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Last Posted May 7, 2023 at 9:11 PM
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#5 KritzKast make their VOD's subscriber only in TF2 General Discussion

on the one hand production is a fucking pain in the ass and i get wanting to receive some kind of compensation for it

on the other hand, they're not passing any compensation to the players
or the league
or valve
and probably not to the actual casters and producers either?
so this seems shady as fuck. if you really want money out of this right now, you either gotta work on making tf2 a big boy esport (good luck) or get advertisers. it's comp tf2, and reality is 99% of the time whatever you do here has to be motivated by love of the game and nothing else.

posted about 4 years ago
#7 TF2C Staff please unban me in TF2 General Discussion

Why everyone continues to use center over stadium is beyond me

posted about 4 years ago
#66 Halo Reach MCC release date in Other Games
dishsoapsir... thats a terminal...

Its been like a decade but i remember the terminals from halo 3 being text based and actually making contextual sense, like it was something chief was reading. These cutscenes are totally random and its not clear at all what its supposed to be, or why youre seeing it.

Also its not just jackal hitboxes that are fuck, ive started switching back and forth between new and old graphics a lot, and in a lot of cases the geometry of the new environments dont line up with the old, but the hitboxes are based on the old. So much trying to shoot around cover and just having 0 success. Its like they dont even want you to play with the new graphics. Cant wait to fight wraiths and to see them all have empty turrets because they were too lazy to update the model based on CE and just pasted the one from halo 3. Save your money. Pirate og CE.

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also the audio mixing is utter trash, jesus fucking christ microsoft
posted about 4 years ago
#63 Halo Reach MCC release date in Other Games

holy wow this campaign is so fucking bad, i feel like im missing an inside joke at microsoft or something.

1. audio is broken. plasma pistol in particular; if you fire multiple shots in a row it'll start making the "full charge" noise for like 3 seconds. several weapons have some variation of this bug. also the audio balancing is terrible, with some lines being almost too quiet to hear, and others being meme-level earrape. also im pretty sure they replaced some sounds? plasma rifle and sniper in particular sound different than i remember, dont really have a kick to them anymore. why would you change these.
2. camera. shake. everywhere. holy god just firing the assault rifle is giving me a headache. even when youre driving the warthog and the braindead ai is firing the gun the camera has a little seizure.
3. audio bad
4. new graphics, while higher poly count, seem like a downgrade. these are parts where the lip syncing is like watching a badly dubbed foreign film. lots of weirdly annoying things too, like the doors in the truth and reconciliation dont flash when they open. also the flashlight bounces everywhere, really useless. super inconsistent framerate, and i dont think it's my pc, it's just something the game does, since it's particularly bad during cutscenes. fps is great during big firefights though lol
5. audio. so. bad.
6. jackal shield hitboxes aren't lined up correctly. this was not a problem in reach. also i could pause during cutscenes in reach, why cant i do so here?
7. im like an hour in and i actually have to quit this game because of the audio, holy shit i have a headache now

why the fuck did i pay $10 for this instead of just replaying my pirated halo ce that works perfectly from like 5 years ago? is this supposed to be a beta version of the game still? they havent done anything whatsoever to fix the issues of the old game, i dont understand what was so complicated about copy/pasting the new coat of paint they gave the game on the xbox years ago over to pc

also i just found a really surreal little cutscene in the truth and reconciliation: get to the bridge and hit e on the flashing red panel and you get this insanely awkward fanfic-tier cutscene of 343 talking to... i think it's a convenant ai? it's totally out of the blue and you can just activate it in the middle of combat, no context, its really really strange

posted about 4 years ago
#15 RGL Bans in TF2 General Discussion
Spuis the word "Jew" anti-semitic in itself

dont be a dumbass, hes clearly using the word "jew" to mean "person who abuses the rules to achieve a specific result"

idk i guess i could be offended by it, but its clearly not intended in an offensive manner and to me seems like it straddles the line of policing words too harshly. definitely a heat of the moment phrase, not directed as an insult to jews specifically, but also it is an insult to jag? and therefore is using jew as an insult? idk

also im pretty sure jag is jewish too so that might be why he bothered reporting it

posted about 4 years ago
#25 incel safespace in The Dumpster

What a world we live in where brock is right

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Are you a virgin in Off Topic

cant let big brother know im still a virgin

posted about 4 years ago
#26 trump acquitted in World Events

We're so fucked lol. They argued "you can cheat in elections so long as you were doing it in the best interest of the country," and people are actually buying that shit???

We're soooo fucked lol

I wish I could find a YouTube video of it. It's literally one of the defenses they used. I listened to hours of the trial and can't find the exact moment I'm thinking of but

posted about 4 years ago
#3 UGC signups open for early 2020 seasons in News
ShitposterThis league somehow manages to be just as good or worse than the Sigafoo league. Would not recommend. I'd actually be happy if ESEA still existed.

ESEA was a mess but at least Tri cared.

you people cannot actually miss esea. them is some serious rose colored nostalgia glasses you got going

posted about 4 years ago
#12 RGL Intermediate S2 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

League Has Prize Poole

posted about 4 years ago
#21 Happy Brexit Day! in World Events
DesonatorMoermanThere's not a single Brit who could explain Brexit.
Merry Brexit
Perhaps people were sick of twats like you acting intellectually superior all the time. If you can't think of any reasons for brexit then you clearly aren't thinking very hard.

Definitely my favorite excuse i hear from people who vote for horrible, destructive shit is "fuk u,, im smart too yanno, u dont know better than me"

youre all basically this guy

posted about 4 years ago
#37 Problem with RGL Policy in TF2 General Discussion

Words can be taken as insults. n word has some pretty historical and continuing context to it, and I'm still not sure what else "ni" is supposed to stand for. he said the word. dont say the word. ez lol.

PREDICTABO!the ni you fuckin
and that other ni you fuckin

and wait, so people you play with have a history of doing the exact same thing? no shit the admins are giving you a harsher ban, why do they keep having to deal with this same rule with you guys? the rule is just "dont say this one word." unless you have keyboard centered tourette syndrome, get over it.

posted about 4 years ago
#14 tf2center is down in TF2 General Discussion

no seriously what part of t f 2 s t a d i u m are you not understanding

posted about 4 years ago
#1 tf2center is down in TF2 General Discussion

stadium is working, come play. lobbies are actually starting for eu at least

posted about 4 years ago
#28 Frontier Internet A Love Story in Off Topic

so, wait, this has an actual happy ending? what the fuck?

posted about 4 years ago
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