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0 Frags +

Will try to record 1 wave of MvM for you.

Only 4 things for mx:
- could you include a 9v9 or 12v12 scoreboard as a minmode variables or overrides?
- the killstreak number from the previous edition in the lower right corner is missing?
- option to add a bonus cross on the left of health?
- big percentage number on the right of the ubercharge?

Thanks in advance, it already looks amazing.

Will try to record 1 wave of MvM for you.

Only 4 things for mx:
- could you include a 9v9 or 12v12 scoreboard as a minmode variables or overrides?
- the killstreak number from the previous edition in the lower right corner is missing?
- option to add a bonus cross on the left of health?
- big percentage number on the right of the ubercharge?

Thanks in advance, it already looks amazing.
0 Frags +
jakeowatyWill try to record 1 wave of MvM for you.

Only 4 things for mx:
- could you include a 9v9 or 12v12 scoreboard as a minmode variables or overrides?
- the killstreak number from the previous edition in the lower right corner is missing?
- option to add a bonus cross on the left of health?
- big percentage number on the right of the ubercharge?

Thanks in advance, it already looks amazing.

I will maybe start doing bonus stuff after cmyk is done, but I do plan on doing that.
Killstreak number is now above the killfeed.
The percentage number doesn't work with shadows unfortunately, which is why mx has the new Charge Meter. You could try using the HudMedicCharge.res file from the fl version, but it won't have any shadows.

[quote=jakeowaty]Will try to record 1 wave of MvM for you.

Only 4 things for mx:
- could you include a 9v9 or 12v12 scoreboard as a minmode variables or overrides?
- the killstreak number from the previous edition in the lower right corner is missing?
- option to add a bonus cross on the left of health?
- big percentage number on the right of the ubercharge?

Thanks in advance, it already looks amazing.[/quote]
I will maybe start doing bonus stuff after cmyk is done, but I do plan on doing that.
Killstreak number is now above the killfeed.
The percentage number doesn't work with shadows unfortunately, which is why mx has the new Charge Meter. You could try using the HudMedicCharge.res file from the fl version, but it won't have any shadows.
0 Frags +

How do I remove the outline from the damage numbers? Old damage numbers looked better :>

How do I remove the outline from the damage numbers? Old damage numbers looked better :>
0 Frags +
AzraxHow do I remove the outline from the damage numbers? Old damage numbers looked better :>

This is the kind of stuff that is best asked on GitHub, so that other people can find it :)
Here's how

[quote=Azrax]How do I remove the outline from the damage numbers? Old damage numbers looked better :>[/quote]
This is the kind of stuff that is best asked on GitHub, so that other people can find it :)
[url=https://github.com/whayay/yahud/blob/master/yahud-mx/resource/ui/HudDamageAccount.res#L12]Here's how[/url]
0 Frags +
whayayThe percentage number doesn't work with shadows unfortunately, which is why mx has the new Charge Meter. You could try using the HudMedicCharge.res file from the fl version, but it won't have any shadows.

Yeah, tested it out and it semi works, because it doesn't flash when your uber is ready to go. I'll stick to the default for now then, it's not awful. :)

Link of the MvM test: http://youtu.be/0ySGuIHaZG4

[quote=whayay]The percentage number doesn't work with shadows unfortunately, which is why mx has the new Charge Meter. You could try using the HudMedicCharge.res file from the fl version, but it won't have any shadows.[/quote]

Yeah, tested it out and it semi works, because it doesn't flash when your uber is ready to go. I'll stick to the default for now then, it's not awful. :)

Link of the MvM test: http://youtu.be/0ySGuIHaZG4
3 Frags +

god damn it whayay. I'm working on my own hud but now I feel like I should stop because all I want to do is use mx.

god damn it whayay. I'm working on my own hud but now I feel like I should stop because all I want to do is use mx.
3 Frags +
shiznoreddshiznoi just want the original version of yaHUDif you're talking about this:
im working on a completely updated version, with leaky's b&w colorscheme as an option
yea thats exactly what i want actually

here you go!
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/llkinoavu65wi1z/AAAZP34es3pZS7GR1Oa5jkdta (regular)
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k0x0pvvd6klnybm/AACiDTECFgDtGrKuhVHUf9HWa (b&w)

