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Signed Up August 13, 2020
Last Posted April 21, 2024 at 7:46 AM
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#110 tf2 scene in 2038 in TF2 General Discussion
Mongif 10% of players cared about the game as much as jeven did we'd have a healthy and growing comp scene

I do wonder, if he was banned now for cheating on a first time offence with a 2 year no compete punishment, how many people would be as outraged/convinced this is a conspiracy. Rather I imagine it would be the exact opposite.

I respect you a lot as a player Mong, having subbed on your team last season and even learning from you, but I question your take on the reconciliation of players like Jeven and the growing competitive scene. Fresh blood is propelled into the competitive scene via mediums like rahmixes, other discord mixes and tf2center etc., not once in my numerous experiences with Jeven in these platforms have I seen him be close to pre-eminent in scene growth, rather the very opposite. I do not doubt that within his prem team discord he was different with how serious he took games & his commitment but that is not akin to growing a competitive scene, certainly not a healthy one in consideration.

posted about a year ago
#49 tf2 scene in 2038 in TF2 General Discussion
Mongme: careful consideration of the global role of ETF2L and its effects on perma banning people
Bravo reddit

It is just a case of does the punishment fit the crime, and when it comes to cheating in an FPS game, a permanent ban is entirely reasonable and arguably two-fold in the way it serves etf2l as a whole:
1. Player X who is a proven cheater has ruined the fun of many other people yet again and so is permanently exiled from the scene
2. Player Y who's been given a second chance to compete in etf2l after an initial 2 year ban is far less likely to be a repeat offender

The role of etf2l is a league where both 6's and HL competitions can take place in an entirely serious and competitive structure. The etf2l admins cannot play fast and loose, allowing repeat offenders to just keep getting 1-2 year bans for cheating just to come back to do it all again; the league will lose all of its serious/competitive credibility. Further, it creates an unmanageable workload for them to constantly keep tabs on people who've had their 1-2 year ban expire, you'd also be likely to see a bigger increase in people willing to cheat in the first place if the consequences aren't terminal.

However, I do believe there should be full transparency in the case of a permanent ban being issued, where the public can know why the person was banned, what type of cheat was used (walling, aimbotting...) etc.

posted about a year ago
#8825 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Making a mix server sucks and I suck pls help in Off Topic

Hi Rahmed,

Rahmixes definitely reignited my interest in playing TF2 again, after most my friends who I used to play with quit throughout 2021 I decided back in July/August I had no interest at all to play anymore as the only option was tf2center lobbies on my own, so I also quit. It was around the end of October/November whilst scrolling through TFTV that I saw the platform you had made for mixes that was all inclusive which made me consider playing again, for someone who loves the competitive aspect of 6's with comms (not an option on tf2center) but also has far too erratic and unpredictable evening schedule to commit to a main roster of a team, rahmixes was the perfect platform for someone like me; I assume this to be the case for many others too.

As an open player, if it wasn't for rahmixes, I would never have gotten the chance to play alongside and against high level players who all, save for a few, take the games fairly seriously and ultimately care about winning. Whilst I appreciate that nothing replaces being on an actual team and competing in ETF2L for actual skill development, I would argue that rahmixes has provided much of that for me to an extent. People like Samski, Faust, Ympo, Bluee, PeterDC are definitely names that stick out in my mind, especially from my first week of using rahmixes, as always encouraging and patient with myself and other newer players. There is a plethora of other cool and genuinely nice people who are active on rahmixes: shout out KO and Spake.

From our small interactions on discord I think you are a super cool, friendly guy, you deserve a lot of credit for the platform you have built and the community that it has generated; playing rahmixes had landed me more team offers in the space of 4 months then in the previous 2 years... So genuinely thank you for making this and keeping it going. I do not know what the ultimate goal was for you with the creation of rahmixes, but if it was to have a mix platform that bridged the gap between all skill levels in the community that thrives with multiple games a day every single day since its inception then you have certainly achieved that goal.

My advice is to focus on the positives like all the above, but also to learn from the negatives, I am sure a lot of the negatives is unfortunately background noise from people who are yet to learn proper decorum, however amongst all that, there is probably a few things that are worthwhile to learn from.

Thanks again!

posted about 2 years ago
#8757 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

first attempt at a video

posted about 2 years ago
#2123 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

You are an amazing person mastercoms! Thank you

posted about 3 years ago
#2121 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsYou can either download a new preset, or if you want to switch presets on the fly, use the documented way of doing this.

Thank you so much - so I assume I don’t need to delete any previous files just download new ones? :-)


1) you should delete only the other comfig vpk (not the additional vpks you downloaded from the site like no footstepts for example) before trying a new one
2) interp settings are included in the comfig vpk so you don't really need a separate cfg for that

PS: props for how you wrote and spaced out your text :D

Thank you for the help!!

posted about 3 years ago
#2114 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Hi! sorry if this is in the wrong place, I was directed to this website from tf2center and saw this thread on the front page and I don't know how to start a new one.

I've started using mastercomfig as I was advised to by some competitive players to improve my game play and it really has worked amazingly so I want to thank you so much for that and I will be donating.

I have some questions and would really appreciate the help:

1)I am currently using the medium settings and I want to swap to medium/low and maybe try out low to see how much better performance I can get. How do I go about that? I saw on the documentation on the mastercomfig website about creating a cfg. file in the user folder and changing the name there, however I am completely computer illiterate so I don't trust myself to do this correctly - If I where to just download the medium/low or low preset and do as I did with the medium one without deleting anything first would it cause issues, is it as simple as that? or do I need to delete all of the files I already have downloaded first?

2) I am currently using an autoexec for interp settings that a person I met a long time ago provided me with, I am not sure what they are but they supposedly make playing more accurate - do I need to still have this with mastercomfig ? or can I get rid of this as I was told mastercomfig already has interp settings in the downloads? I main soldier if it makes a difference.

Sorry for the noob questions and honestly thank you so much for this!

posted about 3 years ago
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