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Last Posted July 19, 2024 at 9:13 PM
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#18 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/18/24 (Summer 2024 Update) in TF2 General Discussion
brodyDRIFTA to complain but is this legal

Doom's facemask is pretty blatantly copied from Roman Maximus gladiator helmets so there's nothing being infringed on. The name is a tongue and cheek reference at worst. Also Valve's legal team looks over workshop submissions and will ask you to change a part of your item if it is too similar to its source material. This has happened a few times most notably with the Star Board Crusader set for the heavy, referencing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which was changed at Valve's request.

posted 1 week ago
#94 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion

posted 1 month ago
#13 A Request for Open Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
bloodmachine(This issue is more so focused on lower division pugs as invite/advanced players have historically used captains pugs and those have been running quite frequently.)

This surprised me. NC-AM PUGs run pretty frequently, at more diverse times than IM and up. They also have Friday Newbie Mixes and Newbie Cups. Aren't you a main player? The last time I saw you in TF2CC was nearly a year ago.

A lot of people don't even know that TF2CC has PUG categories up to above main. So I assumed you were referring to higher divisional problems. It's odd to see you mention lower divisions.

BethniczAs an open player in the tf2 scene, it can be a little intermediating to say the least to add up (unless I'm with my friends on fireside) because, what if pugs are shit? What if I do bad for the team and get yelled at? What if I have to leave randomly during the match or during the queue and wastes everyone's time? There is so many little factors as to why I don't add up as easily as I do. but I just have to buck up and click join queue or else I'm never playing 6s or HL.

Doesn't this apply to playing a PUG anywhere? What alleviates your anxieties? Especially when many servers including the ones you mentioned have rules against excessive toxicity?

Seinfeldthe fact TF2CC doesnt have this implemented since yesterday is nuts

It's a new feature that is going to be polled. If people hypothetically didn't want it, it wouldn't make sense to unnecessarily make the "workflow" of runners more complicated. Personally though I enjoy adding up even with friends and talking to new people or having conversations with friends where other people can join in. It feels a little dissonant when you tell high level players to pick new players they don't know when you don't even want to add up to orally interact with people you aren't familiar with. Even then a big chunk of people deafen before PUGs start so it's not that big of an issue in the first place.

posted 1 month ago
#36 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Richarrrrdwprimate screeching
this guy's sole exposure to anything related to team fortress 2's community competitive scene is when he got rolled by an invite scout in a pub once 5 years ago and he's been crying about it since

When I was in NC, I was top scoring in a pub and he started shit talking so he inevitably checked my profile and saw my NC badge called me a fucking "compie" and to stop """sandbagging""" in pubs lmfao. Him and his most active fanbase use it as if it's a slur. It's honestly pathetic. I've seen them genuinely complain that the competitive community is also responsible for ruining the HUD making scene because we generally go for minimalistic looks.

posted 1 month ago
#4 Flairs color issue in Customization
yellowsubmarinethis method sadly dont work anymore because of 64 bit update, but thx!

Yeah unfortunately it seems like Valve did more than just change the name of TF2's executable and the location of libraries means that without another leak a tool like this probably won't come for a while unless somebody makes a version like the old patcher that brute forced it.

Luckily though paper_overlay and flair_template_guide trick still work. You can find the tutorial on how to do this in the same steam guide in my original post.

As for clan prides and photo badges, might be screwed. I'll have to test if you can still connect to item servers on older branches of TF2.

posted 2 months ago
#2 Flairs color issue in Customization

The paper overlay trick does not work on all decal-able items. The easiest way to do this is by using an injector that overrides the filter, the nice thing about it is it works on any item.

TF2 Decal patcher:

Guide for full colour decals, using paper overlay trick and the patcher:

Make sure if you use the patcher to close it before you try to connect to any online server as you could get VAC banned due to it modifying the game's memory. The program its-self is perfectly safe though and makes this process way more convenient.

posted 2 months ago
#6 new alfa doc in TF2 General Discussion
Crit_Noob arent u addicted to tf2? dont try to play that card lmfao

I can't fathom how you think you're clever for comparing the time investment of a player who does production, coaching and makes educational content; someone who I see regularly answering questions for new players to a cringe invite player who got banned for something unacceptable in real life. Do you really have a problem with real world events influencing whether somebody gets banned in a TF2 league? I sure hope you had no problem with pedo's getting banned on RGL. LOL, you have to be smoking some dark evil pack to think that getting banned in a TF2 league is "ruining somebody's life".