[quote=shizno][quote=redd][quote=shizno]i just want the original version of yaHUD[/quote]
if you're talking about this:
im working on a completely updated version, with [url=http://i.imgur.com/aAFBsgc.jpg]leaky's[/url] b&w colorscheme as an option[/quote]
yea thats exactly what i want actually[/quote]
here you go!
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/llkinoavu65wi1z/AAAZP34es3pZS7GR1Oa5jkdta (regular)
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k0x0pvvd6klnybm/AACiDTECFgDtGrKuhVHUf9HWa (b&w)
-2 Frags +

Hey, is it just me or with the new flhud can you not see a medic's uber percentage as a Spy with the disguise kit? Also, can the scrollwheel weapon switch weapon showing be available as an option? I don't like being unable to see the weapon I'm switching to. I think you made this change within the past few days but I can't find the exact commit.

Also it appears that the tournament mode ready up symbols on the top aren't actually center aligned to the circle. I think the X is off by 3 or 4 pixels to the left. Might just be my resolution, 1600x900.

Hey, is it just me or with the new flhud can you not see a medic's uber percentage as a Spy with the disguise kit? Also, can the scrollwheel weapon switch weapon showing be available as an option? I don't like being unable to see the weapon I'm switching to. I think you made this change within the past few days but I can't find the exact commit.

Also it appears that the tournament mode ready up symbols on the top aren't actually center aligned to the circle. I think the X is off by 3 or 4 pixels to the left. Might just be my resolution, 1600x900.
1 Frags +
yttriumHey, is it just me or with the new flhud can you not see a medic's uber percentage as a Spy with the disguise kit? Also, can the scrollwheel weapon switch weapon showing be available as an option? I don't like being unable to see the weapon I'm switching to. I think you made this change within the past few days but I can't find the exact commit.

Also it appears that the tournament mode ready up symbols on the top aren't actually center aligned to the circle. I think the X is off by 3 or 4 pixels to the left. Might just be my resolution, 1600x900.

Yup, the font isn't centered for all resolutions, but there's little I can do atm. I might try replacing the circles with custom materials soon.

The quickswitch is changed to avoid border glitches. I will change it if I figure out a way to remove the border but keep the icons. I just thought that barely anyone would be using it anyways. Refer to this to see the changes. All TargetIDs should be fixed now.

[quote=yttrium]Hey, is it just me or with the new flhud can you not see a medic's uber percentage as a Spy with the disguise kit? Also, can the scrollwheel weapon switch weapon showing be available as an option? I don't like being unable to see the weapon I'm switching to. I think you made this change within the past few days but I can't find the exact commit.

Also it appears that the tournament mode ready up symbols on the top aren't actually center aligned to the circle. I think the X is off by 3 or 4 pixels to the left. Might just be my resolution, 1600x900.[/quote]
Yup, the font isn't centered for all resolutions, but there's little I can do atm. I might try replacing the circles with custom materials soon.

The quickswitch is changed to avoid border glitches. I will change it if I figure out a way to remove the border but keep the icons. I just thought that barely anyone would be using it anyways. Refer to [url=https://github.com/whayay/yahud/commit/41c7de3fd1887c8961c26ae00e6867481ef8c58b#diff-8f5ee45cee85d5ddfd65ee5938b7b32bR796]this[/url] to see the changes. All TargetIDs should be fixed now.
2 Frags +

I uploaded the WIP version of cmyk now. There's a blank and a cross effect version.


I changed around the TargetID location for the cross versions (mx & cx) to give them a bit more space for the health effect. Otherwise it's just minor bug fixes.

I have most of the "under the hood" stuff done now, so I'll hopefully be able to continue to make a couple new version and fix up the remaining issues (like MvM).

jakeowatyLink of the MvM test: http://youtu.be/0ySGuIHaZG4

Thanks, this is helpful! I was originally talking about an actual demo file (so that I can edit the HUD with that and check), but this is also really useful. I'll just try and see if I can get something going in the next couple of days. At least MvM isn't completely broken right now :3

I uploaded the WIP version of cmyk now. There's a blank and a cross effect version.


I changed around the TargetID location for the cross versions (mx & cx) to give them a bit more space for the health effect. Otherwise it's just minor bug fixes.

