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Demo looking Low Open
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EDIT: Not currently looking.

Looking for a team to join as Demoman within the lower Open skill bracket. I am interested in playing with positive minded people who want to improve their game and progress into higher skill levels of play. My availability includes Sunday through Thursday nights; this goes for scrims and matches. I am a full time student, so study and work comes first, but most of my free time is spent playing video games as it is so I can stand to put in the hours practicing.

You can contact me here:


EDIT: Not currently looking.

Looking for a team to join as Demoman within the lower Open skill bracket. I am interested in playing with positive minded people who want to improve their game and progress into higher skill levels of play. My availability includes Sunday through Thursday nights; this goes for scrims and matches. I am a full time student, so study and work comes first, but most of my free time is spent playing video games as it is so I can stand to put in the hours practicing.

You can contact me here:

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That steam url though

That steam url though
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nopeThat steam url though

i try to come up with good ones.

[quote=nope]That steam url though[/quote]
i try to come up with good ones.
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Scoop me, I wanna be a legend.

Scoop me, I wanna be a legend.
0 Frags +

verry good player can hang in the high open :)

verry good player can hang in the high open :)
10 Frags +

With a lot of work and a positive attitude he'd be a great pickup for a very low open team, good luck pal!

With a lot of work and a positive attitude he'd be a great pickup for a very low open team, good luck pal!
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