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fps issues
posted in Q/A Help
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Hello, so basically the last time i played Tf2 was like 2 weeks ago and had like around 300fps on midfights and on DM.
And 2 days ago i started playing again and had only 100-120 fps
When i launch the game the fps is good and maybe after 2mins of playing it drops slow and steady down to 120.
My CPU and gpu temps are good so there is no overheating, tried running different cfgs and different dxlevels, tried running the game without cfgs, i re-installed tf2, upgarded graphic drivers, all cpu cores are running etc.
So any help would be nice (ps. im bad with computer stuff)

All other games are running fine!!

config: Comanglia's @dx81

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Intel Kaby Lake i5-7600K, LGA1151, 3.80GHz
ram 16GB
ssd hard drive

Hello, so basically the last time i played Tf2 was like 2 weeks ago and had like around 300fps on midfights and on DM.
And 2 days ago i started playing again and had only 100-120 fps
When i launch the game the fps is good and maybe after 2mins of playing it drops slow and steady down to 120.
My CPU and gpu temps are good so there is no overheating, tried running different cfgs and different dxlevels, tried running the game without cfgs, i re-installed tf2, upgarded graphic drivers, all cpu cores are running etc.
So any help would be nice (ps. im bad with computer stuff)

All other games are running fine!!

config: Comanglia's @dx81

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Intel Kaby Lake i5-7600K, LGA1151, 3.80GHz
ram 16GB
ssd hard drive
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