I have most of the "under the hood" stuff done now, so I'll hopefully be able to continue to make a couple new version and fix up the remaining issues (like MvM).

[quote=jakeowaty]Link of the MvM test: http://youtu.be/0ySGuIHaZG4[/quote]
Thanks, this is helpful! I was originally talking about an actual demo file (so that I can edit the HUD with that and check), but this is also really useful. I'll just try and see if I can get something going in the next couple of days. At least MvM isn't completely broken right now :3
0 Frags +


1 Frags +
mixtape-Is the target id name supposed to be slightly higher? I honestly thought it was just a mistake.

Nej, it's fixed with the actual HUD.

[quote=mixtape-]Is the target id name supposed to be slightly higher? I honestly thought it was just a mistake.[/quote] Nej, it's fixed with the actual HUD.
-2 Frags +
whayayjakeowatyLink of the MvM test: http://youtu.be/0ySGuIHaZG4Thanks, this is helpful! I was originally talking about an actual demo file (so that I can edit the HUD with that and check), but this is also really useful. I'll just try and see if I can get something going in the next couple of days. At least MvM isn't completely broken right now :3

Yeah, I realized that you meant a demo not a video after I was done with editing, so I just said 'what the hell, might as well upload what I did.'

Can record and upload a demo as well, it's a few minutes for me if you still want it.

And before the new edits, mfw I was playing MvM with 5MD:


Scratch what I said:
I installed the new version of mx and truth be told, I find the TargetID below the bar as Medic confusing. Having everything close and near crosshair is a much, MUCH better way healing.
Would it be too much work to lower down the main hud so TargetID fits in better?
Apart from that, there isn't anything I could even nitpick on.

[quote=whayay][quote=jakeowaty]Link of the MvM test: http://youtu.be/0ySGuIHaZG4[/quote]
Thanks, this is helpful! I was originally talking about an actual demo file (so that I can edit the HUD with that and check), but this is also really useful. I'll just try and see if I can get something going in the next couple of days. At least MvM isn't completely broken right now :3[/quote]

Yeah, I realized that you meant a demo not a video after I was done with editing, so I just said 'what the hell, might as well upload what I did.'

Can record and upload a demo as well, it's a few minutes for me if you still want it.

And before the new edits, mfw I was playing MvM with 5MD:

Scratch what I said:
I installed the new version of mx and truth be told, I find the TargetID below the bar as Medic confusing. Having everything close and near crosshair is a much, MUCH better way healing.
Would it be too much work to lower down the main hud so TargetID fits in better?
Apart from that, there isn't anything I could even nitpick on.
0 Frags +
reddshiznoreddshiznoi just want the original version of yaHUDif you're talking about this:
im working on a completely updated version, with leaky's b&w colorscheme as an option
yea thats exactly what i want actually
here you go!
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/llkinoavu65wi1z/AAAZP34es3pZS7GR1Oa5jkdta (regular)
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k0x0pvvd6klnybm/AACiDTECFgDtGrKuhVHUf9HWa (b&w)

I can fix that scoreboard for you with the clipping :)

[quote=redd][quote=shizno][quote=redd][quote=shizno]i just want the original version of yaHUD[/quote]
if you're talking about this:
im working on a completely updated version, with [url=http://i.imgur.com/aAFBsgc.jpg]leaky's[/url] b&w colorscheme as an option[/quote]
yea thats exactly what i want actually[/quote]
here you go!
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/llkinoavu65wi1z/AAAZP34es3pZS7GR1Oa5jkdta (regular)
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k0x0pvvd6klnybm/AACiDTECFgDtGrKuhVHUf9HWa (b&w)[/quote]

I can fix that scoreboard for you with the clipping :)
0 Frags +

it crashes everytime I try to click the co-op button

it crashes everytime I try to click the co-op button
0 Frags +

Here's a test demo for you, whayay. Starts around wave 4/6 and lasts awhile. The only thing it doesn't show is sapper and med shield recharge bars.

EDIT: Wow I'm silly and didn't link it, here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/smsauy0vtajj79s/mvmtest.dem

Here's a test demo for you, whayay. Starts around wave 4/6 and lasts awhile. The only thing it doesn't show is sapper and med shield recharge bars.