Not speaking towards the evidence in the doc but this and "even if the entire world knew I was innocent RGL would never unban me" is a horrible defense.

posted 2 months ago
#4 match hud in TF2 General Discussion

The old days of spamming the scoreboard was just kind of aids, match hud makes the game better and more accessible, especially as player counts in a format increase.

posted 2 months ago
#6 12v12 comp format in TF2 General Discussion

90% of highlander is already spent getting ringers or waiting for a scrim to start, I don't dare imagine how awful the logistics a format like this would entail.

posted 2 months ago
#6 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion

Because in RGL PUGs you can volunteer medic and still get fatkidded constantly with less choice on who you get to play with.

posted 2 months ago
#5 Why is the Dragons Fury not used outside of 6's? in TF2 General Discussion

Realistically it just makes you a worse scout. The most ideal scenario for DF is when you are coming out of spawn from last to stop point since you will most likely only be able to get 1 airblast from the surprise and the extra range can be useful for damaging players, especially when combined with the scorch shot. It can be aight on a last point such as the one found on process.

To be honest, the flamethrower is already pretty good and if you can't get close you can negate spam with airblast. Running DF removes a lot of adaptability during a fight.

posted 2 months ago
#1 TF2CC NA 6s Newbie Cup 7 in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 Coaching Central is proud to announce that we are running our SEVENTH Newbie Cup with signups open now until April 15th! We're a 4000+ member discord focused on providing new players with an environment to learn, play pick up games and participate in events. We also run divisonal PUGs from NC to Main+.

Players with little to no competitive experience sign up to be placed on a team of six, lead by a coach who will mentor them on the basics of how to play the format and help them learn the maps. They will have three weeks to learn, practice and grow together before facing off in a tournament scheduled for the weekends of May 11th and 19th. so tell your friends!

We have a lot of players eager to play. You may have noticed that we had a TF2 blog announcement. As always, transitioning those who range from pubbers to light experience into playing 6's would not be possible without the aiding hands of our coaches to teach these foundlings the way. If you want to help the scene grow and test your 6's knowledge, you should join the TF2CC discord and apply for Newbie Cup Coach in the linked channel!. Coaches that do well will also be given a share of the prize pool.

Requirements for coaches:

IM+ playoffs experience is preferred but will accept even seasoned amateur players (or equivalent). Our base ranges from people who are new to the game itsself to experienced pubbers and below 3rd place Newcomer who are all very new to 6's. You will be teaching them very basic concepts, how to get scrims and occasional demo reviews.


This is a 3 week long commitment starting April 18th to May 11th*. You will need to be available online around twice a week, and able to answer text questions from your team throughout. You can also request a co-coach to split responsibilities.

General Coaches:

If you don't have a lot of time commitment but still want to help out and participate, we are looking for coaches to do general map reviews for everyone in our teaching corner (or other concepts such as main calling, mental, making an RGL team etc) during the cup.

EU coaches are also welcome as we tend to get 1-2 teams worth of Euro players during our events but you will have to work around NA times.

Regular TF2CC Invite Link

posted 3 months ago
#80 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
Walrex Offering awful pay is more likely to attract kids than actual professionals. id rather they rethink their AC structure so that Good Samaritan™ eye testers could better help more important/blatant cheating cases reach a higher priority in their queue without needing to resort TFTV threads or without needing to commit dozens of hours to studying the blade of AC to make it onto the team themselves.

How is this any different to their current structure where people submit reports using their Good Samaritan™ eye? Especially when there seems to be an assumption that because someone is blatant then someone must have written them up. I've noticed in this thread that submitting tickets seems to be mentioned but that's not their report pipeline. RGL evidently uses compartmentalization. Any divisional admin can see tickets so understandably, they don't want cases to be submitted via that channel.

posted 3 months ago
#20 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
Jw And cukei and cepi (della's ex-friend) still haven't been banned even though I submitted a ticket a long time ago.

Wait so did you write a report on the RGL site? Or did you make a ticket and say "this player is sus" including or excluding evidence etc? It might've not received priority or be taken as a case without a formalized report from the site.

posted 3 months ago
#5 Trying to make a medkit dissapear in SFM in Videos

Why did you solely ask on the SFM subreddit instead of their Discord? Or the Emporium which has workshoppers experienced in SFM.

posted 3 months ago
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