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Last Posted July 17, 2024 at 11:19 AM
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#14 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion

M17 is the only admin who genuinely gave a fuck for the last like 3 seasons past making me do a support ticket for every small issue. Idk how you single him out out of everyone. He is also the only one who I've seen who does not show favoritism towards his friends. I've seen every other division admin do that besides him.

One thing I do feel is bad is the admin selection process at rgl. Ive seen/heard from multiple different admins over the years that it's just a text channel and if one of the current admins doesn't like the person they object and the application gets denied. I've heard from ex-admins that they wished they had more power or could suggest different things but they feel like it's just an echo chamber of Dolphin + whoever the head 6's admin is. There should be better criteria for what is necessary to be an admin and it should be based on whether or not a person can take responsibility and act professionally, not whether or not the people who exist there right now like the person or their opinions on the game.

posted 1 week ago
#6 LFT adv/invite demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

The goat

posted 1 month ago
#6 Fireball7d7 LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Green line approved

posted 1 month ago
#1 lft medic adv/inv in Recruitment (looking for team)

probably subbing for anglerfish but would prefer a full time commitment

discord: slicerogue

posted 1 month ago
#16 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion

posted 2 months ago
#9 SuperZAZA Bomb LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

bump we need a soldier sub, guaranteed playtime mid - late June.

posted 2 months ago
#6 Every point tierlist in TF2 General Discussion;

posted 2 months ago
#7 SuperZAZA Bomb LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted 2 months ago
#29 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion

In general because of scarcity I'm likely playing med for people who have way more experience and play at a higher level than me and making mistakes is a part of the learning process. It's more that if I feel like I'm not going to be respected by the people on the pug or treated like a nonhuman that I'm not really going to be inclined to add, and allot of times it can be little things.

If I add vs an invite medic and the invite medic gets picked hella early, it just makes me feel like my team isn't going to want me there because I'm so much worse than the other person and it will be my fault that we lose

Going into a pug making a mistake and Instead of being told something on how to adjust my gameplay by a well adjusted human I get a neet who's sighs audibly into his mic, rages, or stops talking altogether and gives up after one mistake.

Getting called shit on stream during the pug, like I'm not gonna hear about it right after. Why would I feel like playing with you if you do this.

People who troll, throw, but then get mad over any time a medic makes mistakes.

People who pick the friend team + the medic but then don't actually include the medic in their memes, so it's like you are left out of the pug experience.

Idk pretty much every medic I know has their blacklist of players and if that person is added and likely to be picked it significantly decreased the likelihood I add.

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I played a Snakewater pug with you sigh about 2 months ago where I voiced that I was likely to get forced or dropped in the position I was playing in, and asked for us to reposition, our team said no, and exactly that happened, they 2 man's and since we had no gun I ended up dropping Uber to an uncalled scout, and they repushed with ad and we lost the pug. But this was incredibly memorable for me because afterwards you said to the whole team and your stream that it wasn't my fault and that we should've listened to the call. This may not seem significant to you but it's one of only a couple times I've been treated somewhat as an equal in an invite pug and I really appreciated it.
posted 2 months ago
#10 SUPERTEAM LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)
skullhey jw why is my name on here
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posted 3 months ago
#1 SuperZAZA Bomb LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

ZAZA lives, need subs for soldier

Current Roster:
Pocket Scout: Walrex
Flank Scout: Holly
Pocket Soldier: Alexandros
Roamer: Fireball
Demo: Dogdayboy
Medic: Slicerogue

Message me or Fireball on discord: fireball7d7, slicerogue

posted 3 months ago
#22 whats ur fav underrated TF2 map in TF2 General Discussion

i really liked propoganda, still think it could be played in the current pool but on the version where the chokes were more open

for pubs I really like koth_highpass, I liked it even before they added it to the 4's map pool.

posted 3 months ago
#58 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion
crazyoh wait! its banned!

as someone who played when this shit was last allowed, as well as in the cup recently that tried to test this, its fucking aids and should never return.

posted 3 months ago
#77 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
Walrex if anyone has more specific information about exactly where the prize pool money is going, ive been really curious since this post was made:

I've had similar questions for the past few seasons regarding RGL's financials because as I said in the previous post, they are not transparent about anything. If they are a not-for-profit company with the tf2 community's best interest in mind, why are they a for-profit business known as Recharge Gaming League LLC and not a nonprofit? I am not under any circumstance saying that Arcadia doesn't deserve to be paid but the primary difference is that as a nonprofit he would pay himself a salary and have to publicly release his financials and show the community where our money goes but as an LLC he doesn't so he can say that all our fees go to those things when they hardly do. Arcadia may just be working the best he can with the limited resources but these issues could be more justified/ alleviated with the right approach and transparency. One of the bonuses of having a game this small is that many of the people who aren't necessarily on rgl staff but are involved with tf2 comp have skills in other industries that they work in everyday that may not be directly related to gaming and could provide insight/ benefit to the community.

posted 3 months ago
#75 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
crackbabydumpsterin season 5 all of the money brought in amounted to about $36k, and that was with like 40 more teams than we have now. That's like the salary for one full time minimum wage employee but obviously doesn't account for prize money which is the biggest expense. Where do you think RGL has money laying around to pay people to AC admin?

I am willing to believe that there are plenty of community members who make good money who are more than willing to commit money to rgl (like they do to plenty of other tf2 community events) if it was necessary and accounted for (myself included). Ive made posts about this before but Arcadia and any other RGL admins have just skirted the issue or refrained from a response.

One of the main reasons I decided that I shouldn't donate to rgl prior, is that they aren't very transparent about anything, and they suffer to make proper decisions and include the community when the expectation is that they are a league run by the community for the community.

I've brought up this example previously but an example would be Fireside casts. A few months ago, Siyo made public a basic income statement, showing where they generated revenue and what their expenses were. Fireside was profitable and even paid out some of their volunteer staff with the leftover income, which was also listed openly

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If RGL needs to pay people for an ac team, then it would really help their case if they were just transparent about the costs to the community, and let the community either figure out a way to pay those costs, find a cheaper alternative, or deem it unnecessary rather than just say "we don't have the funds and that's why we keep having a shitshow every season"

posted 3 months ago
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