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Demo LFT low-mid open
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Hey my name's bubble. I have played hl since s6 and im on a gold team. I have played demo on a few 6s teams, Stacked like pancakes, BLo, CS Kid and some others. I have been playing with a few different open teams in the preseason, still looking for the right team. I have been getting exponentially better at demo and i wont disappoint. HMU http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029128917/

Hey my name's bubble. I have played hl since s6 and im on a gold team. I have played demo on a few 6s teams, Stacked like pancakes, BLo, CS Kid and some others. I have been playing with a few different open teams in the preseason, still looking for the right team. I have been getting exponentially better at demo and i wont disappoint. HMU http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029128917/
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bumping this post hope thats not frowned upon here

bumping this post hope thats not frowned upon here
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Cool guy!

Cool guy!
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I've heard good things about this guy and he seems pretty polite from this post. Gl!

I've heard good things about this guy and he seems pretty polite from this post. Gl!
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^ hes heard good things so you should try me out XD thanks waffle and Bmc!

^ hes heard good things so you should try me out XD thanks waffle and Bmc!
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to the top

to the top
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also likes long walks on the beach

also likes long walks on the beach
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scrimmed with him a few times, good guy

scrimmed with him a few times, good guy
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b u m p

b u m p
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Known him my whole time in competitive. Great guy to be around and definitely worth trying out

Known him my whole time in competitive. Great guy to be around and definitely worth trying out
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Bbl is hot

Bbl is hot
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