Account Details
SteamID64 76561198020028851
SteamID3 [U:1:59763123]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:29881561
Country Denmark
Signed Up July 31, 2015
Last Posted August 7, 2022 at 3:37 PM
Posts 87 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.66
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
144 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G500s
Keyboard SteelSeries 6Gv2
Mousepad Func F-Series 10 XL
Headphones Almost never use headphones
Monitor Acer XB270H
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#27 biscottiHUD in Customization

v. 1.78b

updated to game update
- changed something in Halloween questlogpanel.

posted about 7 years ago
#26 biscottiHUD in Customization

v. 1.78a
Scream Fortress VIII (2016)

Nothing really exciting. Small changes to casual and the main menu. But honestly, I haven't played TF2 in a long while now., This would be a great time to pick it up again. And we have a Pyro about coming soon(tm).

- updated to match game update
- main menu is temporarily spooky in spirit of the event (just the stock Halloween backgrounds)
- added the save/load casual map preset settings
- for some reason one of the files didn't commit.

posted about 7 years ago
#25 biscottiHUD in Customization

v. 1.77

Small update. Sorry it's been a while.
- supposedly fixes framerate drops when hitting a target many times in short succession with hitmarkers enabled.
- supposedly. I haven't tried it myself. But thanks to sigsegv__, wiethoofd, and omnibombulator.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 biscottiHUD in Customization

v. 1.76

Update to support the latest game update. Sorry it took me a few days. Been busy with school and also had a messed up sleep schedule (I slept for 16 hours on the day of the update!)

I also made it easier to maintain the clientscheme file which is probably the single most important file in terms of the game not crashing, so that's good. It might make it slightly more confusing for me if I want to add new feautres related to that file because I'd have to see how the game does things in two files, the stock and my modified, but I don't think that's really a big issue.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 How to get custom CP icons to work in Customization

Does the pre-load have to be as a button or would a sample imagepanel do just fine?
Could you technically still have it on-screen and just "visible" "0" and it would still pre-load? Just a method thing. I don't like to put things off-screen to hide them. Even though there's no way I would ever want this to be visible. If I have to, I will, though.

This isn't strictly a question about icons, but I notice that in the pre-load you reference the original position for the file. So how TF2 handles textures is that it looks for the VMT and then that file directs to the position of the texture, right? This is purely hypothetical because we already have a single file for this, but could you instead of using chapterbackgrounds.txt. use separate VMT files for the different menu backgrounds and have them all redirect to the same file?

posted about 7 years ago
#23 biscottiHUD in Customization

v. 1.75a

Small update that I'm not really working on so I figured that I might as
well release it.

  • edited the panel that shows your rank. It looks more consistent with
    the rest of the HUD now.
  • deleted a redundant file I didn't realize I had.

I'm also considering using custom textures for things like CP icons. I think it would look good, but so far I've shied away from using custom textures because I like to only use what's in the game and also keep the file size low. Main menu background is an exception.

posted about 7 years ago
#22 biscottiHUD in Customization

v. 1.75

  • Re-added support for stock menu design.
  • Re-added support for scabber's HUD which is the original, old design for the HUD.
  • Customized lobby panels a bit. The screen when you're queuing up to play.
  • Added a few more captions to prevent error messages in console.
  • Removed TF2 logo from custom main menu. Looks cleaner.
  • Removed old mainmenu file.

Overall, a small update that added a few things and fixed some issues with not having the stock menu design available.

EDIT: I'm planning on making a short video tutorial explaining how to enable customizations due to feedback of it being poorly explained. I'll just need to make it, so it might be a little while.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 New supercharged tf2 script in Customization
smokeeCan someone kind of dumb down what this is for someone who hardly uses scripts/configs other than editing his own? It seems cool but I'd like to know more about it

It's a template/framework for future scripting. The idea is that developing script when using this framework would allow you to focus on the functionality of the script instead of doing all the groundwork or backbone for all the scripts. The other thing is that any script you make would use the same fundamental names for aliases, meaning that it would be easier to share it with other people and for people to swap that script into their own config and not interfere with other scripts.

