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Last Posted October 2, 2019 at 10:28 PM
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#26 What's an easy cheap meal in Off Topic
kawapackage of chorizo, can pinto beans, can cannellini beans, can crushed tomatoes, some brown sugar and garlic = chili that doesnt suck

add cumin

posted about 5 years ago
#25 What's an easy cheap meal in Off Topic

Invest in a rice cooker, rice is a good cheap staple food, and a good rice cooker will be worth what you pay in time savings, since making it in a pot on the stove takes more attention.

Try to get good at shopping cheaply. Get less popular, less expensive cuts of meat, like chicken thighs and oxtail. Learn how to coupon effectively. Also learn how to portion your meals, a cheap dish can become expensive when you eat 4 servings of it. Learn how to make bland foods that tend to be cheap, like potatoes, rice, and noodles, taste good by judicious use of spices.

Some cheap recipe ideas:

Black beans and rice

  1. get canned black beans
  2. heat canned black beans, season to taste
  3. put black beans on cooked rice. optionally, top with chopped tomato and onion.

People Chow (very nutritious)

  1. Get spinach and canned tuna (other dark greens like swiss chard and kale are ok too, but spinach is generally cheaper)
  2. clean and chop spinach, and drain the tuna
  3. mix spinach and tuna into rice

Breakfast Bowl (should make enough for a week or two of breakfasts if you pre-portion and freeze)

  1. Get ground meat, a couple packets of gravy mix, cheese, and potatoes
  2. Brown ground meat in a pan, and prepare gravy (bonus points if you mix the drippings from your meat into the gravy
  3. grate potatoes and cheese, then mix all ingredients in a large casserole dish
  4. top with more cheese, and bake until cheese on top is browning

Edit: Also, a very important thing that I learned from eating a LOT of asian home cooking growing up is that the trick to a good rice dish pairing is an intense flavor in the topping, that gets cut somewhat by the rice. If you're making something to top your rice, it probably needs to be a little saltier, spicier, or sweeter than you expected.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 pugs vs matches spreadsheet in TF2 General Discussion

add in wins/losses on each, could be interesting data.

posted about 5 years ago
#20 Favorite Category of Porn in The Dumpster

I googled boys kissing once

posted about 5 years ago
#4 keyboard recs? in Hardware

The Happy Hacking keyboard is one of the best, though it is pricey; definitely go for it if you can. If you're looking for a budget option, I got the Drevo Gramr on amazon for like $30 and used it for like a year. It's nothing flashy, but it's amazing for the price point.

If you'd consider something a little bigger, then I'd suggest the Logitech G Pro. The build quality is top notch, and the romer-g switches are better than I initially expected them to be.

posted about 5 years ago
#18 turbine dm in TF2 General Discussion

Gran and blands would be less awful with better spawns. I feel like gully has this problem too, where you literally spawn on second. Better spawns would mean less downtime and less getting to the fight with ~50%hp.

posted about 5 years ago
#37 Best 1v1 map period. in Other Games

DM6 in Quake
Wizard in Halo
e1m1 in Doom 2
Final Destination in Melee
Fighting Spirit in Brood War

posted about 5 years ago
#33 most underrated weapons? in TF2 General Discussion

someone needs to find the nerd essay T H I E F wrote about unlocks somewhere years ago and post it here

posted about 5 years ago
#28 most underrated weapons? in TF2 General Discussion

I feel like the liberty launcher is underrated. The damage reduction isn't super significant most of the time (after one jump, you have the same potential damage in your clip), but the reduced self damage feels amazing, especially when paired with gunboats. I feel like it could be put to good use on maps with interesting jump/pogo routes, like process, snakewater, or sunshine. There are some stupid bombs I know that take 3 rockets, or 4 with a reload, but could potentially be used with the liberty launcher.

posted about 5 years ago
#333 AS MGE feedback in TF2 General Discussion
Sherwoodfanfunhaver1998remove every object that u can hide behindplay ammomod

posted about 5 years ago
#81 Most overrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion

Pyyyour posted 3 months ago, platinum posts today, harb played a pug recently, and seagull streamed a source game not too long ago. Mix^ s28 confirmed?

In all seriousness though, @Platinum (if you're still reading this), what would it take for you to actually return to tf2?

posted about 5 years ago
#23 A question about the length of people's papers in Off Topic

I had to write like a 5 paragraph paper when I did my GED.

posted about 5 years ago
#52 Most overrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion
vladliterally the exact opposite is true, the average skill level of this game is way lower than it was in earlier years

Based on what? I hear that claim made all the time, that tf2 players are worse than they used to be, but I never see any evidence to back that up. Your average 6's player nowadays has way more experience than your average 6's player from 5 years ago, and has more opportunity to gain experience through services like pugchamp and faceit.

If you think that players like oPlaiD or Relic would be able to hang in invite nowadays, you're either delusional or intentionally lying to yourself.

posted about 5 years ago
#26 Most overrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion

I feel like most of the big name players who are retired are somewhat overrated. There's a big difference between being a great player in season 6 and being a great player now, since the bar has been set much higher. Look at stuff like the classic Reptile frag vid, or Carnage's old videos, and compare that to your average open or IM player now. Things that used to be considered excellence are now considered average play.

That's not to say that the old players were bad, they certainly were great for their time, but it's kinda dumb when people say that those players would still be at the top of invite if they came back.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 We sports bois in Esports

This isn't nothing.

posted about 5 years ago
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