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SteamID64 76561197977444051
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Country Sweden
Signed Up January 8, 2016
Last Posted May 20, 2024 at 4:21 AM
Posts 61 (0 per day)
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#26 Insomnia 71 (7-10/09/23) - incl a TF2 Esports Zone in LAN Discussion

45% cu @ might beable to scrap enought cash with me

posted 11 months ago
#13060 stream highlights in Videos

Another Lan clip from one of our games :D

posted 11 months ago
#13058 stream highlights in Videos i tried :(

posted 11 months ago
#29 Personal hard-counter? in TF2 General Discussion

Sleeping between 3-5hours, working long shifts, always feeling cloudy in my head and and having trash coms

posted about a year ago
#28 any interest in an ETF2L top 100 players? in TF2 General Discussion


Where is Longas, Hymzi, Extremer, Darn, flisko, my trashy ass, fisshu, plapla, Fuolox and Byte?

posted about a year ago
#7 Settings since I get worse fps than back then in Customization

Tf2 is Volvos bastard child of a spaghetti code mess (if you reference the leaked source code of a 2017 build of the game) and with more cosmetics it hasn't gotten any better.

This video is 2 years old, that shows the difference between Team Comtress 2 a modified version made by @Mastercoms (Amazing work! I whole heartedly think Volvo needs to hire you) vs the state the OG game was when the video released.

The way to make todays tf2 to run somewhat smoothly is a fps config and brute force with hardware. Well there are tons of optimizations you can do within windows/OC/ram OC/Tightening timings but thats not what the average user will do and shouldent have to. :/

posted about a year ago
#6 Fps issue in TF2 General Discussion

What cpu do you use?
What windows do you use?
What mouse are you useing?
Have you fucked around with windows in any way without understanding with you are doing?


Geknaiirare u using a mouse that supports 2000+ hz polling rate? at least from my experience, my fps drops around that much when i move my mouse around when using the viper 8k and dav3 when the polling is set to anything over 1000

Im running 8khz without much issues, however you need to tweak few things within windows to make it stable (enough) ;)

posted about a year ago
#749 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#738 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

add me on steam and ill look into it :)

Also keep in mid that you need to stability test your ram after OC and adjusting timings, a proper memtest should take hours.

posted about a year ago
#728 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
IsocrespiI would be interested in knowing the difference after you test again but in dxlevel 90 instead of 95. Would you mind trying that and letting me know? Of course make sure to remove the -dxlevel 90 from your launch options after the first launch and then test.

I also feel compelled to ask if you enabled XMP settings or any other feature required to get the full speed of your RAM?
No difference on dxlevel 90:
2639 frames 9.540 seconds 276.63 fps ( 3.61 ms/f) 19.854 fps variability

I think I have XMP enabled, but I'm not 100% sure of that because ASRock's bios settings are in broken English. This is what Windows sees as my RAM timings, though:

Those timings looks very loose and dosent tell what the sub, sec and tri timings are (abit overkill but good to know what the MBs memory training does).
What ver of windows are you running?
Have turned off Cstates?
what does ur turbo go up to when you play and is it stable?
What mb do you use?
What ram do you use?

Tf2/source barely gives a damn about gpus and heavly dependet on freq, latency and ramspeed (till an certain point).

posted about a year ago
#5 gear thread in Hardware

Wooting 60HE
Razer viper 8k/DeathadderV3 4k
Artisen Zero/Hien mid (but cat has used it as a scratching mat a couple of times so might get Puretrak or LGG Saturn Pro)
Some 80eu IEMS that works decently
Shure MV7

posted about a year ago
#721 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

12900k @ 5.3 Ring @ 4.7
16g DDR4 @ 4000 with tightend timings (45ns in aida)
Msi 3070
Super Stripped win 10
dxlevel 81
Custom cfg

4812 frames 7.412 seconds 649.18 fps ( 1.54 ms/f) 71.038 fps variability

4812 frames 7.118 seconds 675.99 fps ( 1.48 ms/f) 78.582 fps variability

Pretty much bottlenecked by cpu speed at this point, would be fun test a delided 13900k

posted about a year ago
#48 if u could see 1 retired tf2 player play again in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#13 Copenhagen Games 2023 Postponed in LAN Discussion

Lemme buy a big house and well have The Helganator lan event in sweden :)'

Ps: im quite serious!

posted about a year ago
#12763 stream highlights in Videos

posted about a year ago
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