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Last Posted October 21, 2016 at 4:53 PM
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#8 Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Off Topic

can't say i really have an opinion on it. The trailer didn't show anything at all except a really impractical lightsaber design. kinda worries me that they aren't going to put much effort into it and just milk the name

posted about 9 years ago
#28 How to train demoman mechanics in TF2 General Discussion

just play the game. Jumping is good pubs are good DM is good lobbies are good PUGs are good scrims are good matches are good. This is even more true for demo than it is for soldier or scout or medic

posted about 9 years ago
#88 Demoman Discussion Video in Videos

I've always thought Demo's OPness was balanced by the fact that his OPness makes him a priority pick.

Demo has more potential, but can't extend to all of it because 4 players on the other team will happily suicide to kill him. So like, Demo Potential = 100 but he only uses 80.

Scouts and soldiers have less potential, but they can extend themselves to all of it because they're less important (and trading with demo or med is worth it). So scout/soldier potential = 80 and they use all 80

So they balance out.

I dunno much about HL balance but I imagine that Demo is still a priority pick and if that's the case then I'd say it's about the same.

The only reason demo is OP in pubs is because most players aren't even sure what class they're playing, much less have knowledge about their jobs and roles and tactics to fight with or against demos.

posted about 9 years ago
#43 Man dressed as Spy robs a McDonalds in Off Topic

we hit the big time boys mission accomplished

posted about 9 years ago
#3 cp_cache in Map Discussion

Second looks really exciting

posted about 9 years ago
#81 Overwatch (Blizzard Game) in Other Games
alfunksoWe'll definitely see about that with this game since it's gonna be a big attempt to try to get people to play a competitive fps with MOBA-style mechanics.

I think these mechanics help to get the attention and interest of the casual players allowing the use of ultis and whatnot to beat the more skilled players with a bit of luck, which also helps to mantain a casual gamer base. In my eyes, tf2 was one of the first fps to have this, with things like medic uber, spy's watches and backstab, sniper rifle charge, countless of unlocks and pyro. Overwatch seems like the next step in that way.

Even in comp tf2 we plan and play everything off the medic's uber charge, I don't see why we couldn't do the same but play off several player's ultis instead of just one.

That's not quite what I meant. Mechanics in MOBAs are entirely autonomous and bound to a button instead of dependent on the player's technical and mental abilities. Uber is probably the most MOBA-like quality tf2 has, but because it exists within a non MOBA-like environment it has an extra dimension of complexity.

Mechanical skills (such as aiming or rocket jumping) create room for error, and room for error results in the wide variety of playstyles that exist within the same class or loadout. As a player, you need to learn your strengths and weaknesses with the mechanics and construct a playstyle that best compliments it. Look at how radically different scouts like Clockwork and Enigma are. But in a MOBA-style game, everyone has the exact same strengths and weaknesses with a mechanic because the mechanic is executed automatically, independent of the player (minus pushing the button). This completely eliminates any differing playstyles, except how that character operates in a team.

In TF2, we have that team (MOBA) side of the game and we have that solo mechanical (Quake) side of the game. These two together produces that third hybrid aspect of creating your playstyle to exist within each of the two previous ones. All three of these together make TF2 an immensely more complex game than anything based on MOBAs could ever hope to be. That's what I call building up, adding a hundred heros to make up for the simplicity of the game is what I call building out.

posted about 9 years ago
#66 Overwatch (Blizzard Game) in Other Games

Quote from a PC Gamer article:

It’s easy to hold up these pieces of Overwatch, but in your hands, when all those pieces are in motion, Overwatch doesn’t feel like a TF2 clone. It doesn’t feel like it has Quake in its DNA in the way TF2 does. And where TF2’s nine classes operate as hard counters to one another in a kind of food chain (Pyro hunts Spy who stabs Medic who ubers Heavy or Demo in order to destroy an Engineer’s sentry), Overwatch’s heroes feel a little more like first-person packages of MOBA-like abilities who have looser relationships to one another.

