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Last Posted August 2, 2019 at 10:00 PM
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#811 Donald Trump in World Events

dollarlayer logic: Fuck your facts, here's another youtube video from an english guy who agrees with me

posted about 7 years ago
#800 Donald Trump in World Events
dollarlayerAvastIt's pointless to argue with this guy over facts, besides we don't need to worry about the earth getting too warm because ocean acidification will kill the oceans and most of the pacific nations first as coral reefs and the base of marine food chains die.

Did you watch that?

Yeah dude you're so right just because some random english guy says something i agree with means that I can ignore the rest of the scientific world's consensus that global warming is a threat!

posted about 7 years ago
#790 Donald Trump in World Events
dollarlayerrowpiecesdamn u guys got a lot of free time
Sometimes I do. I regularly research topics of interest to me, and a few years ago it was global warming/climate change. Spent quite a few weeks reading and watching videos and documentaries. The above video I linked hits the nail on the head.
remedy"and yes that is in fact true that the earth goes through cycles but the actual issue right now is that we are artificially increasing the warming rate by destroying the Ozone layer"
i dont think i should respond anymore its like talking to someone who doesnt think dinosaurs existed

Watch the video from the geologist speaking to parliament please.
BBiA_duchessdollarlayerBBiA_duchessThat feeling when you're so stupid you don't understand the massive impact 0.6 C makes on the environment
Tell me more. The grapes in parts of Europe loved the warmer weather. The grave diggers in Greenland had it easier too without having to dig through solid permafrost. And we're talking likely a 5-10C increase in temperature vs today, not 0.6C.

Did he actually just say grapes. There are more organisms in the world that grapes and grave diggers in greenland lmfao how dumb can someone possibly be.

????? If there is no temperature data from hundreds of years ago, then we have to use other data points such as crops like grapes and olives and where they were grown. If today in some of those areas its too cold to grow these crops, we can logically assume it was warmer back then.

Yeah maybe it has gotten colder in small, select areas. But in the rest of the world, it's getting warmer. And just because some organisms like warmer weather doesn't mean it's good for the rest of the world. Ever heard of algae?
Algae thrive in areas of high nitrogen, which comes from fertilizer. By your logic, dumping fertilizer in the water is a good idea because some life forms are happy, even though the rest of the plant life is suffocated.

posted about 7 years ago
#787 Donald Trump in World Events
dollarlayerBBiA_duchessThat feeling when you're so stupid you don't understand the massive impact 0.6 C makes on the environment
Tell me more. The grapes in parts of Europe loved the warmer weather. The grave diggers in Greenland had it easier too without having to dig through solid permafrost. And we're talking likely a 5-10C increase in temperature vs today, not 0.6C.

Did he actually just say grapes. There are more organisms in the world that grapes and grave diggers in greenland lmfao how dumb can someone possibly be.

posted about 7 years ago
#777 Donald Trump in World Events
dollarlayereeeIm not going to respond to your posts anymore if you think climate change isnt real, because youre honestly too stupid for words to be useful

Sry :(

Climate change is real, the climate changes by itself and has for thousands of years which is what I stated. What the hell do you think ice ages were? Not climate change?

The IPCC (intergovernmental panel on climate change) has stated that since 1861 global temperatures have increased 0.6C on average. OMG! I'd love to see the data on the global temperature during the transition phase between an ice age and not an ice age. I sure as hell believe it would be a lot more than 0.6C per 150 years.

That feeling when you're so stupid you don't understand the massive impact 0.6 C makes on the environment

posted about 7 years ago
#766 Donald Trump in World Events

A lot of people here need to take a good hard look at this. Trump thinks we don't need vaccinations, and that states can decide whether or not gay people can get married. Those tow things by themselves are so retarded that I can't believe people would ever consider him. He also ignores climate change.

posted about 7 years ago
#699 Donald Trump in World Events
fade-so eee how do you feel about the millions of dollars hillary clinton receives from middle eastern donors?

how do you feel about hillary scamming the american people through the clinton foundation and only forwarding a measly 6% to the haitian people?

how do you feel about bill paying $20k to be part of an all-white golf club?

how do you feel about juanita broaddrick's allegations? or are the allegations against trump the only valid ones?
BBiA_duchessI'm going to a prep school in Hawaii and barely have time to play, so I'm subbing for a friend's team. But even if I had 5,000 hours and played iron highlander. I would still be better than you, because you're a scumbag hacker.
wanna guess how many hl matches i cheated in or do they not teach u how to count to 0 in community college

wanna guess how many fucks I give about how many hl matches you cheated in? All that matters is you got vac banned you fucking idiot lol.

posted about 7 years ago
#695 Donald Trump in World Events
fade-eeetrippawhymeoIt's literally true that the only major demographics Trump wins in are white men and old people. And it's also just statistically true that he does better with voters the lower their education is (which totally flies in the face of the standard Trump supporter "all Democrats are lazy blacks who just want free welfare xD").

