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Country Switzerland
Signed Up May 29, 2013
Last Posted November 21, 2013 at 6:32 PM
Posts 36 (0 per day)
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#82 Powerjack update -> pyro viable in 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendGuys plasma has theoretically the highest dps in quake why don't people just get good with it and change the meta-game?

As a Plasma/Nailgun MAIN in QL/QW/VQ3/VQL/CPM/WSW/SkullTag I am rampantly offended at the idea of you comparing pyro->plasma as the APPROPRIATE comparison are MEDIC NEEDLES and as a future ESEA Pyro/Spy/Heavy MAIN I would ask you to delve further into team fortress 2 strategies before informing the community of the objective 'futility' of the classes
check your standard rollout privilege

posted about 10 years ago
#61 ESEA in TF2 General Discussion

Substantial prize pool goes back to what I was mentioning about games being played mainly for fun, not profit. The whole LAN thing is the one thing ESEA def has a big advantage with, but in general FPS games are pretty dead at the moment and don't get many LAN's. There's no way a small league would be able to cover the costs realistically. I don't see why anti-cheat is required as it's mostly a waste of time for everyone involved, would rather just have suspicious players pointed out as it's pretty hard to completely conceal a wallhack/aimbot. Without a prize pool however people have no real reason to hack other than for giggles. The ads aren't a big deal, I just think it's hilarious that the STV is totally broken but are still willing to offer that 15% off gunnar optiks coupon in chat. Remember when stv was just a huge group of people spamming chat? Why do the admins need to be paid? I'm sure there's people willing to volunteer who actually care about the game in the first place. That being said if the league ended up succesful I don't see why they couldn't get paid, but in infancy obv it wouldn't be. A website with esea functionality would take a bit of time but really isn't anything that would take a titanic amount of work. Also I'm pretty sure the main reason people don't like ESEA is because of the fact it has never worked perfectly, or even up to par for what you're paying.

I mean really it's not that big of a deal to me personally as I've had a lot more fun in small community organized cups in bad games than I ever had competing in ESEA, but I can see why you'd think that ESEA is your best option atm.

posted about 11 years ago
#56 ESEA in TF2 General Discussion

I still don't understand why people even pay for esea. Are people still so caught up in the #esports aspects of competitive games that they're willing to shell out money for STV relays spammed with ads and subpar temporary servers? (I guess if your team really doesn't want to pay for a server, but then why not use those ESEA fee's to pool up money for your own server?) I mean the stats at this point can be replaced with whatever system sizzling stats uses, or even tf2logs. I guess the main reason is just the prize pot, but I dunno, I've never won anything in the seasons I've played and even if you do it's not nearly worth it for the effort/hours you're putting into the game. Just play for fun eh? The hard part would be someone setting up a server and managing a league, but it's still very possible, with current alternatives already available like that new ladder system.

esea bs has been going on as long as the league has been around (for tf2), maybe the community needs to figure out that it needs to move on and quit being swindled? I mean the whole bitcoin debacle should've been a nice "wake the fuck up" moment, but it got glossed over pretty quickly.

That being said, I was looking forward to watching that invite match but the stuttering STV was a joke, and even if it did attract viewers there was nothing worth watching on the stream itself, as the action was so segmented and unwatchable.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 all class lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that had I not made that phone call to Clorg I don't think I or my family would be alive to tell this story.

Back in the early days of the Midwestern United States, there was a dustbowl of sorts that caused an influx of Scouts coming through looking for lone villages to pillage and destroy. With no central authority operating in the lands at that time, our only hope from fending off the Scouts were mercenaries who charged us an arm and a leg for protection. When they asked me for my daughters virginity as recompense I knew it was time for a change. My heart skipped a beat each I read over the telegram Clorg replied to me with, the single letter "k" with a blue wax seal the only blemishes on the paper. "He really cares..." I'd thought to myself. A foolish schoolgirls crush had developed in my mind, little did I know just how far from his thoughts I was. That's when Clorg arrived in town riding on a white stallion. Sticky launcher firmly belted to the animals flank, he endlessly spammed the bandits into gibbets, saving my sweet Annabelle from further disgrace. He left without a word, I never even had a chance to thank him nor learn his name.

Absolutely pick up this weary soul for the coming battles.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 LFG in Recruitment (looking for team)

I play scout and soldier, most of my experience is from pocket, but could play roamer as well. I haven't played tf2 in awhile, but since quitting have been dueling In quake. I've gained no rust in my gameplay and can easily jump back into the game. Led a team for quite a few seasons and participated in a few more than that. don't know my skill level. Looking for anything from invite/im/open. Work randomly during the week, not home until 10:30-11:30 est. So probably not suited for a team with strict schedules. Looking to start but might backup for the right people. Add me on steam for other info. Thx.

posted about 11 years ago
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