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Signed Up July 21, 2014
Last Posted July 1, 2018 at 4:21 AM
Posts 29 (0 per day)
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#16 Viewmodel Script for a specific case in Customization

That is a common issue with transparent viewmodels. IIRC you can fix it by disabling team xray/cart glow. You can also add the on/off cmds to vm_a/b/c if you want to toggle them.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Viewmodel Script for a specific case in Customization

No, the first script is simplified for slot1 one way, slot2/3 the other way - it is inflexible. Have any questions or issue with applying the second script?

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Viewmodel Script for a specific case in Customization

IIRC if min > max for incrementvar, as 1 > 0, r_drawviewmodel will just stick to 1 instead of wrapping around. I don't think incrementvar or toggle would work for every case.

The following allows viewmodel customization and setting a "quickswitch" slot other than slot1, eg. slot2 for medigun or slot3 for wrench:

alias qs_ab "tog_b; alias tog_c tog_ac"
alias qs_ac "tog_c; alias tog_b tog_ab"
alias tog_ab "vm_b; alias tog_b tog_ba"
alias tog_ba "vm_a; alias tog_b tog_ab"
alias tog_ac "vm_c; alias tog_c tog_ca"
alias tog_ca "vm_a; alias tog_c tog_ac"
bind mouse5 qs_ab
bind mouse4 qs_ac

In class/reset cfg:

alias vm_a "slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0" //Slots and viewmodel setting.
alias vm_b "slot2; r_drawviewmodel 1" //
alias vm_c "slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1" //
alias tog_b "tog_ab"
alias tog_c "tog_ac"

Example class customization:

alias vm_a "slot2; r_drawviewmodel 0" //Slots and viewmodel setting.
alias vm_b "slot1; r_drawviewmodel 1" //
vm_a                                  //Need to call vm_a again if changed.

The script is mostly the same, and uses letters to better distinguish from slot#s. It should still be easy to resync.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Viewmodel Script for a specific case in Customization


alias qs_12 "slot1;slot2;tog_vm12; alias tog_vm12 incrementvar r_drawviewmodel 0 1 1; alias tog_vm13 r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias qs_13 "slot1;slot3;tog_vm13; alias tog_vm13 incrementvar r_drawviewmodel 0 1 1; alias tog_vm12 r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind mouse5 qs_12
bind mouse4 qs_13

In class/reset cfgs I recommend:

r_drawviewmodel 0 //Assuming slot1 is held after switching class.
alias tog_vm12 "incrementvar r_drawviewmodel 0 1 1"
alias tog_vm13 "incrementvar r_drawviewmodel 0 1 1"

The script will desync without tf_remember_activeweapon and other conditions, but hitting one bind or the other should resync it as it falls back to turning viewmodels on for slot2/3. As a reminder, scripts cannot tell if a slot lacks ammo or an available weapon.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 HOW TO Update your HUD for Comp MM Update in Customization

I'm too lazy to pick out essentials, so here's a diff on my fork of the stock HUD from Tough Break forwards.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Vaccinator Bug in TF2 General Discussion

I tested the Vaccinator last month with bots and also found no decrease in build times.

Weapons used include the sniper rifle, smg, rockets, flamethrower and each crit-boosted with addcond 11. I kept the Heavy at <300, 310-410, or at 450 while the Medic was victim, with uber usage (I also looked at time to 4 charges in such cases) or without any uber usage. I had a lot of demos but forgot to back them up before a reinstall.

posted about 8 years ago
#2083 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
SmesiHow do i get rid of the witch hat?

Update hudplayerhealth.res. "Warlock" was replaced with "Reflect". There are also 4 more conditions. The tf2basehud git repos isn't updated yet, so here is a pastebin.

posted about 8 years ago
#1994 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
StaticVoidIs there a simpler method to editing the main menu and loadout screens than editing the .res, closing the game, and reopening just to see the changes? hud_reloadscheme has never worked for me, and my old method of doing _restart in console seems to crash the game now.