I don't understand how people are physically incapable of using Google.

higher educated people are often just as ignorant of politics, if not more than uneducated people

combine that with the fact that liberal propaganda appeals to superiority complexes and you realize that winning the vote of higher educated people doesn't mean jack shit
How are more educated people less educated in politics when theyre more likely to vote and be involved in midterm elections?
fade-rocketslaythis is probably the most arrogant comment i've ever read on this forum

holy shit lol
when u realize that the minority averaging the highest income in the us are a minority of purely immigrants of which many had little grasp of the english language prior to immigrating?

sorry it's hard to comprehend any other people excuses ("oppression" etc) when people who barely speak english are immensely more successful, my bad
I kinda hate saying "privilege" and letting that be my argument but it really just sounds like you lack perspective on most of this.

so you're saying people who literally do not speak english while encountering a huge amount of racism (even today) and still manage to average just over twice the income of another "oppressed" minority have privilege? if i import a penguin and he's an amazing doctor then is he privileged due to his penguinness? you seriously can't be saying this.

do you also want to address how it's more socially acceptable to call someone a chink vs calling a black person the n word? i talked to school administration in a liberally inclined high school about african american students calling me chink and i was told that there was nothing they could do, but a white friend of mine was suspended for two weeks for calling an african american student a "dumb n word." is this my asian privilege?
BBiA_duchessfade-idk dude im chinese and ive never had a single bad grade ever and my parents are self made from china who moved to the us with a poor grasp of english and still manage to be bigly successful

idk why u poors are tryna say trump "apologists" are poor when half this forum came out of community college can we just have some sort of population control and just kill everyone who came out of community college? like if you're legitimately fucking stupid enough to not be able to get a 3.5+ gpa in american public school then i don't think you're even worth the air you breathe lmao.

shocking how all my parents friends support trump and all of them are wealthy, really throws a wrench into your plans doesn't it?

make up your mind. either trump is going to give tax cuts for the rich or his supporters are all poor.

"people who get less than a 3.5 gpa aren't even worth the air they breathe,". Coming from cheater, this is extremely ironic. But even if you were actually intelligent, attitudes like that lead to social cleansing.

you spent 2500 hours in a video game to play at a steel highlander level

but i'm the unintelligent one ok!

I'm going to a prep school in Hawaii and barely have time to play, so I'm subbing for a friend's team. But even if I had 5,000 hours and played iron highlander. I would still be better than you, because you're a scumbag hacker.

posted about 7 years ago
#687 Donald Trump in World Events
fade-idk dude im chinese and ive never had a single bad grade ever and my parents are self made from china who moved to the us with a poor grasp of english and still manage to be bigly successful

idk why u poors are tryna say trump "apologists" are poor when half this forum came out of community college can we just have some sort of population control and just kill everyone who came out of community college? like if you're legitimately fucking stupid enough to not be able to get a 3.5+ gpa in american public school then i don't think you're even worth the air you breathe lmao.

shocking how all my parents friends support trump and all of them are wealthy, really throws a wrench into your plans doesn't it?

make up your mind. either trump is going to give tax cuts for the rich or his supporters are all poor.

"people who get less than a 3.5 gpa aren't even worth the air they breathe,". Coming from cheater, this is extremely ironic. But even if you were actually intelligent, attitudes like that lead to social cleansing.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Hackers In Casual??? in TF2 General Discussion
SpudailySpaceCadetGoofyGorillathere's a cheater in the United states that headshots through spawn doors lol
thanks for narrowing down that player search for us

I think he was playing sniper, if that helps.
was his name saam

Shamoo was on the other team in mm and my entire team was convinced he was a hacker lol

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Is Aziz Ansari funny? in Off Topic

I remember watching his series on Netflix, master of none, which was actually very funny for the first couple episodes, but once he got his girlfriend the entire show became just them being together, which isn't very funny. His stand up is okay though.

posted about 7 years ago
#20 And The Contracts?? in TF2 General Discussion
DatDrummerGuycati love it when i have to wait 20 mins to find a pub thats about to end so i have to queue again like who the fuck thought it was a good idea to implement mm features to fucking pubs just bring old pubs back jesus christ
They need to improve the rematch system, just make servers rematch automatically, and people who don't want to rematch just leave.

Yeah this would be awesome. I used to to love playing on a valve payload server, where I could play badwater for ages and just request a vote for more time, or vote for a new map. But at least now I can see my K/D in pubs

posted about 7 years ago
#13 b4nny drunk stream in TF2 General Discussion
YazeedWe can't forget about this one:

Even when grant is too drunk to think properly he still pounds everyone

posted about 7 years ago
#1 b4nny drunk stream in TF2 General Discussion

b4nny is drunk as fuck as it's hilarious

posted about 7 years ago
#14 TF2 Blog: "What We're Up To" in TF2 General Discussion
Enterimwickedplayer494 a new item that gives unusual effects to taunts,
Valve is adding an Unusualifier??? Not even a Strangifier for taunts first? Goddamn.

What would strange taunts even track?

posted about 7 years ago
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