overlook

posted about 5 years ago
#3 best cereal milk in Off Topic


posted about 5 years ago
#49 what are you in Off Topic

posted about 5 years ago
#53 Do you think anybody could be the best at TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

this and this tbh

there are a couple of things that I've found to be true when improving on any personal skill

1. unless you're physically handicapped your response times are almost entirely determined by your personal conditioning, people tend to have what seems to be natural talent because their conditioning is more geared towards what they're playing and they therefore also have the confidence to play well. if you work on your awareness I'm sure your response times can reach relatively high levels if you're committed and consistently practicing, seeing the game for what it actually is tends to help you with any attitude problems too, there are countless studies out there proving that things like meditation work wonders on neuroplasticity and spatial awareness

2. a lot of players go through the game reacting to in-game situations impulsively rather than responding to them consciously, which can also apply to attitude and how you approach your practice. taking the game too personally or seriously to make sure you feel like you're good at it (e.g. playing to win and not improve outside of officials) will stop you from developing a healthy level of personal detachment to improve from the ground up, and overthinking the game to be some rigorous kind of maths test when it's theoretically quite simple is symptomatic of this imo. there's a lot to be said about improving your cognitive abilities along intuitive lines so that they become lightning fast and appropriate towards what's actually happening

just my two cents, there are a lot of great books out there discussing the same thing but these two seem to get to the meat of the problem

posted about 6 years ago
#187 birthday wishes in Off Topic
EoN17Slicerogue21 today :)

Happy birthday fellas

posted about 6 years ago
#39 Phone Homescreens in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#104 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion

♪ So don't you bring me down today ♪

posted about 6 years ago
#58 what are ya READING? in Music, Movies, TV

Keep the Apidistra Flying by Orwell, finished Burmese Days a month or so ago and thought it was good enough to keep on with the omnibus.

Also I read the Silmarillion like a billion times when I was younger and loved it, but it is kind of uneven because it's actually a compilation/trim-and-paste of like several different full-length books he never published.

Never got around to reading the Silmarillion, seemed a little too lore heavy for me. Unfinished Tales was a fun ride though.

posted about 6 years ago
#107 Coming out in Off Topic
BBiA_duchessOur ancestors who won world wars for us are now looking down from the heavens as we discuss being bi curious on a team fortress two forum.

And we can be glad that nothing of that scale is nearly as likely to crop up and distract us from being ourselves and embracing who we are in our current time, online freedom has definitely helped me come out to people and eventually feel more comfortable with it in the real.

posted about 6 years ago
#98 REALTALK.TF in TF2 General Discussion
All_Over_RSPhrenicLonsforwhat a bunch of sudo-budish nonsense lmao

if you want to act like a degenerate go to 4chan


if you can't let the worst parts of the community be expressive anywhere without suppressing it or showing a bit of emotional tolerance you have issues

hating black people isn't real talk

no, it's blatant and inoffensively offensive, you shrug it off

the only relatively good reason to censor anything (on realtalk) is sponsors, if you're being attacked personally fair enough but otherwise it's probably best to get a grip

posted about 6 years ago
#96 REALTALK.TF in TF2 General Discussion
Lonsforwhat a bunch of sudo-budish nonsense lmao

if you want to act like a degenerate go to 4chan


if you can't let the worst parts of the community be expressive anywhere without suppressing it or showing a bit of emotional tolerance you have issues

posted about 6 years ago
#94 REALTALK.TF in TF2 General Discussion
BeelthazusModeration and account creation defeat the purpose of anonymity. Yeah people are going to say disgusting and awful things that are not socially, morally, or altogether agreeable. However, this also limits what people with good ideas who wouldn't normally say them otherwise would say. Only idiots will speak out and then people with actual intelligent ideas will naturally be reluctant to share them realizing this truth.

The garden is but a dream of the gardener, otherwise it is just nature.

This zen principle is quintessential to understanding our own flawed prospective of our environment, and how we effect it. It can be applied in all manners and forms. The first that comes to my mind in this instances is that we must be willing to accept some nasty, ugly, unwelcome things and tend to weeding out the more critical problems of our garden, so that the more beautiful, majestic, and noble concepts may flourish.

The good can not exist without the bad, and we must focus on identifying actual problems instead of focusing on ones that haven't even grown to fruition yet. We need to find a balance soon. I fear that the disillusionment of "the garden" concept will further kill the drive of more tf2 players; just as Kudzu will grow, block out the sun and water from other plants.

Underrated comment

posted about 6 years ago
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