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Last Posted October 15, 2014 at 3:00 PM
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#5 End Credit/Montage/Monologue clip? in Videos

Thank you so much Dash. Hit even harder the second time around.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 End Credit/Montage/Monologue clip? in Videos
dashnerJust at a rest stop near the Canadian border with Megawac and Alfa. I'll be uploading it when I get home in about 4 hours.

Awesome! Thanks so much ;) Looking forward to refeeling the feels.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 End Credit/Montage/Monologue clip? in Videos

I apologize if this has already been asked for, but does anyone know where I can see the ending credits from the GXL stream? The monologue evoked major feels for the future of competitive tf2 and I haven't been able to dig it up. I really hope it exists elsewhere.

posted about 9 years ago
#35 UGC-HL Iron Power Rankings Week 5 in TF2 General Discussion

Unbelievable that the "pro" players want to do shit like this. If you really want your time spent in this game to go unwasted, let the damn competitive scene grow instead of stomping it out before it can even get a solid player base. Iron teams are trying to improve, and completely wrecking them DOES NOT help. Sure, thats what it's like at higher level play, but guess what? They're iron. A lot are not even pubstompers, and to take silver/gold/plat players and completely wreck them and use the excuse that you're trying to help? Bitch please.

In regard to a team not being upset that they just had their match ruined by smurfs, that team doesn't value actual experience. I for one would be pretty upset, and I pray something happens before playoffs, in case my team makes it there.

If you're going to smurf, smurf a division below, not three+.

posted about 11 years ago