EDIT: Wow I'm silly and didn't link it, here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/smsauy0vtajj79s/mvmtest.dem
2 Frags +
jakeowatyI installed the new version of mx and truth be told, I find the TargetID below the bar as Medic confusing. Having everything close and near crosshair is a much, MUCH better way healing.
Would it be too much work to lower down the main hud so TargetID fits in better?
Apart from that, there isn't anything I could even nitpick on.

You can edit the positioning in /scripts/hudlayout.res, I made comments with the old positions and moved the entries further to the top. Here

Makatf2it crashes everytime I try to click the co-op button

It happened for me on occasion, not sure what causes this. Removing LobbyContainerFrame.res and LobbyPanel.res in the /resource/ folder might fix it.

yttriumHere's a test demo for you, whayay. Starts around wave 4/6 and lasts awhile. The only thing it doesn't show is sapper and med shield recharge bars.


[quote=jakeowaty]I installed the new version of mx and truth be told, I find the TargetID below the bar as Medic confusing. Having everything close and near crosshair is a much, MUCH better way healing.
Would it be too much work to lower down the main hud so TargetID fits in better?
Apart from that, there isn't anything I could even nitpick on.[/quote]
You can edit the positioning in /scripts/hudlayout.res, I made comments with the old positions and moved the entries further to the top. [url=https://github.com/whayay/yahud/blob/master/_Huds/yahud-mx/scripts/hudlayout.res#L71]Here[/url]

[quote=Makatf2]it crashes everytime I try to click the co-op button[/quote]
It happened for me on occasion, not sure what causes this. Removing LobbyContainerFrame.res and LobbyPanel.res in the /resource/ folder might fix it.

[quote=yttrium]Here's a test demo for you, whayay. Starts around wave 4/6 and lasts awhile. The only thing it doesn't show is sapper and med shield recharge bars.[/quote]
0 Frags +

Couple of changes:

cx now has a regular health cross instead of just the cross health effect, TargetIDs are without any effect now.

I also did a bunch of MvM fixes and tweaks (revive dialog, wave win and loss panels, bug fixes), it should be much better now.

Couple of changes:

cx now has a [url=http://i.imgur.com/4sUXbTW.jpg]regular health cross[/url] instead of just the cross health effect, TargetIDs are without any effect now.

I also did a bunch of MvM fixes and tweaks (revive dialog, wave win and loss panels, bug fixes), it should be much better now.
0 Frags +

You're the best.
Any chance you would bring back the team colored corner you had in 5MD or something similar?

You're the best.
Any chance you would bring back the team colored corner you had in 5MD or something similar?
0 Frags +

I don't know if this is intentional but why is the info about your weapon so dark?

Example -


I don't know if this is intentional but why is the info about your weapon so dark?

Example - [img]http://i58.tinypic.com/25vmv.png[/img]
0 Frags +
NamelesssI don't know if this is intentional but why is the info about your weapon so dark?

Example - (img)

Just uploaded a fix 2hrs ago, not sure what caused it though. I simply re-did the file and it was fine afterwards.

[quote=Namelesss]I don't know if this is intentional but why is the info about your weapon so dark?

Example - (img)[/quote]
Just uploaded a fix 2hrs ago, not sure what caused it though. I simply re-did the file and it was fine afterwards.
0 Frags +

Thanks whayay for getting active on my all-time fav hud again

Thanks whayay for getting active on my all-time fav hud again
0 Frags +

Hey there, previously I used one of the Garm3n font xhairs with your hud (the simple circle crosshair) but since I updated to one of your newer versions of the hud I can't use it anymore. There was no Garm3nFont.ttf in the fonts folder but I already copied one I had but its still not working properly, only the label "i" is appearing and not the crosshair itself

Hey there, previously I used one of the Garm3n font xhairs with your hud (the simple circle crosshair) but since I updated to one of your newer versions of the hud I can't use it anymore. There was no Garm3nFont.ttf in the fonts folder but I already copied one I had but its still not working properly, only the label "i" is appearing and not the crosshair itself
0 Frags +

kaneco, if you do all of this correctly there shouldn't be any problems.

kaneco, if you do all of this correctly there shouldn't be any problems.
0 Frags +
hanbrolokaneco, if you do all of this correctly there shouldn't be any problems.

