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Last Posted October 17, 2016 at 2:10 PM
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#565 Donald Trump in World Events

I think the fact that there's so much open corruption against him should tell you who to vote.

Not a fan of either candidate but what about the massive amount of sex assault accusations against him? Does that not factor into your opinions at all?

I can rally 10 of my friends and throw an accusation that you groped me. It doesn't make it 100 percent true.

When the media(dems) do not like someone, they prepare to sling shit at that person repeadetly. That is what happened to Rudy Guiliani, its what happened to Julian Assange and its what happened to Bernie (in his case, the media gave him the Ron Paul treatment of "you can't win the primary) and its what's happening to Trump now which btw if you check wikileaks you will see that Hillary rigged the primaries with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is now on board of directors of the Clinton campaign or smth right after she resigned.
Small note: Tim Kaine was promised a VP spot on july 2015. He also was the old DNC chairman b4 DWS took over. But its probably a coincidence right guise :^)

Also the first allegation and many other allegations have been debunked. There are emails where the accusers are connected to the Clinton Campaign. If you don't like, there are some people who say that "they got raped by Trump a long time ago" were praising Trump in their private emails. I wouldn't praise my rapist now would I?

Also its pretty funny that all of these people jumped in and started to accuse Trump when there's 1 month left for the election.
"Hey I got groped 20 years ago! But I'll wait till the time is somehow right"
Also check wikileaks and you will see that this attack was orchestrated 3-4 months ago by the media and Clinton Campaign. I can just dump all the links if you people are too lazy to do your own research.

ScrewballHedoKingogluI think the fact that there's so much open corruption against him should tell you who to vote.Because the republican party and millionaires are not known for corruption. No sir. Trump is a buffoon and gets called out as such in media. He is such a buffoon that not even the US elites want him because him coming to power would be a textbook case of accelerationism. This doesn't make Hillery better. I am of the personal opinion that they both deserve to be shot. But to say that Trump is getting more negative press for no reason is lunacy.

So you think that Trump's sex allegations deserve 200 minutes of press while wikileaks only deserves 12 minutes (which most are from Fox News) and that it is completely fine? Oh wait, according to CNN; it is actually ILLEGAL to look at wikileaks emails and only the press can show the info to the public. Wow I suppose 1984 really was an instruction manual after all :^)

Also do you unironically believe in the following:

That Republican Party elitists support Trump
That he was supposed to get support from the elites in the first place like Hillary?
That calling Trump a buffoon repeadetly like a little kindergarten studennt will make your point acceptable?

You can easily fling bullshit about "Trump Corruption" that are factually proven to be debunked and incorrect constantly. But if you really think that someone who invests 100 million dollars to his own presidential campaign and does not suck up to the lobbyist is going to be a "corrupt president". Then you really have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

I can't really blame you, I would hate Trump too if I only listened to the Mainstream Media and refused to watch his rallies or his events. The difference is, some people make their own research and use common sense while some people would rather throw a temper tantrum over things they do not like.

I've read the things you've written to others in response when it comes to foreign politics and you sound a little like Trump over the fact of the US' failed nation building and the stupid things that the US does in the foreign policy. I would advise you to watch the Commander in Chief forum and the South Carolina GOP primary debate so you can see what I am talking about.

posted about 8 years ago
#561 Donald Trump in World Events


I think the fact that there's so much open corruption against him should tell you who to vote.

posted about 8 years ago
#300 Donald Trump in World Events
ScrewballHedoKingogluAnd for the sake of arguement what was batshit idiotic about his statement?The man believes vaccines cause autism.
This alone should disqualify him from working at the DMV let alone the highest office in the country.

And Bernie thinks he can make free college and free healthcare happen by taxing everyone with 90 percent income tax. I don't see you guys making any comments about that.

posted about 9 years ago
#296 Donald Trump in World Events
the301stspartanpine_beetleI love Trump, I'm hopping he moves to Canada and runs for pm after he's done fixing the states. Tells it like it is, facts are more important than feelings and has really shaken things up in a good way. Political correctness is getting out of control to the point where you can't actually say what you're thinking without having some sort of outrage. It's refreshing to see someone who not only challenges but also defeats the mainstream media and popular opinion.Saying what you think for the sake of saying what you think is not in any way desirable if what you think is batshit idiotic.

And for the sake of arguement what was batshit idiotic about his statement?

You guys really embrace this political correctness thing seeing as how migrants raped your women in new years eve and the government is more determined to cover it up than actually doing something about it.

posted about 9 years ago
#104 surveillance camera man shutdown in Off Topic
MumaHedoKingogluMumaI get the point of the videos and stuff, but from a curiosity stance, what happens when the police show up? He's not doing anything illegal, right?He isn't. That's the whole point.Okay yes exactly. That doesn't tell me what the police do. Would they just tell them like yo shut the fuck up or like what? I'm curious.

Let your imagination pan that out. Cops come in asks what's happening, person who is being filmed says he/she is being filmed. The filmer points out that he does nothing illegal under US law so the police have no right to force him to stop filming.

Also the reason he remains silent most of the time when people ask "what the fuck are you doing?" is so when he gets reported, the first thing the police will try to look for will be provocation. Since all he ever says is "I am just taking a video" and "Calm down" it won't count as provocation so the guy who is recording all this has literally no faults under the american law.

Otherwise he would already be jailed.

posted about 9 years ago
#96 surveillance camera man shutdown in Off Topic
MumaI get the point of the videos and stuff, but from a curiosity stance, what happens when the police show up? He's not doing anything illegal, right?

He isn't. That's the whole point.

posted about 9 years ago
#178 ESL Cologne in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#98 Is in-game shit talk a good or a bad thing? in Off Topic

If opponents shittalking distract you then hud_saytext_time 0

If your teammates shittalk to hype the team and raise the moral then its perfectly fine.

If your teammates shittalk due to anger then it demoralizes the team.

However I know some people who get bitchy and whiny when one of their own teammates tries to hype up their team by shittalking. Those people have no real competitive drive and shouldn't play competitively

posted about 9 years ago
#127 ESL Cologne in CS2 General Discussion

Every top team has praised LG and believe they will make it to at least top 8.

But I gotta say, a flipside vs lg match on cobble is sick.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 ESL Cologne in CS2 General Discussion

Anyone bought any tickets to the major? I am flying over there tomorrow.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 using anime to stop ISIS in Off Topic


ISIS adopts ISIS-chan as a mascot. Internet hacker called "4chan" is outraged.

posted about 9 years ago
#49 Recommend music in Music, Movies, TV

If you like to listen to chill instrumental hip hop Nujabes is your man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t03XRHiJMLU

If you are more of the lyrical hip hop listener then songs like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0Kfrj--djw should attract your attention.

posted about 9 years ago
#78 esl pro league finals in CS2 General Discussion

VP vs. 3 NA/BR teams when?

posted about 9 years ago
#44 Valve's hat economist now economics minister in Off Topic


Not to be mean or anything but I wouldn't trust this guy with my money.

I mean he just looks like he was born to take your money.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Closer - Lemaitre in Music, Movies, TV

Used to listen to a lot of lemaitre, thanks for bringing this up I completely forgot about them.

posted about 9 years ago
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