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Signed Up June 30, 2016
Last Posted February 2, 2020 at 6:35 PM
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#64 Planet at risk of irreversible hothouse conditions in World Events
DesonatorYou are a fool if you think there is any chance to work out the kinks. Besides my comment is the opening line of the infamous Unabomber's manifesto.
Very hard to argue with the points he makes.

"It's very hard to argue against anarcho-primitivism"

Oh dear.

I think this is the part where I close this thread.

posted about 6 years ago
#21 Planet at risk of irreversible hothouse conditions in World Events
DesonatorThe industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

He says, living in a wealthy post-industrial society and having both the free time, education and material resources to post on an internet forum about video games.

Look dude I'm as much for calling out problems as much as the next guy but if you think that one of the most important stepping stones in human history that gave way to the largest amounts of wealth created EVER, that you and I are benefiting from right now is a humanitarian "disaster" then quite frankly you're either blissfully naive or grossly ungrateful.

Is it perfect? Not by any stretch of the imagination. Is it better than a life spent performing back-breaking labour on farmland as peasants, with the only thing putting you out of your misery being dying at 30 from a tooth infection? Absolutely.

It's early days yet and we're still working out the kinks. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

posted about 6 years ago
#467 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic



Yeah I've known iatgink for 3 years if not more, I think we're good :)

It's almost like context matters
yllenThat doesn't make it right at all

I'd like to remind everyone here that saying that "context doesn't matter" had a man in the UK facing jail for making a video of his dog doing a nazi salute: The context of which was getting an adorable creature owned by his girlfriend to perform a gesture associated with abhorrent acts in history - making a cute and adorable pug into a nazi. In case you didn't catch that, a man was found guilty of hate crimes... for trying to annoy his girlfriend?

The prison sentence was later reduced to an £800 fine but sets an extremely dangerous legal precedent - particularly as the UK doesn't have the protection the US constitution offers.

Now I'm well aware that we're talking about private entities and individuals in the case of this thread and not government oppression of speech, but the lesson is the slippery slope that follows from blanket banning of certain words and phrases, regardless of the situation they are used in. It is already turning into a witch hunt, albeit with the best of intentions, as others in this thread have noted. I won't even begin to comment on the issue of sexual assault as I feel that's been more than covered by everyone else in this thread.

Now I understand that I have a somewhat checkered past in this community so I'll probably get downvoted into oblivion just for making the following statements, but I feel that it is an extremely important and often-overlooked facet of such a discussion and could potentially be important to open-minded individuals.

While I cannot defend calling someone a racial epithet in a public space (regardless of race, I'm outraged for example at Sarah Jeong joining the editorial board of the New York Times after tweeting many choice remarks, such as the hashtag "CancelWhitePeople") this hysteria needs to stop. We all need to cool off and realise that yes, context is a huge factor to take into account. There's a key difference between jokes among friends and outright substituting racial epithets for rational arguments in a public space.

I've been called all sorts of race (and perceived class even though I'm poor lol) based epithets in real life for holding slightly-right-of-centre political opinions in an academic setting. When I had identity-based epithets thrown at me, I couldn't help but just ask myself about these people "What is wrong with you? What went wrong in your life to get to this point?" - you really do have to just acknowledge sometimes that people can just be fucked up. In cases such as that, there isn't really much option but to "grow a thicker skin" in response to things like that, so to speak.

Once again, I am not defending outright going to someone's twitter and trying to cause harm in response to an announcement without any rational arguments being presented whatsoever - I am simply trying to get everyone to stop fanning the flames of witch hunting a bunch of people like Thalash for using a word. A word with negative connotations, sure. A word that is used to harm, sure. But he literally provided you with context afterwards and people are still piling on him - garnering significant amounts of upvotes in the process, which is what worries me more than the opinions being written to be honest - it's the fact that they're so well-received.

This whole situation just reminds me of 1950s america where everyone thought that their neighbour was a communist; if two friends can't have a laugh together without fear of the TFTV thought police having someone in their mumble/discord listening in for certain words/phrases then I'm sorry but you're just as bad as the actual racists. It only serves to further radicalise people (especially younger ones as this is a gaming community), whether by the Streisand effect, thinking they can't speak freely amongst friends, or any other factors.

tl;dr: fuck actual racists, but if friends I've had for years can't have racial bants with me then you've got a far bigger problem than racism on your hands.

smzipeople that actually grew up in bigger cities = exposed to way more diversity tend to be more open towards people

but again this is just from my own experience

That's actually true, there is some evidence from social studies in the US that people who score higher in openness and agreeableness in personality tests tend to conglomerate in larger cities while those with the opposite traits tend to live in rural areas with less population density and greater hegemony. There's still some debate however to how much of a personality is genetic as opposed to environment but the consensus is that there is a genetic element to personality.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Planet at risk of irreversible hothouse conditions in World Events

lmao how is global warming even real just get the whole population to move their air conditioning units outside

posted about 6 years ago
#1062 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

extrasolar | EF2L.org killed pyr0shark with machina. (crit)
*DEAD* pyr0shark : extrasolar hacks

