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Signed Up May 16, 2022
Last Posted May 16, 2022 at 6:17 PM
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#11 Black Dogs in Videos
mintyxdwheatchampionthese clips are cool but why did you pick this edit lmaowhat this dude said ^

good clips but just feels overly edited for what is just in essence a couple pub frags

Well, what ended up happening was that me and some friends REALLY wanted to have a properly edited fragmovie, so the kills/frags was an afterthought that we had to get during the time our editor guy was doing his thing.
That's why it is like this.

posted about a year ago
#3 The Pit: A 1v1 tournament - 32+ Key Prizepool in TF2 General Discussion
dbkwhats the difference between a tryhard and a "normal" player

The difference would be that (at least in this first run) we're having two categories, in one of the categories it'll be a straight MGE 1v1 with something sweaty like stock-only Demo/Soldier/Sniper, while the other category will be something a bit more laid back like, I don't know, Demoknight vs Demoknight, or Huntsman vs Huntsman.

posted about a year ago
#8 Black Dogs in Videos

It's not meant to be skillful really, I'm bad at TF2, it was just a fun project.
Atleast for me it was entertaining to create and satisfying to watch so yeah, figured I'd share.
But I get it, probably shouldn't post it here in the face of the competitive TF2 scene, hah. Fair enough.

posted about a year ago
#1 Black Dogs in Videos

posted about a year ago
#1 The Pit: A 1v1 tournament - 32+ Key Prizepool in TF2 General Discussion

Hosting a 1v1 tournament (will be different categories for tryhards and "normal" players) with a total prizepool of over 32+ keys.
DM if interested. (Looking for any type of help, so DM me even if you don't want to play but want to do something else, like helping with production or casting, or anything)
Just trying to gather people for this first run.

Add me on Steam or directly join the Discord channel where we're setting this up:

Steam friend ID: 51984607


posted about a year ago