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SteamID64 76561198040048374
SteamID3 [U:1:79782646]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39891323
Country Canada
Signed Up November 18, 2012
Last Posted May 22, 2024 at 8:19 PM
Posts 808 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse ASUS ROG Sica
Monitor BenQ XL2430T
1 ⋅⋅ 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
#1 TF2 update for 8/19/15 (8/20/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed an issue with the Festive Revolver not drawing correctly
- Updated the materials for the Australium Minigun
- PASS Time update
- Fixed disguised Spies not having a shield drawn for them in the HUD
- Fixed players being able to carry the jack while taunting (fixes an exploit with The Eureka Effect)
- Fixed being able to 'inspect' the jack while players are carrying it
- Fixed capturing the jack not incrementing Scout contract points
- Updated pass_warehouse
- Fixed a hole near the RED goal
- Fixed some props where the jack could get stuck
- Changed some small health kits to medium

Rumor has it:

- VPK contents diff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/c1f9994bf4f671d7ad1900b7feeb4daedf1e5ae8

- Size is ~25 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 8/18/15 in TF2 General Discussion

Via the Steam store and HLDS:

Valve- Added new game mode 'PASS Time' to the TF2 Beta
- Check out the blog post for more information
- Fixed a crash caused by a client sending malformed network data to the server (thanks to Nathaniel Theis for this report and test case)
- Added a new hat 'The Finder's Fee'
- Will be awarded going forward on a case-by-case basis to those who report major economy-breaking bugs or remote-code-execution bugs, and provide detailed information and steps to reproduce
- Well deserved congratulations to the first recipient, Nathaniel Theis
- Fixed visual bugs caused by picking up weapons with special attributes
- Fixed the Mann vs. Machine Medigun shield not being re-created after switching away from the Medigun and back while the charge is draining
- Fixed some alignment issues in the HUD meters for the Mann vs. Machine rage knockback and Medigun shield
- Fixed left-hand view models not displaying Stat Clocks correctly
- Fixed being able to use the tournament_readystate client command when using per-player ready status mode
- Fixed seeing a HUD mp_timelimit timer for maps that don't end the round when the map timelimit runs out
- Fixed some missing VO sounds for the Demoman when laughing
- Fixed being able to use the Restore action on Killsteak Kits
- Fixed character loadout menus so they display the particle effects for all equipped Unusual items
- The Huo-Long Heater can now accept Posthumous Kills strange parts
- Updated the Australium Grenade Launcher to fix the wood material being shiny
- Updated the backpack images for the Gun Mettle Campaign Coin
- Updated LODs for several weapons and the sentry gun
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
- Updated the localization files
- Updated Koth_Suijin with the latest changes from the authors
- Added cover around the point preventing cross-point sight line
- Opened second window in point building
- Tweaked pickup amounts and positions
- Widened space between stairs to point and bridge railing to allow easier movement
- Clipping improvements
- Improved lighting in dark areas
- Fixed an issue where engineers could build on outlying islands
- Fixed an issue where engineers could trap teammates by building teleporters in spaces with restricted movement
- Fixed an issue where the spawn room doors could be held open by an opposing team member
- Optimization improvements
- Maps Workshop Beta
- Fixed a common crash when loading some compressed maps
- Fixed various issues running workshop maps on listen servers
- Listen servers no longer unnecessarily fetch a second copy of the map
- Listen servers no longer cause the client to crash upon the second load of the same workshop map
- Added -ugcpath parameter for dedicated servers to control location of downloaded workshop content
- Defaults to steamapps/workshop
- Multiple servers sharing the same UGC directory is currently not supported, and will not go well
- Added server command tf_workshop_map_status to view currently tracked maps and their status
- Enhanced handling of updated maps to ensure the newest available version of the map is always used on level change
- Improved handling of workshop maps in a server's map cycle
- Workshop maps in the map cycle will be automatically fetched and updated in the background
- Workshop maps in the map cycle will have their names updated to the canonical name once known
- Map votes now work with workshop maps
- A known issue is that the full workshop map name is currently shown instead of the friendly name
- Community request: Updated the FindMap and CanProvideLevel API for server-side mods. These functions now always expose the full workshop names for maps when known, even if not the map is not yet installed.

