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Signed Up May 16, 2014
Last Posted August 28, 2017 at 9:07 PM
Posts 821 (0.2 per day)
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Headphones Gamecom 780
Monitor Asus 144butthertz
1 ⋅⋅ 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
#8 Florida Lan is back for 2015 in TF2 General Discussion
shadeIf you don't mind me asking what center in Orlando? I can help facilitate if need be... I live thereeee sooooo.

Add me on steam.

I'd rather not jinx it. I've been trying to get a venue in Central Florida for a few months now.
Thank you for the offer, currently I don't need assistance but I'll let you know if that changes.

DarkTechNoholy shit, Id love to go, Ill probably bring cloridium.

Also, why is it a HL exclusive? There aren't many TF2 Lans period, I think it would be kinda silly to possibly alienate people from showing up.

The last FLan in Pompano Beach as promised to be a 6s and HL event but due to many factors this was changed to a 6s only event last minute and it bummed a lot of people out (Myself included). I felt that I owe the players the HL event I promised them last year.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Florida Lan is back for 2015 in TF2 General Discussion

The time has come, it is quite clear, the time to LAN is almost here.

Hey guys, I'm happy to announce that we have an official date of May 16th 2015 for FLan 2015 (Possibly Season 1? ;D). I have spoken to many different groups in venues and am glad to announce that the awesome guys over at Apocalyptic Gaming Center will be hosting the festivities for us. All the issues we had to deal with at FLan 2014 will not be an issue this time around as I have learned from my many mistakes.

Q. Will this be a multiday event?
A. No

Q. Will there be 6's?
A. No

Q. Will there be medals handed out?
A. Yes!

This will be a 1 day event that will be starting at 11am. Without a doubt in my mind the HL event will take up the whole day. Should for whatever reason we finish up HL early we can easily set up some 6s pugs for fun. I will be speaking with the Custard Council this weekend to get the map pool ready but I would really like to see some older maps that have not been seen in a few seasons brought into the mix as well. As much as I like Lakeside I'm sure plenty of people are sick of playing it season after season.

The website will (hopefully) be live this weekend. With the website launch there will be 2 lists available for everyone to see.
1) The Players who will be attending (Steam names)
2) The Players who want to attend but have yet to register

Unlike the first FLan this time around there will be online registration and payment. It'll keep things a lot more organized. All you have to do when you complete your registration is keep a copy of your paypal receipt and bring it with you at the day of the event. Raffle prizes are coming back along with the addition of two MVP prizes (MVP for First place and Runner up teams). Lot's of stuff being released this weekend, looking forward to it, and looking forward to seeing you all at FLan 2015!

Much love,

posted about 9 years ago
#128 The Supposed God of Demoman in TF2 General Discussion

I see this dude on the 2098 servers constantly
He is trash
Go on their 2fort and upward servers (mostly 2fort) and you'll see him. He's a pretty easy domination.

A heads up though, the regulars on those servers get riled up pretty damn easily and the admins/regulars aren't afraid to threaten kicks and toss hackusations around like they're cheap coupons.

The giggles

posted about 9 years ago
#10 TF2Kart released! in Off Topic

Holy shit
I played this for 30 minutes with some friends and it was surprisingly fun. Brought back many good memories of mario kart 64

posted about 9 years ago
#18 FLan 2015 Discussion - Need community input in TF2 General Discussion
rowrowI really like the idea of it being an online tournament that then meets in Florida for the playoffs. Sort of like a new league, but with a promise of cash prizes with the only expense being (barring the cost of travel to florida) the price to enter the venue for the playoffs.

Online tourney into a Florida-based lan playoffs. I like it. Anyone else?

EDIT: UGC's been looking for incentives for Platinum players and teams to play, why not have their regular season culminate in a playoffs with a cash prize that miggy is basically providing from his own pocket and from the fees of simply attending a lan playoffs. Can someone get in touch with UGC about maybe doing something like this? Maybe a step for UGC to become a big name in comp with "cash prizes" as a selling point like ESEA

EDIT2: Miggy is literally paying most of the fees for having a lan, UGC should take an offer for a LAN playoffs for their platinum division.

I wouldn't mind doing that if they were interested.
All they would need to do is slap their name on it and promote it; Everything else I can handle myself.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 FLan 2015 Discussion - Need community input in TF2 General Discussion

Some updates:

1) Sponsor and I couldn't come to an agreement. They were hoping/expecting me to draw in a crowd much bigger than I could pull (hundreds). It's w.e, moving on.

2) I've been talking back and forth with a group of FLan alumni whom I've liken to call "the custard council" about doing the next FLan a bit differently. Currently I'm leaning towards the idea of having a big chunk of the tournament online and having the quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals done at the LAN venue. I'm hoping this would attract more players. Just to throw a number out there, if we can get a full 16 teams to sign up that would bring the winning team a prize of no less than 400 per player (it's actually closer to 500 but I want to toss the second place folks some prize money as well).
And in case you're wondering how I got that number: 16 teams * 9 players - 360 that goes to venue + my 500 contribution for being a G / 9 players = 495.55
and then subtract a smallish sum from that to cover second place prize.
Another big plus about having a big chunk of the tourney held online is that it saves us time at the venue. Having those quarterfinal and after matches will take probably as long as the last FLan took (even with all the network and config problems worked out, which they have been), so this would save us from having to run a multiday event.

