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Signed Up April 26, 2014
Last Posted May 12, 2016 at 3:36 PM
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#105 Spec Tools in Projects
yttriumI absolutely love your bottom left team lineup. Do the icons mean cast/chat/cam, from top to bottom?

First one is the caster, second is the commentator and third is the cameraman.

yttriumJust to compare, here's how we have it set up at the moment:
[image snipped]

The top looks superb, such a smart and neat way to show that kind of information. I'm totally stealing the flags idea.

yttriumOur leaderboard is done with a program called StreamControl. I can easily edit any of those text fields or flags with just a few clicks and they'll be seamlessly faded in and out as soon as I hit save.

I have been looking for something like this in the last couple of weeks, actually. I'll take a look and see how well it works during our streams. It's getting sad to alt tab to notepad just to change the score.

yttriumThe bars above and below the players are the team health bars, added in the latest update.

Those commands make it really easy to blend Spec Tools' information with your HUD. Sometimes people don't even realize they are completely different things, and ask in chat for the name of the HUD.

yttriumFinally I've also got an extensive list of custom keybinds for instant player switching, basically here's the setup for 6s:
1 Scout, 2 Scout, 3 Soldier, 4 Soldier, 5 Demo, 6 Medic, 7 Sniper, 8 Heavy, 9 Pyro, 0 Engie, - Spy
Those binds switch to the Blu team. Function keys are for Red (F10 for Engie, F11 for Spy).

You can also load configs on the go with Num9 being Highlander, Num6 being 6s, and Num3 being 4s. NumPlus toggles minimap visibility. Each format config has different settings for everything; for example, the Highlander config is far more aggressive with fading than the 6s and 4s configs are. Also, in 4s, player names are shown. Minimap icon sizes also change based on format. There's also Num0 for pausing/unpausing an STV demo, Num1 for opening the demoui, and Num2 for hud_reloadscheme (dastardly pauses!).

We have been using 1 through 9, - and = to switch classes in 6s; 1 is red medic, 2 is blu medic, and so on.

yttriumYou can also hold Shift and it hides all health bars, and then press one of the class keys to selectively enable them. Combinations work (you can hold down Shift, 1, and 5 to see all scout and demo health bars) and they temporarily disable damage blinking for better clarity. This was actually a major pain to get working cleanly; all simple setups for it caused misalignments when releasing certain keys and not others.

I started working just last night on a couple of scripts similar to yours, but instead will be used for HL class selection: 1 is red medic, shift 1 is blu medic, 2 is red demo, shift 2 is blu demo, and so on. Good idea to keep binds for switching around competitive types, that means less files to tweak and more useful functions. I like the per-class health bar toggle, too.

Good job, I love to see how other casters and camera people are using Spec Tools.

posted about 10 years ago
#98 Spec Tools in Projects
GentlemanJonArrIs it possible to add pre-set "cameras" with specific coordinates and angles throughout the map using keybinds? I would like to switch to a bird's eye view from time to time, just like SourceTV's camera does automatically.I'll look into this next time I'm working on it

Thank you!

King_GimliHas anyone actually downloaded and used it? Wanna know if it works before installing it all!

(looks incredible though!)

Indeed, it does. You can check parts of the plugin used in the latest cast.
Here's how we got it set up at the moment:

Notice the custom overlay I made for the team health in the left center.

Pretty much every element is toggleable using key binds, including the minimap, health bars, names, etc.

posted about 10 years ago
#94 Spec Tools in Projects

Is it possible to add pre-set "cameras" with specific coordinates and angles throughout the map using keybinds? I would like to switch to a bird's eye view from time to time, just like SourceTV's camera does automatically.

posted about 10 years ago
#80 Spec Tools in Projects

We used your plugin for the first time to stream a couple of matches of the Brazilian league playoffs. Overall positive feedback. Great job and thank you, GentlemanJon, it makes my camera work a lot easier and the viewers find it very informative as well.

posted about 10 years ago
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