Rumor has it:

- Item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/eb88aa3010a9819471e2320a81ef107a6c60c8da
- Here's what the Finder's Fee looks like: http://media.steampowered.com/apps/440/icons/all_bug_hat_demo_large.c4351ff20f7b7d18cfda22dea016d7838e4842c0.png

- Strings: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/fba317e600b0432210c9a7a8d91886d7b0f59496

- Size is ~135 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 8/14/15 (8/15/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve[ESL One Cologne 2015]
– ESL One Cologne Player Autograph Capsules are now available for purchase, with 50% of the proceeds from capsule sales going to the players and organizations. Player Autograph Stickers can be used as game pieces in the Cologne 2015 Player Pick’Em Challenge.
– ESL One Cologne Team Stickers are now available for purchase, with 50% of the proceeds from sticker sales going to the organizations. Team Stickers can be used as game pieces in the Cologne 2015 Team Pick’Em Challenge.
– Updated the Watch panel
— Added the Cologne 2015 Pick’Em Challenges and Matches.
— Your matches and tournament matches are now presented with an updated scoreboard and round performance panel
– [Linux] Fixed bug where bomb beeping was not playing on all channels.
– [Windows] Added a graphics driver hint to try to use the dedicated GPU when available on laptops.
– Minor volume and pitch adjustments to weapon equip and reload sounds
– Fixed a sound synchronization bug with some Falchion knife animations

Rumor has it:

- STICKERS! http://www.counter-strike.net/pickem/cologne2015

- GamingRedditor has an image of the revamped Watch menu

- Operation Bloodhound passes are now 50% off - thanks to SpaceShuttleFan for the tip!

- Strings and script changes (bring your own differ or append .diff to the end of the URL): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/b1578fb93c4f4161efb6c638ed2f266777e1c90c

- An item schema update (some stuff was already added in): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/624c6d775bcc092f5e65d2a30bfa92462a00a841

- Size is ~70 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 7/15/15 (7/16/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Fixed an issue with Unusual Revolvers where the unusual effect would sometimes not disappear when the Spy would feign death, disguise, cloak, etc.
- Fixed font rendering issues for Mac clients
- Fixed a case where map textures would fail to load properly in compressed maps (thanks to Egan and Geit for the report and test case)
- Fixed a case where Campaign Coins weren't displaying the correct stats based on the number of submitted contracts
- Everyone affected by this bug has received the maximum contract points (including bonus points) for the missing contracts
- Security/crash fixes (thanks to Nathaniel Theis for these reports)
- Fixed a crash caused by sending malformed network data to clients and servers
- Fixed an exploit that could be used to bypass sv_cheats
- Fixed the Spy-cicle causing a fire-immune bubble to be displayed when the Spy is cloaked
- Fixed skinned weapons not rendering properly for customers on older shader model 2.0 hardware
- Fixed speed particles on the Spy not disappearing when cloaking
- Added ETF2L 6v6 Season 21 tournament medals
- Added numerical health value to the enemy health display in the freezecam
- Reloading a weapon can no longer be triggered with '+reload' while the weapon is firing
- Updated several materials to fix issues caused by mat_picmip
- Updated the localization files
- Updated maps
- Fixed an exploit related to the final control point and dropped weapons on Badwater, Barnblitz, Borneo, and Goldrush
- Fixed incorrect cube maps on Powerhouse
- Updated maps have been compressed to save space
- Updated Hammer tools
- Fixed bspzip requiring a -game parameter while simultaneously not allowing it
- Fixed bspzip -addfiles improperly handling newlines in some cases
- Fixed bspzip ignoring excess arguments with no warning
- Fixed bspzip help text for -extractfiles not indicating that a target directory is required

Rumor has it:

- Semi-related, but a warning for server operators running TF2 servers on Windows Server 2003: Microsoft ended extended support for Windows Server 2003 yesterday, leaving it in the same position as Windows XP with no more security fixes to be delivered. If you're still on Server 2003 (hopefully you already moved), consider moving to Windows Server 2008 (R2), 2012 R2, or even a Linux distro

- Item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/3ccf2c43ad68cb186c3035ff213fdf1ba9b6fe4a
- Medal images are the same ones from recent ETF2L seasons as recent as season 18

- Strings: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/9a688a5b649352225fe242de6076b555a683abec
- Presumably due to a recent new Chicago ruling, the disclaimer about sales taxes no longer mentions Washington state specifically
- This disclaimer was updated in TF2 as well to match the one recently updated in CS:GO

- Size is close to 150 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive update for 7/9/15 in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

