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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted April 19, 2014 at 2:44 PM
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#7 Help me with my binds!:C in Q/A Help

in your medic.cfg.

be sure to put "bind mouse2 +attack" in all your other class's .cfgs so they don't declare "uber used" whenever you right click.

posted about 11 years ago
#83 S14 Potential Maps? in Map Discussion

I'm surprised to see this much support for warmfront. People did nothing but complain when it was in. IIRC it got >50% of the vote for having it taken out of the map pool S11 or whatever it was.

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Invisible Players Bug in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, it happens to me frequently in PUGs. Not so much if at all in pubs.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 New player seeks emense knowledge in Q/A Help

#27 ty

posted about 11 years ago
#26 New player seeks emense knowledge in Q/A Help

I've been meaning to make this exact same thread but ask about CS. what's the main forum for CS players? (i'd offer this guy help too but it looks like he's already got all he can handle)

posted about 11 years ago
#39 tf2 bhopping in TF2 General Discussion

how are people still trying to get this to happen? You can't just slap a mechanic that worked in one game into another game because it's fun. It's not that easy.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 any cross-engine sensitivity converters out there? in Off Topic

Whenever I try a game on another engine I just use a ruler to try to get the same sensitivity I'm used to, but obviously I can't be perfect. it bugs me to think that I might be screwing up my muscle memory, however slightly. Is there a calculator or formula I can use to convert my source/idtech sens to other games?

posted about 11 years ago
#28 tracking in TF2 General Discussion

what's osu? besides oregon state university

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Cool screenshots you have taken in TF2 General Discussion

actually i just stole all these from the awkward zombie forums over a few months

posted about 11 years ago
#2 The Chrome stream list extension is broken in Off Topic

to clarify for whomever this concerns, it doesn't show any preview images in the page.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Warm ups & Consistency in TF2 General Discussion

being in a good mood and comfortable is the no. 1 thing imo. Just get all comfy in your chair, have some cold water, the works. make sure no one's gonna bother you for a while. After that I just play a round or two of MGE with a friend and I'm about at my "average" skill level.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Old System/ Old Games in Off Topic

SNES has an amazing amount of amazing games, a full list would take a while. And if you're interested in speed running, get super metroid. It's a great game (one of my favorites) and has one of the biggest speed running communities out there.

a quick list of good snes games
mario world, zelda 3, mega man X, super metroid, super contra, donkey kong country, contra 3, Gradius 3, super r-type, chrono trigger, final fantasy 6(3 on the box), zombies ate my neighbors

posted about 11 years ago
#39 Other options for quake? in Off Topic

you wouldn't call the second "air control". that's just the ability to move yourself around while airborne.

it seems like we need some terminology clarification in here.

circle jumping was explained well above. Hold W+A/D, wrap the mouse around since that makes you turn even more, jump for max speed. this is a "takeoff" technique.

in some quake/quake-based games, moving in the air accelerates you, which in combination with repeated jumping (eliminating friction with the ground so you don't lose speed) creates what was originally termed bunnyhopping, because of how it looks.

strafe jumping is some weird thing that Q3 got and I have no idea how it works on a technical level. it's best learned through video form + practice.

Because strafe jumping requires a different technique, it was given a different name. But now that games exist which accelerate you both when air strafing AND when strafe jumping, and both techniques have the iconic repeated jumping, exactly when a player IS and ISN'T bhopping becomes a bit blurred. Especially since skilled players will alternate rapidly between the two.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 Other options for quake? in Off Topic

someone tell me what the appeal of xonotic is, please. I tried it and it looks to me like almost every decision they made to seperate it from CPMA lowered the skill ceiling.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Other options for quake? in Off Topic

you don't hold W when bhopping in HL. You're confusing me. You should youtube "quake live circlejump" because if it doesn't exist then there are a lot of very misguided tutorials out there.

posted about 11 years ago
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