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Signed Up August 10, 2012
Last Posted November 21, 2019 at 1:59 PM
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#24 invite rumors round 2 in TF2 General Discussion
isnt he banned from invite?


the fuck.

powah is banned from invite till we speak.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 ESEA - Less than 4 days left in TF2 General Discussion

That means you started your payment process but didn't complete. You should be fine after waiting an hour.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 ESEA - Less than 4 days left in TF2 General Discussion
DeepKillingDeepI'm fairly new to ESEA, do you have to pay for premium as well as the entry fee?
To be considered "paid", you just need to have your league fee paid but to play matches you need both. To clarify, when registration closes you only need league fees paid.

Ah, alright thanks. So couldn't people just pay for premium when they were about to have a match and end up paying a lot less?

Well it'd pretty much come out to the same thing since it's a little less than 3 months with 8 weeks of play.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ESEA - Less than 4 days left in TF2 General Discussion
DeepI'm fairly new to ESEA, do you have to pay for premium as well as the entry fee?

To be considered "paid", you just need to have your league fee paid but to play matches you need both. To clarify, when registration closes you only need league fees paid.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 ESEA - Less than 4 days left in TF2 General Discussion

Don't forget to get paid up and encourage your friends to make a team! I have some freemium so if you think they deserve you can send them to me. I'm super stingy with it but if they really need it, I'll give a bit.

Also, congratz to vector for making it into Invite.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Invite poll is up in TF2 General Discussion

Congratz to all new teams

posted about 11 years ago
#55 the invite poll in TF2 General Discussion

Invite is about the top 8 teams in NA TF2, not the top 8 that want to play invite. If I allowed the "We can't get to LAN" excuse then that would just be asking for another iDemise/Harmonic. I promised to never let that happen again.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 ATTN: ESEA admin bros in TF2 General Discussion

This infinite guy makes me look like a saint

posted about 11 years ago
#57 [S4L] New Clan w/Server & website, recruiting in Recruitment (looking for team)
Or maybe your step dad use to finger fuck you in the middle of the night whilst your mother sang you a nursery rhyme?

It was that one

posted about 11 years ago
#2 S13 Map List in Map Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#2 ATTN: ESEA admin bros in TF2 General Discussion

Tell them that the myth that low teams can't play in ESEA is not true. There is always low teams contending in Open just sometimes not enough which why people have begun to think that you have to be the best to play in ESEA. It's 6.95/month for premium per player and then a one time 7.95 fee to play in the league. Normally I just remind teams that that's pretty much the equivalent of a night out to the movies. People seem to think that money on the internet is more valuable than money in real life. I'm not sure why but that comparison seems to break down that wall. I also like to mention that by paying, the chances of teams dying is far lower since they are "locked in". Pug server, scrim servers, admin support every night, blah blah blah. Here's the link to sign up: They've made it super easy and it literally holds your hand while taking you through each step. Normally whenever I make a post anywhere I mention that if they have any questions they can contact me: You can leave that in your comments. I'd also mention that sometimes the first season is tough but that only means that your team is improving. If I think of anything more, I'll post but for a video that seems good enough.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 plis upvote in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#24 saltysally, what a guy... in Off Topic
JaguarFiendThis isn't news, I'm not trying to whore attention, and indeed nobody cares. It's a bit of a shitpost and not every post you see is going to be intellectual gold. Why get bent out of shape? I'm not trolling anyone. Perhaps take your own advice and ignore it. When you type a small paragraph about how you feel your time was wasted you are trolling yourself. The initial post took you 5 seconds to read. It's not as if I wrote some long-ass narative and then it was troll copypasta shit at the end. Nope, this is true stories from the front. It was a fun scrim and I had fun screenshotting and posting a retard continuing to be a retard.

Ohhh... of coooourse it was a joke. No one saw that coming. You can have all 5 of the other people come on here and say that on your behalf and it doesn't make you look like any less of a douche. Apologies about not asking to extend. I lost track of the time and my team asked me to do it with literally 5 seconds on the clock so I did (in the middle of my rollout to mid). I had no time to ask about it. You guys weren't interested and left, and that's fine. At what point did I complain? I only spoke once asking you guys to hold up since our med's game kept crashing repeatedly as people kept entering the server, which happened a lot. As I said that you guys promptly ubered in and capped the point. And it was a fun game despite all of that.

Shitpost about a shitpost. Shitpostception

posted about 11 years ago
#13 How to beat a super team in TF2 General Discussion

Harbleu asked me to step in for him on spy whenever he switches classes. Gonna be tough for LG.

posted about 11 years ago
#158 ESEA-Orang-eXplosion in TF2 General Discussion
duderKilling, you know as well as anyone that one does not simply remove anything from the internet. Jeff's rant was honest, emotional and from the heart. Somewhat misguided, but it's raw emotion like what he showed in that video that drives his passion to continue doing what he does.

Let's put this issue to rest, everyone will kiss and make up and bro fist and touch wieners and what not. LAN is going to be sick, let's focus on crushing the CS and CSS streams once again so maybe next year Craig and the other brass at ESEA are more open to footing the bill to get TF2 covered on-site so this is a non-issue.

That is such a cop out. My first season of ESEA I changed the weapon bans 3 times because people were unhappy with it. I never let pride get in the away or the "if I change something than I'm wrong and people will judge me". This isn't about opinion, it's about doing what's right. Jeff's rant wasn't honest, there's clearly an abundance of lies in the video which were pointed out by multiple parties. This video is just a bunch of slander set out to depict ESEA as the villian for god knows what reason, not only is this counter productive to this community, it's destructive. ESEA loses money on TF2, if you guys lost 50$ everytime you made a video your perspective on making content would change drastically. Don't want to make an apology video or even a video with some more clarity? Fine, I'll live with it. Don't want to take your vlog off the internet or just make some clarification in the youtube comments? A bit ridiculous but ok. But this channel is CommFT, let's see Cbear's video up there.

If you decline to put his video up there, it just makes this entire situation even more pathetic and basically sends the message that you guys are just helping yourselves.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44