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SteamID64 76561198049859618
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Country United States
Signed Up July 19, 2013
Last Posted July 15, 2015 at 10:29 AM
Posts 118 (0 per day)
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#48 Rhapsody's Performance Config in Customization
where can I find m0reshighframes as they seem to give an fps boost?

He didn't benchmark maxframes, so if you're using max, you probably wouldn't benefit from m0re's. Also, different configs work better on different machines (hence the benchmark thread) so you may not get better fps just because someone else's rig does.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Help me find my father. in Off Topic

Some guy on reddit found a lost relative by posting on that city/state's subreddit and they were able to find them through that. Nothing I can suggest other than give every detail/description that you/your family can think of to the authorities. Favorite restaurants, activities, sports team, etc.
Edit: Here's the article: http://mashable.com/2014/04/23/redditor-finds-missing-mom/

posted about 9 years ago
#6 dummy being replaced with who? in The Dumpster

This was the scrim that Clockwork streamed, rr was just subbing one scrim as demo, not really something that needs to be discussed..

posted about 9 years ago
#144 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

Tftrue_no_hats 0 is the command I believe.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 tf2.mix.nahl starting up again. Help keep it going in TF2 General Discussion

On a related note, if any of you are following the ugc thread: http://www.ugcleague.com/forum/showthread.php?21592-tf2-mix-nahl-starting-back-up-again-We-need-your-help!/page4

Blindsight, the head admin, is working on a site to facilitate the mixes instead of using IRC. This will hopefully allow for more people to get interested as well as add some features that wouldn't be possible via IRC.

Please contact him via steam or ugc forum PM's http://www.ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561198013595660 or PM him via IRC (query) if you'd like to help with this, making graphics, tutorials, help guides, anything you think you could contribute.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 tf2.mix.nahl starting up again. Help keep it going in TF2 General Discussion

I don't think center killed pugs. I think it's just center has players of all skill-levels, and has a very small barrier of entry. Nice GUI, different locations, different gametypes, etc, etc. The biggest thing is that Center is based on a PUG system, but it's first come, first serve, instead of captain based. This leads to more people/more games being played but, arguably, less skilled games. Plus going past midnight with only about 20-25 active players is still pretty awesome. Whereas tf2center has 80+ on, even at 2 or 3 AM.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 tf2.mix.nahl starting up again. Help keep it going in TF2 General Discussion

On Friday and Saturday, we had the last ones starting around 12-12:30 and ending around 1-2 AM. I think that's pretty good for weekends. Hopefully if we do get more people involved, we can have multiple mixes going simultaneously, that and daily mixes are the long-term goals.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 tf2.mix.nahl starting up again. Help keep it going in TF2 General Discussion

For those of you who don't know. tf2.mix.nahl is an intermediate PUG group for highlander. It has been inactive for awhile but 2 weekends ago, we managed to get it going starting Friday, Saturday, and Sunday around 8 PM EST. On Friday and Saturday, we were able to keep going until ~12-1 AM and last weekend we were able to duplicate that having around 10-11 mixes throughout the weekend. So if you don't feel like you benefit much from tf2center, I'd recommend joining us on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays. If you don't have time, feel free to tell your friends who you think this would appeal to! We are looking for ~Silver players but if you don't meet this criteria, don't be afraid to try it out! If you feel that you're out of your depth, either try asking for advice or come back after you feel more confident! Mumble is required and even if you don't have a mic, please still join the channel so others can communicate with you.

http://steamcommunity.com/groups/mixnahl -Join our steam group for updates, we try posting an announcement every time we have one.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/DaStabah/ -Add me for any questions
http://steamcommunity.com/id/khrispants/ -Or add khris, he's also leading this effort of repopulating Mix

To join into mix go to:

Pick a nick and connect, type !add class1 class2 class3 that you would like to play with in the mix, and wait for the captain to pick you!
ex. !add sniper scout pyro

Don't forget to join mumble and don't be afraid to add anyone if you have questions! Join us on the weekends starting at 8 PM EST and if we get enough people consistently playing, we can make it more consistent throughout the week, all we need is you and your friends involved!

posted about 10 years ago
#47 fps drop recently? in Q/A Help

Also, I have run every fps config, played without any fps configs, re-installed TF2, cleared my CMOS (BIOS) and I'm still getting terribad frames. It's not even in any sort of firefight or scene, it's in spawn, in a server by myself, no matter what my frames are jumping from 100 to 10 100 to 8 etc every few seconds that I can't even move for 2 seconds without stuttering, I've monitored cpu and gpu and temps and everything is normal, completely normal. Idk what to do.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 My TF2 is completely unplayable. in Q/A Help

I have an AMD, this started yesterday for me. I assumed it was b/c I had installed a hsf and I did something incorrectly, but I've tried re-installing TF2, re-installing my old HSF, resetting my CMOS in bios, etc and still getting fps drops. It's exactly like yours, stuttering TF2 cycling between 10 and 150 fps, if I'm in spawn, playing with bots, playing alone, etc. I've tried every single fps config and no dice, all the configs are doing are raising the fps that the game goes to every 2 seconds but it always crashes down to 10 fps again. Hope someone finds a solution or valve patches it or if anyone has anything that it could be related to something I did that would be awesome.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 fps drop recently? in Q/A Help

What happened to me is since yesterday, I've been getting 100 fps then 8 fps, 100 fps then 10 fps. this is all cycling every few seconds, making the game completely unplayable. Will try uninstalling but.. I haven't touched any settings or played with my bios or anything. So the fact that this sudden change is.. depressing

posted about 10 years ago
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