Summarized, it's a dev tool kinda. A framework for scripting. Allows modular sharing.

EDIT: at least that's how I understand it.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Significant FPS increase with dx98 in Customization
mafia_is_mafiaNoob question, how do I test my fps?

mat_dxlevel 98 doesn't work for some reason. You have to use dxlevel 98

mat_dxlevel I think is the in-game console command. -dxlevel is what's used in the launch options.

About benchmarking:
To benchmark you use the command timedemo [demo] and that will output a framerate analysis in the console once the demo finishes. The link should contain a standardized demo file used by many people here. I don't know if it's the same file that was used in this thread, but it might be as using the same file would be more scientific.

posted about 7 years ago
#3427 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
duck_i haven't touched the tournament spec res files at all but the blue team is purple and not blue idk how to fix it

That looks like missing texture magenta, so my guess would be that either you have a missing/corrupt texture file (color_panel_blue maybe) or that it's using a colour that isn't defined in clientscheme.res. So first, try verifying game cache. If it says that all files validated, then see if maybe it uses a colour that isn't in your clientscheme.

posted about 7 years ago
#849 flatHUD in Customization

It's your HUD of course. It doesn't have to appeal to everyone, and sometimes sacrifices have to be made to include specialized features. Like horizontal health bars butchering the overheal cross.

EDIT: accessibility is usually a good thing, though.

posted about 7 years ago
#847 flatHUD in Customization

I was under the impression that it had like a 3% fps decrease or something. Maybe that was true at some point and they improved performance since then, I don't know. From Comanglia's config

cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0 // adds another hud element -3% frames


I've also just gotten used to using 2D models. That's how it looked when I first started playing, and it makes me not focus too much on my cosmetics. Not that that's really a problem, but I don't know. I like it.

posted about 7 years ago
#845 flatHUD in Customization
ZzZomboIDK, I don't see the picture of my class, only my/disguise weapon name.

Oh, just had another look at it. It seems that the 2D model is removed using "alpha" "0". It also seems that it is also animated in the Spy Disguise flash animation (which imo is really obnoxious), although it's commented out so it's not currently an active animation. The strange thing is that it's the element PlayerStatusClassImage that's being animated when in the default animations the animated element is SpyImage and SpyOutlineImage. I don't know if this is intentional. It very well might be. I'm only judging it on the code, not the actual in-game functionality.

It looks like the 3D model should still be there, though, if you have that in-game setting enabled.

In any case, it seems like a shame to sacrifice the 2D model option for a disguise animation that's disabled by default.

Again, I'm only looking at the code. I'm sorry if I'm just very wrong on this.

posted about 7 years ago
#842 flatHUD in Customization

It sounds like he might be talking about the 2D/3D playermodels that show what class your playing (and what you're disguised as), but as far as I can tell from GitHub, flatHUD still has those enabled. So I don't know.

posted about 7 years ago
#20 biscottiHUD in Customization

v 1.74

HOLY SHIT!! This one has been in the works for a little while. TONS of new stuff.

  • Support for getting rid of the HP/ammo box.
  • New black targetids (support for the old team-coloured ones of course).
  • Also new black backgrounds for Winpanels.
  • A new options for showing your target's HP with larger numbers.
  • Applied targetids and hp styles to the kill cam finally.
  • Got my custom menu back (!).
  • Fixed a few issues with positioning the box around Uber.
  • Added support for adding new colour schemes in the future.
  • Added new Vaccinator Icon styles.

This one was a lot of work. Hope you enjoy!

EDIT: Feel free to let me know if I messed something up. When I push large updates like this I usually replace the entire public folder with my own local one and then make changes as is needed for the public release, but I've missed things in the process before. So I'm sorry about that.

posted about 7 years ago
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