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Signed Up March 9, 2013
Last Posted June 8, 2023 at 12:31 AM
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 115
#17 tf2 draft tournament idea in TF2 General Discussion
eddiieebearodactylWoah I like that idea of a hidden cup that would be mad fun to watch, how would it work exactly? Chat mods would have to be pretty diligent in banning people who cheated and looked at logs to find who the players were (unless everyone had to use an alt account or something but that would be a ton of work), they'd also have to force everyone to wear no hats.

Could probably tell certain things by who uses original vs stock but would be pretty difficult I think. The prospect of playing and having no idea who's on the other team (admins would have to message both teams connect info) sounds wild and I bet it would cause people to play a lot different

Never really fiddled with server hosting, but can't you just not upload to

playing tf2 without logs is like cooking without eating

posted about 2 years ago
#16 RGL announces upcoming Summer seasons and preseason events in News

cp_mannbase_b18c by skaz
cp_mist_rc1d by hutty
cp_craneway_b19 by Bereth
cp_WorkFlow_b9b by Brandini Panini

posted about 2 years ago
#13 Neet spreadsheet in TF2 General Discussion

fygg has a job for literally 1 week and then thinks that makes up for the past 5 years she hasn't had one and starts trying to shame people in public

posted about 2 years ago
#7 idea: add third team to team fortress two in The Dumpster

during pre-game, 2 pubbers are siphoned in from casual matchmaking and get a coach pov and determine all classes you are allowed to play and get to spectate and call

posted about 2 years ago
#33 Survey of TFTV's DPI and sensitivity in Customization

who submitted my name w/ the non auurrr spelling

posted about 3 years ago
#32 Warning about Nursey trying to come back in TF2 General Discussion

It Is Time For RGL Sanctioned Scrims To Smite These Players For Their Own Good.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization

every time you make a post with the word performance or guide in it you should be banned for 3 months

posted about 3 years ago
#4 No hats mod potential exploit in TF2 General Discussion

incoming rgl ban for posting an exploit

posted about 3 years ago
#9 RGL S5 Post-Season Survey in TF2 General Discussion

i look forward to cow mangler being allowed when everyone below adv votes for it

posted about 3 years ago
#21 LFT S6 iM pocket soldier. in Recruitment (looking for team)
you cant see other peoples red text on discord btw, unless you are in cheeto's pc, it seems he didn't say that

hate to bump this garbage again but

deleted messages show in red

posted about 3 years ago
#7 LFT S6 iM pocket soldier. in Recruitment (looking for team)

[9:36 PM] ! cheeto: i carry
[9:36 PM] ! cheeto: so fucking carry
[9:36 PM] ! cheeto: listen to my calls please
[9:38 PM] ! cheeto: demo has the worst calls
[9:39 PM] cheeto: listen to my calls broo i know what a good play is

[11:30 PM] cheeto: how am i beingg toxic
[11:30 PM] cheeto: im saying the truth

[12:01 AM] airr: just don't shittalk your teammates it is seriously not hard
[12:01 AM] cheeto: no its very hard

Show Content
posted about 3 years ago
#4 LFT S6 iM pocket soldier. in Recruitment (looking for team)

joined the newbie mix team i was mentoring this season, immediately after joining i had every single person on the team tell me that he was toxic and making scrims unfun. during the first (and only) demo review i did while he was there, he left after the first 5 minutes without saying a word when i said something he did was a mistake, then the next night i look in discord and he is actively shittalking people on the team. the team then voted to cut him, he called everyone in the server the n-word, and then he was banned from the server

EXTREME ego, toxic, and not even good. hard avoid.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Cow milk in coffee is disgusting in Off Topic

anyone who drinks the milk of an animal is like 40% of the way to being a furry

posted about 3 years ago
#118 seriously? in TF2 General Discussion
trippaDont defend glimmer he manually deleted the demo and emptied his recycle bin this is fully deserved

why tho

posted about 3 years ago
#8 2021.04.03 in The Dumpster
segamwso what was supposed to happen?

respect his privacy

posted about 3 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 115