Try toggling mat_antialias.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 TF2 update for 10/8/15 (10/9/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
Jarate and Mad Milk will collide with friendly teammates that are on fire at close range

Does this work for anyone? I could be in a burning teammate's face yet the jar passes through, even when testing with bots. At least throwing it at the ground is an option.

posted about 8 years ago
#953 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
LeRayonVertwhy does this 'pipe 'chargemeter appear when I use The Huntsman? It does the exact same thing the huntsman meter does.

It's a bug that's been around for a long while. I don't know if any one else has reported it, but the dev team probably overlooked it because the stock meters overlap.

Also, how do I fix those white pixels in the upper and lower right corners?

I think you'll want to edit the size/position of the PanelCover* images - just PanelCoverRight, most likely.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 HUD affects text batching in Q/A Help

HUDs should be capable of timing, animating and changing the appearance of damage text, but not the value that can be displayed. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem with broeselhud_blue found on github.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Color Flashing Crosshair Help in Q/A Help

It's easy to loop color changes on a HUD; the problem is the trigger. I know of 1 reliable, on-demand and independent trigger for all classes: voice menu. The animation stops on respawn/hud reload and may interfere with other HUD crosshair animations you may have.

If you still wish to stick exclusively to the HUD crosshair, you could try making changes in './scripts/HudAnimations_tf.txt':

Under 'event MenuClose' or 'event MenuPulse'.
MenuPulse to start it only when a voice command is used through the voice menu.

//Open Voice Menu. After close/use, crosshair color loop will start/reset.
	RunEvent xHairFlashLoop 0.0

The following defines the loop, and could go anywhere, preferably under (but outside) MenuClose/Pulse. Customize colors, # of colors and timing as desired.

event xHairFlashLoop
	Animate Crosshair'sFieldName FgColor "127 127 0 255"	Linear 0.0 0.0
	Animate Crosshair'sFieldName FgColor "0 255 0 255"	Linear 0.5 0.0
	Animate Crosshair'sFieldName FgColor "0 127 127 255"	Linear 1.0 0.0
	Animate Crosshair'sFieldName FgColor "0 0 255 255"	Linear 1.5 0.0
	Animate Crosshair'sFieldName FgColor "127 0 127 255"	Linear 2.0 0.0
	Animate Crosshair'sFieldName FgColor "255 0 0 255"	Linear 2.5 0.0
	RunEvent xHairFlashLoop 3.0

Under 'event MenuOpen'.

//Stops crosshair flashing, but does not prevent it from starting or resetting.
	StopEvent xHairFlashLoop 0.0
	Animate Crosshair'sFieldName FgColor "127 127 0 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
posted about 9 years ago
#3148 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
AmirBnkcollycatI changed it up a bit, would anyone have an idea as to what I should do with meters?Maybe below the hp/ammo?

I'm thinking:
Where '-__-' represents the hex's underside.

  • Scout:
    ------Boost/Hype under hex
  • Soldier:
  • Demoman:
  • Heavy:
  • Engineer:
    MetalAccount-__-Pomson (or maybe the other way around?)
  • Sniper:
  • Spy:

Note sure about Medic Charges, # Pipes, Heads/Kills/Crits, Spells, Wheel, canteens and currency.

posted about 9 years ago
#3142 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
AmirBnkcollycatI made a little hud thing when I was bored looking at other games guis.
definitely not a hud for real gameplay, just made it for fun or a possible frag video hud. Does it look like it could work as one?
Quite sure that with a bit of editing, and positioning, it could even work as an actual gameplay hud.

Agreed. Wonder where the meters or other things would go, and how many ways the hexagon could be used. There's a lot of polish and possibilities with custom materials; wish I could setup a GUI with VTFLib.

Here's my HUD, and screenshots:
EDIT: Changed screenshot host, sorry for being a little late.

posted about 9 years ago
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