Valve[ MISC ]
– Fixed smoke rendering exploits that were possible when running certain video capture applications.
– Fixed rare issues when equipping the same loadout item for both teams.
– Fixed an issue where the list of tournament matches would not refresh.
– Added official game servers cluster in Atlanta.
– Added new carpet footstep sounds.
– Tweaked sounds of suits when running to synchronize with footsteps.
[ MAPS ]
–Made first train event predictable, train will start 10 seconds after Ts leave their spawn tunnel
–Implemented area sound for train, can now use sound reliably throughout B site to hide grenade sounds, footsteps etc.
–Fixed a see-through texture near Bombsite A towards upper park
-Dust II
–Fixed 30 exotic spots where C4 could get stuck

Rumor has it:

- Here's what sounds got changed: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/09a15fcd02a7396d456cd371e711a08ce2b9e0bb

- The bomb detonation sound got altered, and it sounds a whole lot more badass than it did previously:


- The 2015 service medal will be ready for claiming as it's been included in this update
- And here's some relevant GC protobufs that enable claiming of it: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/f3b2c68a8895c5f1e9f64d7fbd6ebda83f144e30

- Size is ~55 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#160 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion
outatseaquick someone call FLOOR_MASTER and DJ_ROOMBA

Sponsored by CouponBug.com!

posted about 8 years ago
#42 TF2 update for 7/8/15 (7/9/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

There was a second update of around 1 MB in size, if you need to use a listen server, be sure to acquire it as this fixes it.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 TF2 update for 7/8/15 (7/9/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
MoyCan you guys not go into a local server? I'm crashing whenever I try.Skagcan't load a local server, validating didn't help. so funPAPASTAINMoyCan you guys not go into a local server? I'm crashing whenever I try.yep, trying to start up a local map causes an immediate crash. online servers seem to work fine thofatswimdudemy server crashes when i load mapsKrocketKarmaCrashes on loading a map

Top Men have been notified about the issue.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 7/8/15 (7/9/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Revolver and Pistol Killstreak Kits now properly work on decorated weapons
- Rescue Ranger bolts now properly heal friendly mini-sentries
- Vaccinator Über bubbles once again work on Reanimators in Mann vs Machine, but now instantly fills them by 90%
- Fixed cosmetic items with an ambient particle effect (i.e. Soldier's Stogie, Nine-Pipe Problem) erroneously reporting that they had the Genteel Smoke unusual effect
- Fixed Stickybombs not properly having distance fall off for the first 5 seconds of their life time
- Fixed an issue with The Sandvich where consuming it at full health would consume it forever
- Fixed The Dalokoh's Bar giving medium health kits when thrown. Now properly gives small health kits when thrown
- Fixed suicides counting for the "Get a kill on Powerhouse" Contract objective
- Fixed a issue with The Box Trot taunt when window focus changed
- Fixed a case where speed-line particles were visible for enemy players when a Spy triggered the Dead Ringer
- Fixed The Scorch Shot not applying its small knockback on non-burning enemies
- Fixed The Scorch Shot knockback from effecting Quick-Fix Über
- Fixed The Wrangler not properly disabling Sentries for 3 seconds on Engineer death
- Fixed a case where textures and models would fail to load on maps with embedded resources
- Fixed an exploit related to instantly completing a payload map while taunting and picking up dropped weapons

Rumor has it:

- Local servers, ones created using the create server button which appears as a + symbol (or through console commands), AKA "listen" servers, now result in crashing when nearing completion of loading
- Update #2 fixes this, be sure to download it too if you need to use a listen server

