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Roamer LF mentor
posted in Mentoring
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I'm looking for a mentor to review my soldier and see what issues I have and what I need to improve on. I have no actual competitive experience besides doing PUGs and mixs, either than that I have no necessary 6s league experience. I might join a team in the summer so I really want to improve my overall soldier game before I join so a mentor would help big time.

I'm usually available during the weekends.
Thanks. :)

I'm looking for a mentor to review my soldier and see what issues I have and what I need to improve on. I have no actual competitive experience besides doing PUGs and mixs, either than that I have no necessary 6s league experience. I might join a team in the summer so I really want to improve my overall soldier game before I join so a mentor would help big time.

I'm usually available during the weekends.
Thanks. :)
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