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Last Posted July 16, 2013 at 8:20 PM
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#8 TF2 Match/Scrim Finder in TF2 General Discussion

DNS is updating after we implemented cloudflare.. site may be down in some regions temporarily.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 TF2 Match/Scrim Finder in TF2 General Discussion
mebi'm going to be hard on you again

1) The site is way slower than the last time I logged in. Your programmers need to profile the site and see what recent changes have caused this unbearable lag.

2) There is still no incentive for teams to sign up. ESA has been doing some cash tournaments to get top euro teams to at least make the effort of getting their starters logged in and signed up. That's really the first step to get the ball rolling, but it's the hardest step.

Right now I have some joke team signed up on your site just to test our your UI, but getting my actual team on there would require way too much effort. There's nothing people hate more than registering for another gaming website that we will probably never find a use for until other teams make a serious effort.

Appreciate the honest feedback!
We moved image storing from database to filesystem, this greatly increased responsiveness in the short term. The site is becoming more and more popular, we're soon going to have to move off our shared hosting plan and onto dedicated.

In the mean time, I have JUST enabled CloudFlare, this should greatly reduce the bandwidth coming through our site.

As for incentive, offering lots of cash & prizes is not what we want to be the draw to IGL. Users should use IGL for the team management system, social media aspect(slowly being dev'd), and simplicity of finding & playing a match.
We do not want to charge users to play at IGL, we want to remain free to play. We will certainly add pro divisions in the future with paid entry when we're out of beta. Also, we have tournaments & events well under way, you will see some prizing there.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 TF2 Match/Scrim Finder in TF2 General Discussion

New Format
IGL has redone the format in which matches are created on our ladder system.

Teams now post their availability and map of choice. Alternatively you can challenge teams' existing listings.

After posting a listing, you may receive multiple challenges. Teams can pick and choose which challenge they accept, and are not obligated to accept any.

Winning a match versus a team ranked higher than you, will gain you 5% of that teams value. If you beat a team ranked lower than you, you will receive 2.5% of their value. Thus, if you lose to teams better than you, you do not lose too many points. Playing teams better than you means you have a lot to gain, and little to lose.

So is it scrims or matches?
It's up to you to decide how competitive you want to make it. Some teams use IGL as a scrim finder to prepare for their ESEA & UGC matches, while other teams play to climb their way to the top of the IGL ladder. Either way, we rank your matches fairly. We can give your scrims a meaning - make every match you play count!

New Feature
IGL has also introduced a new beta feature which allows UGC team captains to import their UGC rosters, saving a lot of time and effort.
When importing UGC teams, your roster is scanned. The Steam IDs are first checked against the IGL database. If the user already has an account, an invite will be sent. If the user does not have an account, a unique account will be created for users. These users can then log into IGL using Steam, where they can then accept their invite & begin playing IGL matches.

This feature is in beta. Please send all feedback to dallen@playigl.com

Pending approval from ESEA, we will be adding ESEA roster imports.

View Matches:

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Match Listing Service in TF2 General Discussion

Hey all

Just wanted to bump this thread - We've had our first successful challenged accepted.

Once you have a team, getting a match when you want has never been so easy.


posted about 11 years ago
#14 Match Listing Service in TF2 General Discussion

We're looking for 10-15 teams willing to work with IGL as early adopters of this service.

If your team is looking for scrims & wants to infuse the TF2 community with more activity, please contact me on Steam/Skype/Twitter: IGLAbsolute

Lets work together and get a foundation of scrims/matches posted & pass on the word.

The system is very powerful, and ultra simple. You can now complete a team in under 5 minutes & get your whole team participating in a match in under 10 minutes.
Once you have an IGL team, finding scrims will never be easier.

We're looking for teams of all skill levels.

IGL team
6 man roster
Availability to scrim
Willingness to use IGL service over existing(IRC) options while the popularity is established.
Help spread the word

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Match Listing Service in TF2 General Discussion
PrototypesTried to contact twice about not being able to add people to a team roster. Haven't heard anything back yet. My team would like to play in IGL but no one is able to join.

Along with this new update came a bunch of bug fixes - including the team builder bug.

If still having issues, contact me on.. Skype, Steam or Twitter: IGLAbsolute

Also available on GameSurge #PlayIGL

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Match Listing Service in TF2 General Discussion
RawrSpoonWow you guys are fucking awesome.

Definitely signing up for next season.

No such thing as 'Next Season' at IGL ladders. Matches are 24/7, 365. Sign-up now!

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Match Listing Service in TF2 General Discussion
trogCan you add the option for a team to provide a server? That way teams can run stats and pregame dm plugins and also have access to stv downloads.

We do have plans to allow teams to provide their own servers!

We will also be adding stv downloads & stats in the future.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Match Listing Service in TF2 General Discussion

IGL has just released a brand-new Match Listing service. Teams no longer have to spam IRC looking for scrims or matches.

