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Signed Up July 28, 2014
Last Posted May 3, 2024 at 2:56 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ⋅⋅ 45
#22 Highest sens in TF2 General Discussion
MorrowlettoMorrow has insanely high sens
I used 3cm/360 at both i58 and i61. Changed it to 10cm/360 now. :D

make sure u do wrist stretches bro

unless ur actually some sort of legend and u use ur arm with that sens

posted about 6 years ago
#31 Friendship Building Exercise Thread in Off Topic

i appreciate u for trying to innovate and make the panic attack a reality

posted about 6 years ago
#456 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
Karlsmesihell yeah brother let me spend 1600$ on my gpu, cpu and ram ALONE to run tf2 in low settings at 720pthe resolution in tf2 hardly impacts fps tbh, i got maybe a 2% loss running at 4k vs 1080p when I forced my game into 4k

helps a lot if you're gpu limited i think, which you probably won't be on a desktop with a dedicated gpu that was made past 2011 but it's amazing for my laptop and integrated graphics lol

posted about 6 years ago
#36 Ster talks about the TF2 casual and comp community in TF2 General Discussion

I've never seen an actual good competitive player shit on a youtuber lol. Everytime I've seen someone be like "(name-drop youtuber here)? that dude sucks lol" they're not even low-mid open or silver highlander, it's literally ugc steel level and below players trying to act cool by pretending they're so high and mighty and above players that the more mainstream tf2 population would know. Unfortunate that they're associated with competitive as a whole, especially when they're more or less glorified pubstars.

even then it's usually people doing that to people like stabby or uncle dane, people with really defined "mains". Never really saw it much with star.


My most negative experiences with people in tf2 is overwhelmingly in highlander and anyone who I've talked to who has played both agrees that highlander players are much more toxic than 6s players

Agreed, although I think that's mostly because new blood is usually more toxic compared to older more seasoned players and highlander hemorrhages significantly more top level players than 6's.

posted about 6 years ago
#142 TF2 update for 3/28/18 in TF2 General Discussion
b4nnyYour perspective is biased because you are too attached to your FPS configs.

I'm not attached to a config, I'm attached to the ability to fucking play the game without it resembling a powerpoint. Your perspective is biased because your game still functions well on non-fps config settings, which is not representative of the majority of players.

b4nnyGo watch WarOwl or Greekgod or any new TF2 player playing competitive mode for the first time. They didn't care nor notice any issues with the enforced graphics settings.

These two players also have ridiculous pc setups because of their jobs, they are hardly the average.

Guarantee you any player with some fps experience playing on a non-powerhouse computer will find tf2 matchmaking aids to play because of how unoptimized the game is compared to other fps titles (i.e. ow and cs mainly, maybe even qc at this point lol).

Edit: this internet is aids b4nny's new post didn't even load

b4nnyEven if it is just blissful ignorance, the point is that competitive mode can still offer a fun experience for casual players despite the graphics restrictions, which is a very good thing.

Agreed that in game competitive being fun is obviously important, but at the end of the day it being a game mode that is competitive in nature and has medium-high stakes (as opposed to casual's 0 to low stakes) is what ultimately differentiates it from casual which makes the ability to run the game all the more imperative imo. Your fps doesn't matter if you just dick around in casual, but it should matter in competitive because it's, well, competitive.

posted about 6 years ago
#111 RGL.gg is coming to Europe with a $1,000 prizepool in TF2 General Discussion
LegendaryRQA Notice how all of thous maps have been at some point played in 6s, other then Badwater and Gorge.

I think gorge has been tested in 6's in the distant past, and nobody likes badwater not even highlander players and the problems the map has aren't really remedied by having 6 players.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 LFT Low IM - High Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

ly is fucking wonderful absolutely splendid

posted about 6 years ago
#72 RGL.gg is coming to Europe with a $1,000 prizepool in TF2 General Discussion

i still don't get why it's pick ban whitelist

most people don't end up banning unlocks on 6's classes because they don't want to gimp their own players so it literally just turns into "make it so their engineer/heavy/pyro (pyro not so much anymore after jungle inferno) player can't play the game"

like i actually felt bad watching the engineer player who played with ascent cause the other team just makes it so you can't actually impact the game lol might as well be afk.

unless that's what sigafoo is going for ?? pretty sure that's not though.

posted about 6 years ago
#47 unsung heroes thread in TF2 General Discussion

all the people who are encouraging and helpful when you're clearly the worst player in a pug/lobby/whatever, they're probably the biggest reason i really pushed/push myself to get better

posted about 6 years ago
#7 what class would you hang out with irl in Off Topic

imo half the charm of this game (as compared to more modern titles) is that every character is fucking insane and as a result nobody i'd want to hang out with irl

like i bet even ms. pauling is in to some wack shit

posted about 6 years ago
#7 hamburger's model removal mod 2018 in Customization

fair warning that prop_removal.vpk is banned in etf2l iirc so i imagine this wouldn't be allowed as well.

really cool stuff though i'll take a look at it later when i have time

posted about 6 years ago
#7 rain lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

if we could clone him we would win highlander unfortunately we have to get an inferior player on the pyro class because rain pounds on scout too hard


posted about 6 years ago
#30 exile lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

exile pounds and is super nice and he makes the game so much easier like wow cause everythings hurt so its just so easy for you to play the game and yeah but he's kind of a weeb but as far as i can tell he hasn't like pulled traditional weeb things so i'm sure if u are an anime connoisseur urself you can have some nice discussions with him idk he's just that nice the discussions would be real great like amazing but you don't get the emo kill team on esea unfriend everybody disappear for 9 months father a son type stuff so that's definitely a real bonus although i think exile would make a good father he has strong tendencies and is a good maincaller you know he would give his children good direction in life real positive only upward trends

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Tacos or Burritos in Off Topic
Lightbringertacos because duh


ok but for real this style of taco is so hard to eat since the shell is hard you can't wrap it up so do you like hold it horizontally to your mouth and keep taking bites its so awkward imagining it plus shit would probably keep falling off like at that point just use a fork perhaps there's an easier way idk i've put too much thought into this for 3 am

edit: but 100% tacos all the way but I think that's primarily because every burrito I've seen has been like stuffed with way too much cheese and stuff idk you can't taste anything else. tacos are usually more balanced, although i've never had an authentic burrito so perhaps they're better.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 pigby lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

very weeb but i love pigby and it's cool to actually see him maining on a team i'm sure he'll pound

posted about 6 years ago
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