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Signed Up February 14, 2015
Last Posted June 10, 2016 at 9:58 AM
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#9 ozfortress Summer Cup 2016: Highlights in News

Man, this editing can even make AU frags look good ;)

posted about 8 years ago
#31 How to get over your "first love" in Off Topic

Transfer that feeling to another person, or, if there ain't nobody available, another activity. Caring about something a lot is a thing people do. Lots of chemicals in the brain dedicated to that particular set of emotions. The whole deal about "rebound" people is that they understand that they need to transfer, but they don't spend time thinking about the direction before they do so.

So make some kind of active choice. Determine what you're going to care about. Then care about it and put time into it. That should do something. Probably.

posted about 8 years ago
#76 Cheater, Apparently Open/IM? in TF2 General Discussion
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Y'know, I'm aware of the sentiment of most competent people that have worked AC before: that people who post on a witch-hunt forum thread without actually knowing anything about what they're saying are at best wasting their and others time and at worst are living pieces of human trash. Regardless, I'm posting as an uninformed pleb responding to other uninformed plebs because I enjoy drama. So sue me.

Imo, not hacking, just a terrible gamer.

  • Heavy Aim Twitching: Since the guy plays roamer, I'd believe a ridiculously high sensitivity and discomfort with actual tracking with a hitscan weapon. Also, if there were aim hacks involved, why the hell would he decide to drop off of the catwalk?
  • Spy following: Didn't even see the spy the first time, looked like a perfectly normal if a bit dumb walk over for a buff and walk back.
  • Not checking garage: Shit player, but it did look like he played a bit cautious.
  • Scout fire: He was still watching carefully for the soldier re-jump (sorry for the rip, but shit player because he didn't realize how weak the soldier was and that there was no way he would re-contest) and so saw the scout and was able to react as soon as the scout peeked the corner.
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I was bored, ok?
posted about 8 years ago
#10 Prophete's programs in Off Topic

This thread looks lonely. These things look cool. Yay. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Team SoloUber undergoes roster changes, rebranding in News

did they rebrand just so we could #20believe?

posted about 8 years ago

Who actually. I mean... ok. This is going to be interesting to follow. Because not a whole lot of people have over 40M. Also, the argument can be made that this is actually categorized under collectible items, not art. So... is the point still valid, even if this sells?

Edit: just realized about the whole Ebay strike system. Lol.

posted about 8 years ago

Something funny:

They did it first. You didn't. If it's just rocks behind glass, why has anyone else not done that already for the 23 million (or whatever it was)? Why can't you just sell that tomorrow?

posted about 8 years ago
#23 how's life in Off Topic
kflaymy life is a based meme at the moment
posted about 8 years ago
#10 Backcap #13 - 8th to 14th of Feb in Videos
KevinIsPwnIf anyone has any specific criticisms of my voicing on these, I'd love to improve. I'm no getawhale, and I don't ever expect to be. But i'd love to be as good as I possibly can be.

You probably noticed this while you were recording, but at 0:52, there are some weird spacing issues in your speech pattern. I do like when the voice person puts emphasis on something like "week two", but use pacing, not spacing. Just say "week two" slightly more deliberately, but don't pause before it.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Valentines day in Off Topic

Watching Midnight in Paris with a special someone. Woody Allen is the best aphrodisiac ;)

posted about 9 years ago
#157 Best Plays in TF2 history in TF2 General Discussion
NusemanBlitzoOpti' is one of the best "flashy player" in the french communityHe always seems to hit the craziest shit on soldier

I mean, you have to always go for the bigger play

posted about 9 years ago
#168 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

For the "representation of the tournaments," I like the first option, the second's ok for a smaller size (thought I don't understand why the 5cp designation is necessary). The third one just has the text way too small.

posted about 9 years ago
#50 what keys do you use for your weapons? in TF2 General Discussion

I want to be able to use Tab to toggle Q between switching primary/secondary and primary/melee, but I haven't been able to script that properly yet, especially with the crosshairswitcher I use

posted about 9 years ago
#25 ESEA S21 W1: Ascent vs. Team SoloUber in Matches

Ma3la really gets me going ;)

posted about 9 years ago
#77 tf2 players with the best voice in Off Topic

posted about 9 years ago
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