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SteamID64 76561198084621380
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:62177826
Country Finland
Signed Up April 13, 2013
Last Posted July 10, 2024 at 4:20 AM
Posts 178 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 0.7
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
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Keyboard Steelseries 6gv2
Mousepad Steelseries QcK+
Headphones QPAD QH-90
Monitor BenQ 24" XL2411Z
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#5 Observer Feedback in TF2 General Discussion

Cheat feed makes the game infinitely more fun to watch. I wish we used it in EU. It doesn't matter if it sometimes makes you be able to guess that this sniper will hit headshots or this scout will pop off, I still want to see those moments from the players POV and not just in the killfeed

posted 2 weeks ago
#1 ETF2L Autumn Season 2023 Fragmovie in Videos

I hope you guys enjoy <3

posted 6 months ago
#32 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

First they took badlands, now granary is gone. When will this end? I spent half my life perfecting my gameplay on these maps only to have it all taken away by fucking zoomers

posted 9 months ago
#1 ETF2L 6v6 Summer 2023 GF: Witness Gaming EU vs. /for fence in Matches

posted 10 months ago
#6 ETF2L Team Introductions in Videos

ETF2L Team Intro: Witness Gaming

posted 11 months ago
#1 ETF2L Team Introductions in Videos

I've wanted to make some promotional type videos for tf2 teams for a while now and I finally got around to actually creating something.
Initially I wanted to create a video like this for each team this season, but in hindsight that was obviously too big of a task to take on for this time frame. Hopefully I can make a video for all of the top3/4 teams this season and some kind of teaser for playoffs as well.
I hope you all like this idea and execution and I'll be trying to improve and make them better every time I make one of these.

ETF2L Team Intro: MANDEM

posted 11 months ago
#17 Why are EU pugs dead now? in TF2 General Discussion

The pick system definitely disincentivizes people from adding. Not just the noobies but also higher level players might have to wait 30min for a pug that they dont get picked in. In the past we had pickup2 for prem/div1 players and an open system on that would start as soon as 12 players added. We could have both of those on, if copper would want to make that happen.

Imho though when you take current size of our scene into consideration, it would probably make the most sense to just turn into an open system and prem players can have their own discords for higher level games.

posted 11 months ago
#3 fov_desired in Customization

What ever man

posted about a year ago
#1 fov_desired in Customization

Back in the day the argument was all about not seperating the pubbers too much from the competitive mode.
Now we are basically already playing promod with the gunbloats change.
Can't we just set fov limit to 120 while we are at it? It only breaks past 120fov afaik!
Any reason we aren't doing this?

posted about a year ago
#1 Prem/Div1 player MGE tournament 17.12 in TF2 General Discussion

This saturday we shall find out who is the ultimate MGE kingpin of high level european TF2.
Featuring some of the best aimers in the world, such as:

& more!

- Start 17:00 cet
- Pricepool 50€, winner takes all
- Soldier only, gunboats only, shotgun allowed only if both players agree
- Bo3 Double elim knockout bracket
- Bo5 Finals
- Map pool
- Bland mid
- Spire
- Gully mid
- Gran mid
- Ammomod MGE

Will be streamed at, casted by the highly talented Alexander "Wandum" Bøhme.
Tune in at 17:00 CET on saturday!


posted about a year ago
#7 CSG Autumn Season 22 Fragmovie in Videos
ShearsAMSI also appreciate any feedback on things you liked and/or didn't like, those things I can take into consideration as I begin to work on the i69 fragmovie as my next project. <3
AMS edits are always a treat to watch, and this one was no different! Loved the atypical song choice and production quality in particular.

Some personal nitpicks:
-Feels like the specific keyframing of ramping in and out of slow motion could use some more detail and attention in some places for optimal impact IMO, many times it felt slightly too abrupt or perhaps slightly mistimed. From the beginning to about 1:20 feels close to perfectly paced but after that it loses focus a little bit in some sections.
-Some of the transitions, smooths, and camerawork felt like they dragged a bit, or were perhaps filler to help pad out the length to match the length of the song. This might tie back into my first point about pacing.
-Could use a few more smooths where the camera isn't moving in a completely straight, linear path for variety

Many have told me they weren't a fan of the excessive velocity keyframing. I will admit I got lazier with syncing it precisely to the music later on in the movie, its good to hear you noticed that to get confirmation that people will indeed notice the distinction between a precise sync and a lazier one. :D
I appreciate the feedback very much! I will look into ways to create better & more diverse camera movement for stv smooths and use less velocity to not break the flow of the movie so much, and will spend more time getting the sync right.

posted about a year ago
#5 CSG Autumn Season 22 Fragmovie in Videos

Shameless bump to let you know I've added a DL link for higher quality viewing.
I also appreciate any feedback on things you liked and/or didn't like, those things I can take into consideration as I begin to work on the i69 fragmovie as my next project. <3

posted about a year ago
#1 CSG Autumn Season 22 Fragmovie in Videos
Hope you all enjoy


posted about a year ago
#9113 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about a year ago
#12 Team comms for casts, why did we stop doing it? in TF2 General Discussion
BumFreezeimo if you want this kind of content out there, (and im sure a lot of people also do), you should record+upload or stream your own pov. this kind of content is done a lot better after-the-fact than live, because we can curate actually interesting parts. the chance of casters going to ur comms at an arbitrary time and actually experiencing the whole tense atmosphere of a team, and still having enough % of the game casted by actual casters is pretty low. from memory of this happening in the past, most of the live randomly chosen lets-go-to-comms moments were very boring, or in the worst case, people were gamer-wording.

i think in the best case, we could have recordings of the whole thing and go to replays or highlights of the comms, which is what most other esports streams do (for the above reasons + strats leaking). but imo its probably better for the teams to do this content themselves, because logistically we just do not have enough producers or enough time to do that stuff, and im sure a lot of the teams wouldnt comply with wanting to use a different mumble, people listening in etc.

Fair points. I personally would not have an issue with occasional strats being leaked seeing as anybody can get their hands on the STVs of our games anyway and be able to decipher most of the strategic adaptations or any pre-set up stuff from just that alone, but I can see how many players might not agree with me on that and be would uncomfortable with it.

As for the void of such content in the game right now, I may be looking to fill some that in the future the best I can. This post was aimed at just the TFTV casts and their production, as this is a topic I've wondered about previously and felt I was lacking answers for why we weren't doing something that would in my opinion improve the spectator experience so much. <3

posted about a year ago
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