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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 26, 2023 at 1:09 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 27
#13 ESEA Intermediate: Champagne & Cocaine vs. Hawaii Beach Vacation in Events

I just wanna talk about video games. :|

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Looking for some good comedy shows in Off Topic

Out of all the shows I've ever watched, I have laughed until it hurt badly the most while watching Trailer Park Boys.

posted about 9 years ago

yo dude, keep doing what you doing alright? you get a thumbs up from me.

posted about 9 years ago
#128 Favorite Album? in Off Topic

Favourite album ever?

Tango in the Night - Fleetwood Mac (If you think Rumours is the best you're a child.)

Heartbeat City - The Cars

posted about 9 years ago
#28 best concerts people have been to? in Music, Movies, TV

Two answers easily, and both are based less on the show itself and the before/after. I used to work at a hookah bar/record store (I'm a dirty hipster.. kinda) for a while so I got to chill with a lot of bands who came in a pretty intimate venue.

1. The most fun I've ever had a concert (also the most attracted I've ever been to a band collectively) was hanging out with the Dum Dum Girls. To this day I still keep in touch with the singer and the drummer. :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBSs3-RfLKk

Holy shit after watching that video all I can remember is just smoking with/flirting with UGHHH... I'll never forget the way Sandra Vu (drummer) kept staring at me during Bedroom Eyes. Though the cool part is if anyone wants to go to a Dum Dum Girls show holla @ me! I can bring whomever forever really.

2. Hanging out with Ghostface Killah after he performed here in State College. I kinda find myself in random situations and walked up to him after the show and had this 'Fishscale' poster (great album) I'd had for years (http://qiyawuxi.myhost21.com/img/album+fishscale+ghostface+killah+review1.jpg), I asked him to sign it in SILVER SHARPIE and he went nuts. He told me to follow him back into the nightclub and took me to the upper level where him and some local rappers (one who I ended up living with 4 years later o_O) were just smoking the biggest fucking blunt. I got to fucking just hear him bullshit and poke and prod the local rappers for like 20 minutes before they all had to get back on the tour bus. I turns out he liked how silver looked on that album cover/poster and most people kept bringing black sharpies which looked like shit. I dunno why he invited me to chill but I will never question it to this day. I still cherish that sharpie, though it's dried out. :o

posted about 9 years ago
#6 #tf2can Weekend in TF2 General Discussion

Honour to be a part of it, got to cast (i.e. carried by my co-caster) so many different kinds of events it makes me absolutely overjoyed I could even help. Hope my antics were at least entertaining but the big picture is.. god damn we've all brought a smile to many a child's face. Two thumbs wayyyyy up. To all that donated their time, talent and treasure you da real MVPs.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Bumping this, BBALL tourney today was awesome. Got to pick the brains of some awesome players and learn about how in-depth it really is. Damn exciting, let's see a sweet tournament. SIGN UP!

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Any Magic the Gathering players here? in Off Topic
Foxjohn avon land cards are soooo good omg

Avon is the best, I got a huge print of Clifftop Retreat (http://i.imgur.com/bUviLMp.jpg) signed by him hanging on my wall.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Any Magic the Gathering players here? in Off Topic

I play at a semi-professional level haha, it's more or less my main hobby. I travel around to the Star City open events in different locations most weekends and have started making some decent money. Current decks:

Standard: W/R aggro (though with the next set being released soon I'm switching back to my dear mono-blue, thank you based Shorecrasher Elemental.)

Modern: Infect (B/G, which is off-kilter/non-standard) Third place as a pretty big modern event recently, won 400 bucks with this bad boy: (http://sales.starcitygames.com//deckdatabase/displaydeck.php?DeckID=79931)

Legacy: Imperial Painter combo

Been playing since 4th edition, so happy this wonderful game is 20 years strong now. Such a strategic mix of poker and chess with superb art.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 TF2 is a big party in Videos

Mason you're such a rude boy.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 ESEA Intermediate: Meat Market vs. Cafe Monster in Events

yo that game was god damn close, lots of action and a sweet anything-you-can-do-i-can-do-better duel all game between the pocket soldiers. check it.

posted about 9 years ago
#63 FITES Weekend in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 community cleaned up most every game, was noice. Flame threw the draft in the finals so we got 2nd place in the dota tournament. (Ignore my kotl feed) I didn't feel as bad though when I saw the 1st place team wearing matching dota team jackets later that night.

As per usual excellent group of gamers that I miss already. Thumbs up lan, let's do it again next weekend aye?

posted about 9 years ago
#1 FITES Weekend in TF2 General Discussion

Hi, so the 2nd biggest NA TF2 lan is tomorrow through the weekend, we have a nice turnout (you can see the people going here, not sure when it was last updated http://teamfortress.tv/thread/21623/fites-250-lan-march-6-8-2015/?page=1)

Instead of bumping the last thread, I thought it would be worthwhile to make a new clean thread for random pictures, info on the TF2 tournament etc.

Anyone going outside of the list, anyone need some last minute travel help or whatnot? Also I'm packing tonight, does anyone direly need anything? Make sure to bring your ethernet cables. Boulder and I will be getting in from State College around 6pm, afaik that's the time it opens.

Also something I was thinking.. if you wanted to see any of the people going actually fight, who would it be? I mean the fucking thing is called FITES, and it would be fitting to have a lan fight.

I wanna see mangachu fight someone, he deserves it for killing my team.

God bless.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Top 10 TF2 plays - January 2015 in Videos

/// South Korean sniper ownage alert. ///

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Give me casting feedback in TF2 General Discussion

Nigga let me preface this with saying I studied broadcast journalism for 2 years, does this make me an expert? No way, but on that same train of thought getting into sports journalism is something that was on my mind for years of my life. So that being said I definitely have some opinions on the matter.

I am legitimately happy to hear you are on the cast for the night, how you cast triggers the same serotonin-laden part of my brain that feels euphoria watching most if not any sports cast with a decent broadcaster. You treat TF2 like Mike Tirico treats Monday Night Football, I get that kind of vibe.. and I've spent tens of thousands of hours watching sports broadcasts. The set of legitimate skills that you have on a technical level is perfect for broadcasting anything, let alone a video game.

You have some of the best 'pass to a co-caster' techniques/transitions I have heard in TF2 as well. You're very good at working your co-caster/color commentator into the mix. I feel bad even because when we casted together you threw it to me perfectly many times and I was out of sync/fumbling myself. The only person who can 'work with any co-caster' and perhaps carry as cast doing play by play as well as you've managed would be cbear. That's pretty noice company to keep.

Something that pisses me off is shit like this:


What the fuck is that? It's like a running joke or something, I mean I know this community adores mob mentality in regards to hating people but that's the kind of shit no one deserves to see, let alone someone donating tonnes of their time to keeping as much high-level TF2 in the limelight as possible. I wouldn't just call this out if it was a funny one-time troll but people seem to get off on hating you. Please dear god, do not take that rubbish to heart.

What to work on?

1. Perhaps talking over people just a little. (I don't hear this happen with Marxist, who I think is a perfect co-caster for you) but by the nature of sometimes us throwing together casters at the last minute this always can't be the case.

2. Honestly, sounding uninterested when the co-caster finishes talking sometimes. I know them talking is you getting a break, but before you start doing play-by-play again you sometimes seem very " mhmmm, yep *nods head* " as if you were paying 50% attention to what they just said. I don't know how you actually improve this, but just something I've noticed.

TL;DR you're doing great, and since I just sucked your dick the least you can do is cum on my face. God bless.

posted about 9 years ago
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