Gotta say this killed some of my hype. Doesn't sound like it'll be much like TF2 at all, and after watching some of that shoutcast it sure looked it too.

I'm really worried that people are coming to see MOBA-style mechanics as something to be aspired to instead of the lowest common denominator of competitive gaming. Accessibility and volume seem to be a lot more important to everyone than learning curves and depth. MOBA-style designs build out not up, and I don't think it bodes well for future competitive games.

Also, for the record I think TF2 is the best or one of the best competitive shooters too. It's our teams who were winning the Shootmania (lol) and Titanfall tournaments, if I remember correctly.

posted about 9 years ago
#174 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion

o man thats excitin

posted about 9 years ago
#19 5v5 AR in TF2 General Discussion
BLoodSireWhen I first heard the name "Arena Respawn" I thought it would be like dodgeball. I imagined a KOTH style timer for both teams at something small like 25-30 seconds. I figured when the cap was neutral there were no respawns, and that capping a point would spawn the first player from the capping team to have been put in the death queue. From there the 30 second timer would count down for the team in possession of the point. All kills, for either team, would now also release a player from the death queue.

So if blue had 5 members and the point, and red had only 1 . . . that 1 guy would have to be a hero and find a way to get a kill and get one of his teammates back in the game to help stop blue's timer from reaching 0. That could be very exciting. Similarly, if blue somehow capped with 2 alive, and red were left with 3, blue would gain a spawner upon capping, and it would be a 3v3 KOTH situation where every kill would snowball into an additional player on the team getting the kills.

That would create all sorts of meta around when to cap, when to kill, what class to spawn as in order to best support your teammate at that moment, and when to give up the point so as to not die and let the other players spawn a new teammate.

It would be a tug-o-war of not just the cap point, but also the player count. First to kill their clock or wipe the other team would win the round.

Of course then I read and found out this was nothing like what I imagined. It still sounds really cool though. :D

This is closer to what I'd like.

I was thinking of a sort of shot clock (maybe 30 seconds) where every time it runs out, the team without the point spawns a player. And capturing the point would respawn everyone on the capping players team like it does currently. So if it's 4v1 or something, the 4 players would need to split up to hunt down the 1 before they lose their player advantage, and the 1 player would need to ambush the individuals hunting him (or her). And the point should cap fairly quickly, so if the 1 player manages to evade his hunters and clear any point defenses, it's an even higher risk/reward situation than ambushes. The only thing I don't know how to fix is C&D spies hiding forever to spawn teammates.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 surveillance camera man shutdown in Off Topic
boppetI honestly want to know what anyone of you who thinks he is a hero would have done if he had walked into your room and started filming without reason.
He's either very brave or stupid, because I see no point in literally shoving a camera in peoples' faces - it's intrusive. I'll be honest and say I would have a hard time not getting physical with someone who refuses to stop recording; he literally was politely asked to leave what seemed to be a college classroom and then came back just for the sake of 'entertainment'.
Anybody could do this, you just have to be a big enough of an asshole.

It'd be weird and it'd make me uncomfortable, but it wouldn't inspire an angry or violent reaction from me. It's interesting to watch what people do when they're made uncomfortable, or put in an unfamiliar situation. And their reactions show just how little experience most of them have with it. It's ok to explore something you don't like without changing your mind. Recognize it for the value experiences like that can have, even if they aren't fun.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 5v5 AR in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for posting these I missed them. This is a pretty interesting way to play Arena. Seems like it'd be better in pubs too.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Blanc Esports LF Backups in Recruitment (looking for players)

Shikis on this team

youll get AIDS but you might win

posted about 9 years ago
#20 mana LFT soldier (high open/low IM) in Recruitment (looking for team)

beautiful asian

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Malware Distribution Targeting Competitive TF2 Pla in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for posting it.

Wouldn't targeting competitive players be way more trouble than it's worth? In TF2 at least you can usually expect at least some level of basic technological understanding. I could see it working more in CSGO or Dota I guess

posted about 9 years ago
#11 ESEA Season 17 Fragshow in Videos

dem some juicy rando frags

posted about 9 years ago
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