- Size is ~10 MB

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 update for late 7/3/15 (7/4/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Temporarily limited OS X clients to medium texture quality to resolve random crashes while work is done on a permanent fix
- Fixed a random crash that affected OSX only
- Updated the collision geometry for the turbines in Powerhouse
- Dropped weapons now retain their ammo and ÜberCharge levels unless the player commits suicide
- Valve official quickplay and matchmaking servers are no longer listed in the server browser
- Players no longer drop their weapons in MvM
- Pressing the action key will now try to pick up a dropped weapon before trying to use an item in the action slot
- Spies can no longer pick up weapons when disguised or cloaked
- Using the mouse to select enemy players on the scoreboard no longer improperly reveals their class
- Fixed players dropping multiple instances of the same weapon at once
- Fixed unintended changes to rocket and other explosive jumping behavior
- Fixed dropped weapons occasionally using an incorrect skin
- Fixed an issue that was causing the particle effects on Unusual hats to sometimes draw in first-person for the owner, or not draw at all to others
- Fixed an issue that prevented Huntsman arrows from damaging enemy Engineer buildings
- Fixed weapons with attached models (e.g. Festive weapons, Kritzkrieg, and Botkillers) not rendering their attachments
- Fixed spies that have picked up a dropped Your Eternal Reward or Wanga Prick being able to manually disguise
- Fixed Spy sometimes not being able to use the Disguise Kit after picking up a new Knife
- Fixed newly created items not becoming Strange quality, despite receiving the ability to track kills. Existing items in this state will not be retroactively fixed.
- Fixed skinned weapons appearing differently after being traded or listed on the Steam Community Market. Affected items have been reverted to their original (permanent) appearance.
- Fixed being able to craft some previously un-craftable items
- Fixed a client crash related to Killstreak Fabricators and Chemistry Kits
- Fixed a client crash related to particles
- Fixed the Vitasaw no longer giving its ÜberCharge bonus after death
- Fixed issues related to picking up dropped weapons while zoomed in with a Sniper Rifle
- Fixed a bug that caused the Shortstop to reload faster than normal
- Fixed dropped energy weapons not being able to fire after being picked up
- Fixed some weapons not displaying their charge meters after being picked up
- Fixed the box used in the Box Trot taunt sometimes being the wrong color
- Steam Community Market
- Fixed skinned items appearing as "Decorated Item"
- Items that are temporarily un-tradable can now properly be listed on the market

Rumor has it:

- Strings and item stuff: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/67d98aa3130e78827dca1fb69439c228bfb27d95

- Size is ~10 MB

- Did you know: this is the record latest an update has been for the game?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 6/30/15 (7/1/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Footsteps are quieter when spectating in-eye.
– New Overwatch kill notification sound.

– Fixed a case where clicking on an Overwatch verdict also clicked on the blog post.
– Disabled old code that allowed subtle auto aiming with controllers.
– Performance optimizations for players with large inventories.
– Fixed some exploits that allowed unauthorized code execution.
– Added the player_hurt event to GOTV demos.
– Added flavor text to the Baggage and Cobblestone Collections.

Rumor has it:

- instinxx on reddit says the new Overwatch sound is more like two beeps, and so does kuse as well

- We have a boatload of more flavor text now: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/30e63baa94b390c7762caa8fbf715153fe3a0bf3

- There was also a change in a Valeria line for the Bloodhound Revolution campaign (SPOILERS AHEAD): https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/b588cf57bed86b69dcf722119dd0e230c264e256

- Size is ~20 MB (and an additional ~10 MB for the SDK)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 6/17/15 (6/18/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Added a server convar sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_holdaim which determines how long (number of ticks) a server holds client aim data while processing a backlog of user commands.
– On Valve servers, GOTV demos will now reliably broadcast and record players’ viewangles on the ticks when weapons were fired.
– Controllers will now reliably be recognized if plugged in mid-session.
– Fixed a handful of bugs in the options menu in regards to navigating.
– Fixed the keybind page being in a bad state when you navigate to it via the Audio “EDIT USE MIC KEY” button.
– Threaded occlusion query to help with server performance in casual games with many players. occlusion_test_async turns it on or off.
– Added OSX convar, mat_osx_force_csm_enabled which forces dynamic shadows on.
–Made one of the windows in CT sniper hut (facing long A) solid
–Made the tower in the lemur enclosure partially climbable (disabled hiding spot just below the platform
–Blocked LOS when standing on the signpole near T spawn looking into “Truck” and the aquarium
–Fixed some fishes leaving their aquarium
–Fixed several (self)boost spots that weren’t supposed to be reachable
–Fixed the gaps in one of the wooden fences at CT spawn
–Fixed several pixelwalks (including the one at mid above the spiral staircase)
–Fixed possibility to throw grenades onto the false ceiling at mid connector
–Fixed a wallbang spot at Upper T

Rumor has it:

- In (presumably) competitive, you'll get kicked for committing suicide too many times: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/ac7b99c95ab4d404db7e92e36b25765f1908e534
- The message displayed will be: "You have been kicked for suiciding too many times."