The thing is, yahud already has a lot of embed crosshairs from other huds, and it worked fine in the all the old versions I used, only not now

[quote=hanbrolo]kaneco, if you do all of this correctly there shouldn't be any problems.
The thing is, yahud already has a lot of embed crosshairs from other huds, and it worked fine in the all the old versions I used, only not now
0 Frags +
Kanecohanbrolokaneco, if you do all of this correctly there shouldn't be any problems.
The thing is, yahud already has a lot of embed crosshairs from other huds, and it worked fine in the all the old versions I used, only not now

You'll need to make new entries in the clientscheme most likely. I plan on cleaning up the crosshairs a bit (and adding more to my own crosshair font to compensate).

Added a black box version (just like old times) to the cmyk versions:


[quote=Kaneco][quote=hanbrolo]kaneco, if you do all of this correctly there shouldn't be any problems.
The thing is, yahud already has a lot of embed crosshairs from other huds, and it worked fine in the all the old versions I used, only not now[/quote]
You'll need to make new entries in the clientscheme most likely. I plan on cleaning up the crosshairs a bit (and adding more to my own crosshair font to compensate).

Added a black box version (just like old times) to the cmyk versions:
1 Frags +

How do replace old font? :c
Everything else looks good so far!

How do replace old font? :c
Everything else looks good so far!
1 Frags +
ThickneyHow do replace old font? :c
Everything else looks good so far!

I think everyone is here for the old font.

Legacy of ya_hud Mk.I must survive!

[quote=Thickney]How do replace old font? :c
Everything else looks good so far![/quote]

I think everyone is here for the old font.

Legacy of ya_hud Mk.I must survive!
4 Frags +
jakeowatyI think everyone is here for the old font.

Again, it's most likely not gonna happen, I had to re-position everything when I did the new version, so it would require almost the same amount of work to add the option back in. There were issues with font cut-offs on top of that (at certain resolutions).
The only thing that might happen in the future is that I will create some sort of custom numeral font (without the overshoot on 6,7,9 & with a different 1) that futura numerals have) for the HUD, but it's not very likely.

In other news: I am currently working on this: http://imgur.com/a/avjbJ
It's a bit closer to the original version of yahud. I still need to do a bit of work on it, but it's almost done.

[quote=jakeowaty]I think everyone is here for the old font.[/quote]
Again, it's most likely not gonna happen, I had to re-position everything when I did the new version, so it would require almost the same amount of work to add the option back in. There were issues with font cut-offs on top of that (at certain resolutions).
The only thing that might happen in the future is that I will create some sort of custom numeral font (without the overshoot on 6,7,9 & with a different 1) that futura numerals have) for the HUD, but it's not very likely.

In other news: I am currently working on this: http://imgur.com/a/avjbJ
It's a bit closer to the original version of yahud. I still need to do a bit of work on it, but it's almost done.
3 Frags +
whayayjakeowatyI think everyone is here for the old font.Again, it's most likely not gonna happen, I had to re-position everything when I did the new version, so it would require almost the same amount of work to add the option back in. There were issues with font cut-offs on top of that (at certain resolutions).
The only thing that might happen in the future is that I will create some sort of custom numeral font (without the overshoot on 6,7,9 & with a different 1) that futura numerals have) for the HUD, but it's not very likely.

In other news: I am currently working on this: http://imgur.com/a/avjbJ
It's a bit closer to the original version of yahud. I still need to do a bit of work on it, but it's almost done.

I've also added a paypal link, since someone asked if they could donate.

based whayay

[quote=whayay][quote=jakeowaty]I think everyone is here for the old font.[/quote]
Again, it's most likely not gonna happen, I had to re-position everything when I did the new version, so it would require almost the same amount of work to add the option back in. There were issues with font cut-offs on top of that (at certain resolutions).
The only thing that might happen in the future is that I will create some sort of custom numeral font (without the overshoot on 6,7,9 & with a different 1) that futura numerals have) for the HUD, but it's not very likely.

In other news: I am currently working on this: http://imgur.com/a/avjbJ
It's a bit closer to the original version of yahud. I still need to do a bit of work on it, but it's almost done.

I've also added a paypal link, since someone asked if they could donate.[/quote]

based whayay
1 ⋅⋅ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ⋅⋅ 34
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