With IGL's listing service, teams can pick up to 3 available time slots they're available to play. These matches are then posted for other teams to issue a challenge.
When the original poster accepts the challenge, the match becomes official.

Just like other IGL matches, all servers are provided. Players join the server through their 'My Matches' page by clicking the Play button.

This new feature bridges the gap between IRC teams & non-IRC teams.
All matches are ranked on our unique ladder point system.

Finally, you can play at your convenience.

www.playigl.com Sample:


Notes: For familiarity, Whitelists & configs are based on ESEA & UGC.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 IGL - Why haven't you signed up? in TF2 General Discussion

Goal over summer: Add support for more games(8), maximize the player base for the current games, iron out the platform, fixing bugs & adding features

Incentive: Free to play, matches 24/7, always playing within your skill set, we provide all infrastructure (servers), and a great team builder & management system.

Monetization model is targeted to be fully business to business. We're trying our best not to pass on our costs to the players.

Tournaments/Events will have prizing.

Leagues will be out end of summer. Prizing for leagues is TBD.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 I just noticed in Off Topic

not sure I get it?

perhaps link the original image?

posted about 11 years ago
#22 IGL - Why haven't you signed up? in TF2 General Discussion

Hi all, thanks for the great discussions!

We just had our 5th match played, looks like DOOR is cleaning up! They're looking for more challengers. We hope to see more teams signed up in the near future!

Results: http://www.playigl.com/ladder/results/1/Team+Fortress+2/
Standings: http://www.playigl.com/ladder/standings/1/Team+Fortress+2/

Ready Teams (12/340)

In regards to players having trouble signing up on the site, or joining a team, please don't give up. Instead, reach out directly to me.. Skype, Steam, or Twitter.. IGLAbsolute.

In regards to the comment about a single division/tier. Tiers are limited to 30 teams. When a tier hits 150% of it's capacity (45 in this case), the divisions are split. Every 15 days the divisions are realigned, so you will always be playing within your skill set. If your team starts gelling well, or if you lose a key player that's impacting your performance, you will be realign accordingly. So I do encourage all teams to register, we need to grow the current division in order to start segregating.

SaxualContentI can't seem to figure out how to give my team mates a link to join our team? Or at least find a join page where they can enter the team password to join

Players can request to join a team right from the team page.
Captains can invite a player, from the players profile.

You can find both of the above using the search feature in the header.

I'll work on fixing the team builder again. (It was working up until a few days ago)

Panda_PosseI'm having a similar problem. A friend tried to join and had the wrong password so he sent me a request. I changed the password and he tried to rejoin but he couldn't because his request was pending. Tried to comb my team page for a requests alert but couldn't find a sausage.

The requests are under the 'My Teams' page, not on your public team profile.

PrototypesI don't know if this is just me but when I try to invite people to the team roster it brings up the team builder thing and never loads anything.

Working on this currently.

SideshowThere's literally no reason NOT to sign up if you ever scrim, just use it as a scrim finder. The more people who use it the better it is, if everyone moved over it'd be perfect. Much better than IRC imo and will continue to improve.

Yes, the idea of ladders is to create a 24x7 competitive atmosphere. It gives scrims a value & a meaning. It will compliment our soon to be leagues & events nicely.

blazeHildrethLadders aren't as good as tournaments / cups, sure a Ladder is a great starting point but down the line you need to look at implementing tournaments, I'd love to see a HL Cup of some kind, a Knockout one perhaps cos I haven't seen an NA knockout cup for over 2 years.
this is actually a really good idea. 6s/HL tournament would be a good idea to start things off and get things rolling. My team would definitely sign up for a 6s tourny

We're working on our event structure currently... we're expecting a release in the next 2-4 weeks. We'll certainly do a TF2 tournament.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 IGL - Why haven't you signed up? in TF2 General Discussion

IGL TF2 Stats...
-348 teams created
-340 free agents
-63 teams with 5+ players
-28 teams ready on the ladders

So... why haven't you signed up?

If you've already signed up, why haven't you created a team? We provide all servers, and a great system to create & manage teams. Joining a match couldn't be any simpler, simply click play from your user dashboard at match time.

We just released some more updates bug fixes to our site today. Way too may to list. A few of the good ones are...
- Added full 6v6 support
- Database driven configs for matches
- Updates to registration (couldn't get any easier)

To help with visibility, we're working on a high-profile broadcasted match of some top NA TF2 teams. If any invite teams are interested, please reach out to me.

Twitter/Skype/Steam: IGLAbsolute

posted about 11 years ago
#17 ESEA Servers in TF2 General Discussion

IGL's been hosting 9vs9 matches flawlessly on our own in-house servers. You should give us a try, with 6v6 lined up for June 21st, the matches again will be just as smooth.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Attn. ESEA team captains and schedulers in TF2 General Discussion

just register at www.playigl.com - managing your team & matches doesn't get any easier.


posted about 11 years ago
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