*DEAD* pyr0shark : i just checked
pyr0shark : extrasolar has almost 10000 hours
pyr0shark : he doesnt need to get reported
pyr0shark : he needs to get a life

posted about 6 years ago
#50 Planning to give up in life in Off Topic

do it faggot

posted about 7 years ago
#369 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
FunsI'm moving to Sweden when I turn 18 tbh

But Sweden will basically be a 3rd world country within the next 20 years if they stay part of the EU LMAO

If you really want to move to a Nordic country that isn't turning into a complete shithole go somewhere like Norway or Iceland lol
I've been to Iceland, lovely place, lovely people. ez game

Show Content
Lots of rocks and volcanoes though, watch your step 8)
posted about 8 years ago
#130 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster

We've never even met lmao

posted about 8 years ago
#79 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster

The wall just got 10 feet higher

posted about 8 years ago
#74 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster
Starkiecan you two stop, youre ruining this quality thread

Sorry based starkie sac really triggers when you call him bad :c

posted about 8 years ago
#71 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster
sacExtrasolarsacI didn't know who you were before you came into the mumble and " rambling about everyone being shit" and having the person who is friendly enough to you to get you in be so upset about you that he tells you to shut up for the remainder of the game is obvious enough to anyone but you apparantly to explain to people what it is that makes you pretty unlikable. Maybe it will mellow out with age, I hope for you, becuase your current passtime of making lobbies on your alt and grief them with using noclip and cheats is pretty pathetic tbh lad.Actually that was on my main, how do you think I got permabanned for the third time :doh yea it was scrambled who was on his alt, i'm sorry you two are so similar, it's easy to mix that one up.

I know we're both prem heavies and banned from cancerpubs.tf, easy to confuse us :d

posted about 8 years ago
#68 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster
retrogradeExtrasolarThanks for creating this thread George, I love a good bit of drama 8)this thread isnt only about you and you shouldnt be proud of trying to make it be only about you

Never said it was lol, me loving drama isn't claiming the thread is about me, expressed or implied
Also #NotAnArgument

posted about 8 years ago
#66 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster
sacI didn't know who you were before you came into the mumble and " rambling about everyone being shit" and having the person who is friendly enough to you to get you in be so upset about you that he tells you to shut up for the remainder of the game is obvious enough to anyone but you apparantly to explain to people what it is that makes you pretty unlikable. Maybe it will mellow out with age, I hope for you, becuase your current passtime of making lobbies on your alt and grief them with using noclip and cheats is pretty pathetic tbh lad.

Actually that was on my main, how do you think I got permabanned for the third time :d

posted about 8 years ago
#62 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster
Claims I'm grumpy then bans me from his mumble for saying he's not as good as he thinks he is 4Head
What you don't understand is that I'm not grumpy I'm just a brit BibleThump
That never happened though, I don't recall you saying anything in that order, and you leaving after drezzo called you out after inviting you in the first place for being such cunt I didn't even have admins in the mumble we were in. typing in twitch emoticons won't make you a well liked person in the community, actually acting like a decent human being does.

no lol, yes lol, I don't value being "liked" by a video game community (and I use that term very loosely when TF2 is concerned) especially when the majority of it is even more toxic than me, and that's quite an achievement considering most of the time I'm actively trying to be just to figure out who's a baitable idiot and who isn't, and the term "decent human being" is entirely arbitrary and is simply a low IQ way of saying "I don't like you but I don't want to actually explain myself using reasoning, so I'm just gonna hide behind the word "obnoxious" and claim that I have the high ground because some of your other friends also disliked me.
Argumentum ad populum fallacy at its finest 8)

To summarise, #NotAnArgument

Please keep feeding me strawman arguments and fallacies

Thanks for creating this thread George, I love a good bit of drama 8)

posted about 8 years ago
#56 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster
sacExtrasolarStarkieExtrasolarPermzillaStark is a cancerous player who is fucking aids. He is toxic and just depletes those around him. Genuine depression. Would not recommend.
Claims someone has "genuine depression" then bashes them and attempts to claim moral high ground based on the word "toxic" SeemsGood
its a meme

Sounds like a p good meme tbh I would ask to partake but the community seems to already be doing it with me unironically xd
Yeah, I remember you playing once with a few friends of mine and me in a mumble, and you stunned as all with your ability to be the grumpiest obnoxious person to be with.

Claims I'm grumpy then bans me from his mumble for saying he's not as good as he thinks he is 4Head
What you don't understand is that I'm not grumpy I'm just a brit BibleThump

posted about 8 years ago
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