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Signed Up May 27, 2013
Last Posted October 28, 2016 at 5:28 AM
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#15 The TFTV Netplay Open - Sponsored by EVL in Other Games

if you don't win you're sleeping out in the snow.
do you hear me son?

posted about 7 years ago
#43 Your sens and preference in Off Topic

800 dpi
either 0.8 or 9
25.5 inches/360 or 2.3 inches/360
palm grip
track or flick, whatever i feel like at the time

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Hiking/climbing trips thread in Off Topic

I really want to do some multiple day trails around Yosemite. I might try for next summer. They look so fun and the idea of just hiking and being away from everything with a few friends in the middle of nowhere seems super nice.

This summer I did some 10-15 mile trails by Mount Shasta. Those were cool.

On a more extreme side, the Pacific Crest Trail seems like it'd be amazing to do. I know for a fact I'd probably die within a week, but still. Maybe some day.

posted about 7 years ago
#87 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic
fusionnI've been overweight for like 5 years, currently almost 240 pounds and I'm only fucking 15 and I pretty much always feel like shit because of it. I've been procrastinating for years about fixing myself up and eating better/exercising and every summer I tell myself I'm gonna get outside but I never fucking do. I'm so lazy and unwilling to get healthier that I even got my guidance counselor at school to replace my PE class with a study hall, even though PE is mandatory to graduate. I failed 9th grade PE because of this and I have no idea how I'm gonna make up the credit. My family has a history of heart disease and most of my relatives have died from heart related problems, resulting in me being afraid and paranoid that I'm going to have a heart attack every second of the day because of my health.

So here's my 2 cents on this part. When I was younger up until my freshman year of high school (starting my sophomore year of college now) I was always chubby I swam for 5 years however I would eat a crap ton. Freshman year I discovered tf2 and I had already had to quit swimming due to injured knees. I went from around 160 up to 215. Around 6 months ago I got really tired of looking at pictures of me next to my thin, great looking friends and wanted to change it. I didn't really know a whole lot about fitness and dieting so I started doing these 20-30 minute bodyweight exercises in my room at night when everyone was asleep and no one would come into the room. I also started eating at this organic food store next to my college instead of eating the junk in the college cafeteria. After losing 8 or so pounds in the first month I found that the weight loss is a super good feeling and the exercise is almost addicting. At the end of march I actually got serious about it and set a goal of 155 pounds. The two or so weeks of actual dieting and exercise was kind of hellish to say the least but it got better. I noticed that a lot of the food I used to eat was eaten more so due to boredom, frustration, sadness, or even happiness. The phrase "Don't eat to be full, eat to not be hungry" came up somewhere and I still follow that now. Anyways, I kept dieting and doing a ton of cardio but what turned into the most frustrating part was that friends and even my parents were laughing at me because it seemed so weird that I of all people was doing all this to better myself. I basically used their laughter as fuel to work harder towards my goal. Anyways, last friday, my weekly weighing day, I hit that 155 pound goal and decided to really look at how this has changed me not only physically, but mentally. Physically, I look better, I feel better, I also have infinitely less headaches which used to happen 3-4 times a week for the whole day. As for mentally I'm overall a bit happier and have a fair bit more confidence. I don't look in the mirror every day feeling disappointed in my self.

Overall, ease into dieting and exercise to avoid getting super discouraged early on. The first 2-3 weeks of getting serious with it will probably be pretty suckish but it gets a lot easier after that. It'll take time. It took time to get to this point, it'll take time to get out of it. If people put you down, use it as fuel and remember the only thing you're trying to prove to anyone is proving to yourself that you can meet a goal to better yourself. If you, or anyone else for that matter, want any help with any of this feel free to add me. I've done an ungodly amount of research on this stuff.

Oh also you mentioned social skills. Getting a job as a waiter helped me a ton because I eventually realize "Shit if I don't act super nice and talkative to my customers I'm not getting a good tip. Tips are cool."

posted about 7 years ago
#92 Update speculation in TF2 General Discussion
SUSAltdThere's no way he can be serious about this...

keep in mind he mains med. he has an obsession with taking 1 on 1s. a friend of mine who used to heavy with him in pubs told me a lot about it.

posted about 7 years ago
#89 Update speculation in TF2 General Discussion
fahrenheitthese are pretty amazing that he would think these were true, its like seeing into the mind of someone that just started playing tf2 and never grew out of their mindset

3) absolutely no team damage, losing every round
4) no heals and uber, losing every round
5) dead medic and demo, dead enemy heavy

absolute retard

Exactly, but, atleast in the beginning, because of his 'high level' experience my team and I kind of believed him. i am disappointed in myself

posted about 7 years ago
#87 Update speculation in TF2 General Discussion
Tsarbucks Just a question, but what all did he tell you that was untrue? Just curious

To elaborate, he would try to spread to my team and I how to play the classes in super incorrect ways.
1) The scout should be the main class that kills the other team's sniper. Yours shouldn't have to deal with them at all which means no buffs are ever needed for your sniper.
Result) A scout that died overextending a lot, and and a sniper that was never buffed.

2) Solder's ONLY, emphasis on only, purpose is to bomb in, 2 shot and kill their med, and bomb out.
Result) A wide open flank.

3) Since heavy is by far most powerful class in a highlander combo, it should be given the majority of the heals. The demo should just use dispensers, healthpacks, and health pickups from the persian persuader.
Result) A crying demo

4) As medic, you should engage in fights since you have extremely high damage outputting primaries.
Result) a dead medic

5) Snipers should only focus on killing the other team's heavy and destroying minis and dispensers.
Result) a mildly annoyed enemy engie.

We didn't necessarily follow some of these, mainly the heavy one and partly the scout one, but after a while of realizing these really didn't work for the most part we called him out and he got mad, called us all bad, he is the gamesense master, etc etc...

posted about 7 years ago
#83 Update speculation in TF2 General Discussion

A little history on our great friend robtheawsm. This guy used to mentor a hl team of mine back in season 13. I eventually got above a pub level of knowledge about the game and realized most of what he said was untrue and plain stupid. He always boasted about all the nerfs, buffs, and new weapons that valve was going to add to the game, all of which never actually happened,,, He's always had a beef with the soldier class because his sniper/med positioning is atrocious and he has no idea how to actually surf, so he just spreads rumors about soldier getting HUGE nerfs that will destroy the class. Eventually he started an sfm business with the only purpose being, and I distinctly remember being in mumble with him when he said this, "to make money off of gullible people." Sadly he did. He later made his youtube channel where he just spread lies with the only purpose being to get views and money. He plays himself up so much and anyone who criticizes or questions his ways gets blocked. He's one of those people who has an addiction to lying,,, kinda sad tbh. Like come on man, you really think that people would actually believe that you played on Knd without actually rostering or, from what I know, not having any of the leaders added? I actually called him out on that among other things and simply got blocked with no response because he hates actually revealing the truth. In all the guy's a huge scum bag and it's disappointing that his following is as large as it is considering his entire career is made up upon blatant lies and being a huge douche to anyone who questions them.

side note: his flaming hatred of 6s is due to there being more than one soldier

posted about 7 years ago