3) Since there is no sponsor there is no longer a need to run a multigame event, however, I would still be open to organizing a cs:go event in the second half of 2015 if there is an interest. If that doesn't pan out I'm more than happy to organize a 3rd flan event which will be dubbed FLan 3: Full Diabetes

4) The venue cannot afford buying 18 sparkling new 120hz monitors. I thought about doing a fundraiser to get em some new gear but that would be asking way too much from the community. I did think of an alternative though that I still have yet to bring up to the venue owner so don't take this as a final word.
I saw GXL had a nice little "Pay a bit extra to be able to use a 120+hz monitor" feature. Doing this would allow the venue and I to raise a more realistic amount of money to bring in say 4-6 monitors. And then all the money used from players paying extra would go to either the prize pool or to the venue for more gear. Hopefully I'll have more on this soon.

5) While speaking with the Custard Council a concern was brought up in regards to doing the event online then at lan. What if invite players stack a team?
Would that discourage other players from wanting to join? Would that just cause a bunch of invites to meet up at FLan to have an epic battle? I want to hear the communities thoughts on this. Should they be allowed to play at all? If allowed to play should there be restrictions on the amount of invites a team could have? What should that limit be? UGC has some decent limitation rules, should we make some based around those? I personally don't like the idea of disqualifying players just because they are OP, but I am not against setting a limit to how many can roster on a single team.

Please, tell me your thoughts and don't be afraid to voice your opinions. This is an event by the tryhards, for the tryhards.


posted about 9 years ago
#85 Worst TF2 Frag Videos? in Videos

I'm about to outdo everyone in this thread with my Halo PC shitages
This video was so stupid that it was stuck in youtube processing for years.
Not kidding; Uploaded this a few months after I opened my youtube account in '06 and it didn't appear on my channel until well after I forgot about it which I then promptly privated.

posted about 9 years ago
#61 Let's keep this going. in TF2 General Discussion

Florida is having another lan early next year.
There will be another tf2 medal, and we will have a nice sponsor for giveaway prizes :)

posted about 9 years ago
#18 TF2 update for 10/15/14 in TF2 General Discussion

I see they added in my Florida Lan medals :)

posted about 9 years ago
#13 FLan 2015 Discussion - Need community input in TF2 General Discussion

When you register your main and secondary class gets sent to a nice document form. I will work with one or two other individuals to help even out the teams. It would be nice to see entire (or even half) teams come though.

The site is almost done, just got 1 page left to work on.

Also note the outline of the prizes.
Those prizes listed on the page is if 4 teams minimum join (which shouldn't be a problem). With this sponsor (and perhaps 1 or 2 more) it would jump up. I'm also considering possibly doing a fundraiser stream of sorts. My goal is to get that around 200+ per player for first place and 50+ per player for second place.
Also will be doing MvP prizes and raffle prizes (again). This time around I will be able to hand out the prizes on site.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 FLan 2015 Discussion - Need community input in TF2 General Discussion

Going to meet with a PC company very early next week to see if they'd be interested in sponsoring the event.

If it does pans out here are somethings we might expect to change:
The rigs at the last event were good, these would be just as good if not better
120hz+ monitors
More than likely some gear giveaways from them
More than likely they would want me to bring in a tourney for a second game and make this a lan event to draw a bigger crowd. If this is the case then it would either be a toss up between Dota2 and CS:GO, and since UGC has a Dota2 league....

I'll give an update as soon as the deal is finalized

posted about 9 years ago
#10 FLan 2015 Discussion - Need community input in TF2 General Discussion

That's cause it's an image, a preview of what it will look like.
The venue is Versus Gaming Center in Pompano Beach, FL
750 E Sample Rd Pompano Beach, Florida

posted about 9 years ago
#8 FLan 2015 Discussion - Need community input in TF2 General Discussion

Looking for a helping hand

As before I'm putting in a bunch of cash out of pocket to get this going because I love this community and I love comp tf2. However, whereas last time I was able to toss in 500 bucks + entry fees brought in around 130 for every player on the winning team. This time around I will be putting in 450 cash this time (50 to each player on winning team) combined with the entry fee should bring in a good 130 (Gasp, the same. Math!) to each player on winning team (If we can get a minimum of four teams, which isn't that hard). I'll also be raffling off items again like I did previously, however this time around I will raffle of 1 bud and 2 bills PLUS the Medic and MVP of the winning team will each receive a bud.

Here's where I need help. I want this tournament to attract at least 2-4 more teams so we can get a bracket style tournament instead of round robin. Easily the best way to do this is make it more lucrative for players to come which could be done through having a bigger prize pool. I'm looking for at least 2-3 sponsors to help chip in to the prize pool. You will be listed as a sponsor on the webpage (Still working on the new version of the site since I wasn't too happy how my old site came out. I have a preview up at and you are more than welcome to advertise at the event if you wish to come. I would also be more than happy to have your logo displayed on the twitch stream. If you have some ideas I'm sure we can work something out.
If you're interested, or know someone who might be please send me a PM or just add me on steam. Thank you.

posted about 9 years ago
#101 South Florida TF2 Charity Lan in LAN Discussion

Valve didn't like the idea of a bad ass skull medal for a child charity. They asked us to go back and think up of something quick.
Ruskey is a bit busy lately but he'll get to it when he can. Good news is that my API key was approved to hand out the medals when they are ready.

sad face

Will post updates when I can

posted about 9 years ago
#7 FLan 2015 Discussion - Need community input in TF2 General Discussion

The new site is coming along very nicely, can't wait until it's done.

posted about 9 years ago
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