Account Details
SteamID64 76561198208622111
SteamID3 [U:1:248356383]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:124178191
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up March 13, 2017
Last Posted March 2, 2024 at 9:28 PM
Posts 796 (0.3 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G403
Keyboard Logitech G910
Headphones ATH-M50x
1 ⋅⋅ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ⋅⋅ 53
#6 What happened with the pause uber fix mod? in TF2 General Discussion

the uber saving version of the pause plugin, which was edited by aad, is included in the new rgl server resources, which is actually required to have on your server for matches, but nobody reads the news blurbs on the rgl website ;(

posted about 4 years ago
#30 [as] mge replacement in Projects

fixed segfault bug with heavy / sniper (and pyro apparently) !!

thank you shiningstar for pointing me towards the fix

heavy enabled on everywhere that all other classes were enabled (except for all ammomods on all servers)


oihguv server also updated to b3

Gritomaid recommend making an mge server with no elo

for the 30 minutes i actually spend playing mge to warm aim i can play in a place with a lower percentage of i-use-my-mge-elo-as-my-four-digit-bank-pin goblins and not want to die before scrims

overall itd mean a lot
24wheres regular 66 tick oihguv? Not cool, bro.

there is the 200 tick oihguv server if you want it, if I were to make more servers I'd have to see an uptick in traffic above what it currently is to justify it (though that [hopefully?] might happen when AS shutters its last server)

posted about 4 years ago
#13 MGE Oihguv Reloaded in Map Discussion

spawns included with most recent version of MGE here!

latest version ALSO includes a fix for handicap mode not ever working too (thank you to gibustf, i just rebased his fix on the then latest branch and resubmitted it)

posted about 4 years ago
#12 MGE Oihguv Reloaded in Map Discussion

b3 update

This time i compressed it with bspzip so it's not a huge file!


  • added lava spire
  • fixed clipping in gran mid
  • fixed some clipping in product mid
  • made og ammomod have see through fences for walls instead of bland ugly textured walls (dont worry they still splash)
  • removed walls from both amphis (put skybox instead)
  • added more nodraws on unseeable textures on all 2 3 spires


download here

spawns coming soon

you can currently play this @
posted about 4 years ago
#4 call of duty: mobile in Other Games

griff was talking about this in a pug earlier and he left when we all laughed at him about it

posted about 4 years ago
#8 [as] mge replacement in Projects
comma5steph1. i dont play the same div as you, so that was definitely not me
2. why did you tell me to kill myself

there are zero records in my dbs of the steamid attached to your tftv account having ever touched any of my servers or any of the other servers i maintain so i'm curious as to who exactly you are and what ban you're looking at? I assumed that you were the same player with that cheating ringer, but maybe not...? if you're serious and not trolling i'd be happy to discuss it with you in private.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 [as] mge replacement in Projects
edinit was sniper not heavy

it's an interaction between sniper and heavy and switching between them with certain calsses weapons, disabling either one fixes it as far as i can tell

comma5Banlength Permanent
Reason kill yourself
Banned by Admin stephanie

reminder that steph is very toxic/stupid but is accepted by the community because they are
Show Content
a girl

i banned you because you rang a blatantly cheating player on my comp server and then called me and my team slurs lmfao

posted about 4 years ago
#1 [as] mge replacement in Projects

Hey folks, [as] mge is going to die very soon because nacho doesn't want to keep paying for it. I've been working with dog, another admin, to get some sql dbs and maybe plugins from it before the servers go down for good, and i'm starting my own mge servers.

head on over to - for 200 tick oihguv with no elo - for 66 tick training_beta4b with elo - for 66 tick chillypunch with elo

i'll very likely be importing all the bans from [as]'s sourcebans db as well.

all servers are essentially all class except heavy because there's bugs where you can segfault a server by doing weird shit with him. Fuck heavy.

elo MIGHT MAYBE POSSIBLY be imported from [as] as well. I don't know yet.

anyway feedback can go in this thread or in the discord

posted about 4 years ago
#8 200 Tick ELO Enabled MGE in TF2 General Discussion

as someone who runs several 200 tick servers, i feel like there's a lot of misinformation going around about higher tickrate in tf2.

tf2's engine is locked to 66.67 tps, and when you "unlock" it and go beyond that limit (with twiikuu's metamod plugin or otherwise), things do start to break.

higher tickrates cause wallbugs to become more frequent, essentially meaning that you stick to diagonal walls at high enough tps.

higher tickrates *do* also affect projectiles, but as far as I can tell, the only projectiles that are actually changed in any meaningful way is demo's pipes because rockets, arrows, and even the stupid little wrap assassin ball thing (that randomly breaks on the sides of visleafs sometimes) all have a fixed speed (again AFAIK, might be wrong).

ramp sliding is also broken at higher tickrates, but this can be functionally fixed with a sourcemod plugin called groundfix, developed by jumpers/surfers (god bless em):

people have complained about sentries firing faster or doing more damage, and even if that were true (which it isn't, I've done tests on my own that debunk this) it could be fixed by setting the hidden cvar


to a lower value

the "shutter problem" where shutters break sometimes has been fixed as well with twiikuu's plugin as well.

buggy dropped weapons can be disabled with

sm_cvar tf_dropped_weapon_lifetime 0

and dropped hats off dead players could be easily fixed with another sm plugin.

there is obviously increased CPU usage with higher tps, and i very much doubt that arie @ serveme would want to implement it for free or that NFO/Tragicservers would want to implement it across the board for the same price they currently charge for servers.

but, gameplay does feel significantly smoother at higher tps. ping becomes almost a nonfactor, from what i've heard (and experienced). 60 ping feels like 10 ping, 30 ping feels like LAN, etc. soldiers become much more powerful because of increased air-control, medic's arrows don't randomly not register nearly as often, melee actually works, etc. etc. etc.

all in all i genuinely believe higher tickrate in TF2 is an upgrade, even with the downsides, which could probably be remedied with plugins. sorry for the nerd essay!

posted about 4 years ago
#9 server request in Requests

requesting to add

both are all class mge servers w/ 24 slots

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Add a new country to the list maybe? in Site Discussion

change france's flag to all white

posted about 4 years ago
#14 Maps that you wish were still in development in Map Discussion
lucrativeif people genuinely have interest in this I could try and get the map decompiles and see if we can make some changes to the classics for testing. theyre all here

or use VMEX/BSPSource

posted about 4 years ago
#105 RGL Advanced S1 Happenings/Discussion Thread in TF2 General Discussion

surely calling the head 6s admin a slur will get you unbanned, right? right guys??

posted about 4 years ago
#12 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion

i decompiled this cuz sturm blocked me (??) and took a look in hammer:

why are these blockbullets individual brushes??

maybe its a decompile thing but i mean IDK lol

it's weird cuz theres plenty of other solid plane blockbullets on the map so like. why are these not just a solid plane like the rest?

posted about 4 years ago
#52 NFL 2019-2020 Season Thread in World Events

the steelers blow this year. again. can they just fucking fire tomlin already? christ

posted about 4 years ago
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