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Signed Up August 20, 2012
Last Posted August 20, 2012 at 7:37 AM
Posts 3 (0 per day)
#26 Effect of hardware on player ability in Q/A Help
brownymasterOvercalculating frames and they don't appear ideally. I mean technically any multiple of 60 is great, but generally 2x your refresh rate is fine.

Liek if you were at 150 fps and 60 hz, every 1/60 seconds the screen changes. Every 1/150 seconds, the video card has rendered a frame. Lets say at t=0, the screen updates. At t=0.0167 (1/60), the last frame rendered was 2/150 or 0.0133 (1/75). The next frame renders at 3/150 or at t=.02 (1/50), so the screen updates with a frame that was most recently rendered, .0167-.0133=.00333 seconds ago. Basically you're seeing something 3ms ago when it could have been a uniform update time. Not that big of a deal honestly, but sometimes monitors have a tearing effect.

this misconception annoys me.. and ive specified it before

monitor hertz and fps are not synced in any way shape or god damned form unless you enable vsync. tearing effects will still happen regardless of that

actually having higher fps is almost always better.

your assuming that the frame rendered is sent to the monitor at the same time as the monitor outputs, it doesn't, that's why screen tearing exists in the first place. screen tearing can occur any time a frame is out of sync, that happens all the god damned time. As your actually seeing two frames (one older and one new, obviously) at different parts of the screen) Vsync does more than just cap the frame rate to the refresh rate, it actually syncronizes the frame output from the card to the monitor and only sends the new frame when the monitor indicates it is ready to draw it(and that is why there is delay, even on CRTs)

so multiples of your current refresh rate really doesn't matter, just put a really high fps and it will be fine.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 I am kirby AMA in Off Topic

whats the meaning of life to you?(for the next 24 hours)

posted about 11 years ago
#36 Getting out of NATF2 in TF2 General Discussion

natf2 was always shit... welcome to most internet messageboards/forums.

so let me get this straight, your thinking this forum, that has the exact same community as this "cesspool" forum and think its gonna end up better? For some reason i doubt that, Better have some good fucking moderation, better start by banning me.

posted about 11 years ago