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Signed Up August 27, 2020
Last Posted August 27, 2021 at 8:17 PM
Posts 41 (0 per day)
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#68 What's your strangest excuse for losing a match in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylin playoffs round 1 last season vs gcl, my phone somehow mistook my comms for 'ok google' and started blabbering at me and at that exact moment that i looked down at my phone (didn't even reach to turn it off yet), a sniper did the gullywash river hero shot and killed me and we lost the golden cap 5-4
MGEMattopen grand finals s23, goldfish decides to not show up for grand finals as our only pocket all season because presumably bear feared my demoman and paid him off. along with this kev our only other player on the roster refused to ring saying typical kev things like "nah nig you did this to yourself". so in turn we had to forfeit grand finals and from what tri said we are the only team in esea to ever do soand we actually played a half of this on badlands and went up 3-0 with my flank scout wrech getting a grand total of One Heal (it didnt count buffs similar to sizzlingstats, so i healed him from 124hp one time)
i found the match page LMAO oh boy esea days were wild, nice guy wrech telling people to kill themselves in the match comms

also akemi u are a gigantic pussy ROFL change ur name back, u needa own up to the shitlord status u created for urself w/ that alias

hey dumbass i was banned from tftv on my main if they wouldve accepted me i would name myself akemi. but obviously you did not know that, and i still own up to who i am just look at my steam account man i have all my aliases

the guy you feared on his first season of demoman

posted about 2 years ago
#63 What's your strangest excuse for losing a match in TF2 General Discussion

open grand finals s23, goldfish decides to not show up for grand finals as our only pocket all season because presumably bear feared my demoman and paid him off. along with this kev our only other player on the roster refused to ring saying typical kev things like "nah nig you did this to yourself". so in turn we had to forfeit grand finals and from what tri said we are the only team in esea to ever do so

posted about 2 years ago
#59 What's your strangest excuse for losing a match in TF2 General Discussion
AxiomaticDavyCI think we've all got a story about how come match day everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Try not to call anyone out I just want some good stories!

Back in 2013 I lost a highlander playoff match because our sniper decided to go to the movies instead of playing the match. (this was late 2013 so I suppose it may have been to see The Wolf of Wall Street?) This meant our pyro swapped to sniper, our heavy swapped to pyro, and our backup played heavy. All things considered we put up a good fight, but in retrospect what a sour way to end the season.

Could just @ me next time lol idc

go back to your hole

posted about 2 years ago
#8447 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#8445 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

imagine posting a frag movie only to see a day later botmode posted his. all that hard work for nothing

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Mge servers in Off Topic

GFL is the main one though? ugc is some trash

posted about 2 years ago
#17 skeez and blaze leave froyo in TF2 General Discussion

meyyy will carry

posted about 2 years ago
#24 Interview with wG artist in TF2 General Discussion

is your name a reference to The Artist Formerly Known as Prince?

posted about 2 years ago
#2 i'm now a ring announcer for a pro wrestling event in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#21 can we please have badlands and granary back in TF2 General Discussion
Phantomdefault badlands was really bad and u guys acting like its not is just nostalgia taking over. not sure how the prolands version played out.

granary is fine though and i want it back

yes this but backwards,

granary is bad and choky badlands has a lot of chokes too but granary has no flow to it. literally just a flat ass map for 5 points

posted about 3 years ago
#3 can we please have badlands and granary back in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#8 free subway tmrw in Off Topic

yea free subway tmrw! idk what he did but he shouldnt be in jail!

posted about 3 years ago
#59 A statement in Off Topic
therealImperatorMGEMattthis cheeto guy is a long time troll/mge retard he recently changed his alias on here and hid all his old posts like 2 days before this. idk anything about this situation but i do know that kid can not be trusted
You're game losing


luckily the thread isnt about me huh

posted about 3 years ago
#31 A statement in Off Topic

this cheeto guy is a long time troll/mge retard he recently changed his alias on here and hid all his old posts like 2 days before this. idk anything about this situation but i do know that kid can not be trusted

posted about 3 years ago
#33 How has upgrading from 60hz to 144hz effected you? in TF2 General Discussion
hamahamit made the game more enjoyable because the game felt more responsive and smooth, but it didn't make me better
it was fun as hell to run into scouts and run around them with higher refresh rate for a while though, even if it didn't work most of the times
(went from 60 straight to 240)

what monitor did you get for the 240 Ive been trying to find a good one

posted about 3 years ago
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