- Also text for profile rank 13 and onward should also be fixed

- Size is ~40 MB

- League admins and players should prepare for some slight delays in matches tonight barring any brand new previous version branches being set up to ensure players can rejoin without the rest of the match's players and the server needing to be updated or without chancing Windows' System Protection feature being disabled (which enables "Restore previous versions" functionality)

posted about 8 years ago
#4 TF2 update for 6/11/15 (6/12/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
Knuckles_- Enabled raw mouse input for Mac clients

It was only like 4 years since macs were added. I can understand why this took so long

2015 literally the year of Mac gaming because this and Metal coming to El Capitan.


posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 update for 6/11/15 (6/12/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion


Valve- Mann Co. Store summer sale is on!
- Updated dedicated server 'status' command to include sv_tags
- Enabled raw mouse input for Mac clients
- Added OWL 13 tournament medals
- Added TF2Connexion Season 15 tournament medals
- Fixed a client crash related to the HUD
- Updated the localization files
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
- Security/crash fixes (thanks to Nathaniel Theis for these reports)
- Fixed a remote code execution bug and a crash related to malformed custom spray files
- Added checks to the voice system that prevent loading codecs other than the files that ship with the game
- Updated the Maps Workshop Beta
- Workshop map names (e.g. workshop/cp_foo.ugc123456) can now be used in the map, changelevel, and nextlevel commands as well as the mapcycle config
- Allow fuzzy name matching in the map, changelevel, and nextlevel commands as well as the mapcycle config -- e.g. "changelevel dustbowl"
- Shorthand workshop map names of the form workshop/<id> (e.g. workshop/123456) will now auto-resolve to the full map name
- Running tf_workshop_map_sync is no longer necessary, maps will be fetched and updated on demand during level change
- tf_workshop_map_sync is no longer blocking, and can be used to precache maps in the background
- Workshop maps are no longer copied to tf/maps/workshop/ by default, instead using the single copy in the steamapps/workshop folder
- Fixed some cases of embedded resources in workshop maps, such as cubemaps, not being loaded properly
- Fixed an issue preventing game servers from properly receiving updates to workshop map files
- Fixed game servers using registered accounts via sv_setsteamaccount not being able to download workshop content
- Fixed syncing workshop maps prior to the first map load on a dedicated server
- Updated in-game workshop import tool
- Fixed not being able to select the class/other tags for cosmetic items
- Hide unused buttons when editing an existing workshop entry
- Fixed text getting truncated when editing items with long descriptions

Rumor has it:

- You'll get notified of the sale prominently when starting the game after this update:

Show Content

- Item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/commit/17e57a3b77ac606dbb03327713ea96505e9ff912

- Both the OWL 13 and TF2Connexion season 15 medals are the same ones used for previous seasons, so nothing eventful there

- Size is ~20 MB

posted about 9 years ago
#1 CS:GO update for 6/10/15 (6/11/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

Via the CS:GO blog:

– Added an XP reward for accurate Overwatch verdicts. The reward is proportional to the investigator’s Overwatch Score, is delivered after a sufficient number of accurate cases have been resolved, and can be collected by completing matches on official servers.
– Added a message to users when they have reported a user that was banned by VAC or Overwatch.
– Added a message to users when they have lost XP, competitive wins, Profile Rank, and Skill Group due to partying with a cheater.
– Updated the Overwatch F.A.Q.: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/overwatch/
– Weapon fire sounds no longer prevented from playing due to the Potentially Audible Set.
– Fixed bug where dormant players could emit bullet impact sounds.
– New ladder footstep sounds.
– Inspecting a weapon from loadout screen now plays cage opening sound.
– Adjusted weapon fire sound falloff to be more noticeable at near range distances.
[ UI ]
– Added Leadership, Teaching, and Friendliness commendations to the scoreboard. The team member with the best score in each category will display the relevant icon.
– CS:GO Profile Ranks now display like Skill Groups in the scoreboard: always for friends and party members, and at the end of the match for everyone else.
[ MISC ]
– Doubled GOTV broadcasting and recording snapshot rate ( to 32 ) on official servers.
– Fixed a bug that allowed players to commend themselves and removed all such commendations.
– Update rates enforced for players can now be configured higher than GOTV master tv_snapshotrate.
– Tickrates for players on official servers are now enforced to match server tickrate.
– Players must now be at least Rank 3 to play Competitive Matchmaking.

Rumor has it:

- Config updates and string updates: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking/commit/81b043c2441fe17240d4a6885bb8c24cd6a194a7

- Size is ~35 MB

- Regarding size reporting...please see this reddit comment, especially if you happen to be an OS X user

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54