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Signed Up August 11, 2012
Last Posted February 7, 2017 at 2:01 PM
Posts 462 (0.1 per day)
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#5 Pilot xhair help in Q/A Help

Well if you're on a 16:9 resolution already and it's still not to your liking, the only option you have is changing the xpos/ypos of certain elements until you see it fit.

If everything still isn't lined up to your satisfaction, you can also try adjusting the width/height values of the crosshair elements to make smaller adjustments.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Pilot xhair help in Q/A Help

Hey, if you're using a resolution that's not 16:9, it won't be lined up correctly by default. I wasn't aware of this, and as a result, sadly forgot to add in the 16:10 and 4:3 ones.

Luckily though, someone gave me a link to the other two a day or so ago. You can either set it up yourself, or wait until my next update (which should be soon!). I promise it'll be included in it.

posted about 11 years ago
#155 rayshud in Customization

Sorry, I lied.

Version 2.91 is out.

It contains:
-A fix for the concise disguise menu.

You can get it here:


It was really bugging me, so I messed with it enough until I fixed it.

posted about 11 years ago
#154 rayshud in Customization

Version 2.9 is out.

It contains:
-Custom build/destroy menus (including Pipboy!).
-Changing of the respawn timer color in the tournament spectator hud, to make it stand out more.
-A few padding errors on the tournament spectator hud.
-Fixed team names getting cut off in the winpanel.

You can get it here:


Screenshots of the new build/destroy menus:







Anyways, this should end my reign of updates every two days. At this point, everything should be added into the game for it to be functioning properly. If you have any issues or need help, you're welcome to continue posting here. I'll probably be updating it periodically as I find more small errors, but for the most part, it's completely finished.

I may make a minmode version in a few weeks as people have asked for that, and it seems like it'd be a fun project, and of course, I'll make sure to keep this thing updated after every update.

Anyways, a big thanks to all of you for supporting me, and helping me work out the bugs.

<3 you all.

posted about 11 years ago
#153 rayshud in Customization
frknI really like that scoreboard for medic. Is there an easy way to switch between scoreboards? iirc broesels or PVHud had a button on the main menu

You mean switch his custom scoreboard with my regular 6s one? Not without completely switching files.

If you mean his 6s scoreboard and my 16v16 scoreboard, that may be doable, assuming his set up his scoreboard to only be active when minmode is toggled.

If you're just talking about toggling my 6s and 16v16 scoreboards, that can either be done by binding a key to toggle minmode, or hitting the button that's on the main menu (as of version 2.72).

posted about 11 years ago
#151 rayshud in Customization
ndustAnother treat for my fellow dentists

http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=LMvyYvEP <-- scoreboard.res

I don't suppose there's a way I could line up the blu players to the right side and everything else so that it would mirror the red players' info... is there?


Wow, I really like the edit you did here.

Do you mean flipping ping, score, class, name, etc.? To my knowledge, there's not a way to do this, as it's all a part of the same entity. Thanks for your hard work, though!

posted about 11 years ago
#289 my new hud. in Customization

Yes; he means delete scoreboard.res, and rename scoreboard_bottom.res to scoreboard.res in order to replace it.

posted about 11 years ago
#148 rayshud in Customization
ndustompndustWhat's wrong with the last damage?It disappears at the same time as the floating damage text, instead of staying indefinitely.I'd think that's optimal lol

I suppose so, but I feel like a lot of people got used to it just staying there, and now they want it back.

posted about 11 years ago
#144 rayshud in Customization
SolidSpeerlaiyeIs there any way to make the last dmg done thingy the way it was b4 halloween?

Not at the moment, sorry. That was the result of a Valve update, there's not much anyone can do until they fix it themselves.

posted about 11 years ago
#143 rayshud in Customization

Version 2.8 is out.

It includes:
-A few positioning fixes.
-A new, custom disguise menu.

You can get it here:


Here's what the new diguise menu looks like:


The only thing you should know about it is that it's not properly configured to handle the "Concise Diguise Menu". It will work, but the buttons/numbers will not be positioned properly. Sorry about that. If I find a fix, it'll be here asap.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 OBS keeps randomly losing connection? in Q/A Help
FckingMadI haven't had problems with losing connection with OBS. Are you using the latest? And what are your settings?

I'm using the latest version, 0.43a.

I can show you my settings too; but they're literally identical to my xsplit settings, which run fine.

posted about 11 years ago
#141 rayshud in Customization

Version 2.73 is out.

It contains:
-Added in crit counter for the Diamondback. (Sorry!)
-A lot of positioning/sizing/coloring errors.

You can download it here:


posted about 11 years ago
#9 OBS keeps randomly losing connection? in Q/A Help
FckingMadchange the server you used, sometimes the twitch servers are bad.

But they're fine when I use xsplit, and not on OBS. Besides, I've tried 4-5 different twitch servers with no success already.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 OBS keeps randomly losing connection? in Q/A Help
vanillaMy internet is generally very good, but I've noticed that OBS is doing the same thing. Most of the time, as soon as I start streaming, my ping will spike and then moments later it will go back to normal (which I found out is because the stream stopped because the connection was lost).

For me it's random. Like, it'll start up fine, and run fine for 2 hours, then just randomly die. I've tried testing to see what it was that kills it, but I don't have any idea.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 OBS keeps randomly losing connection? in Q/A Help

Hello, as you guys may or may not know I do a lot of streaming.

With the recent release of obs, I instantly fell in love. My FPS doesn't drop much, the UI is so user-friendly, and making adjustments on the fly is super easy.

However, this past week of streaming has been terrible. When streaming with obs, I've been constantly losing connection to the twitch.tv servers, my stream has been running at less than 30fps (usually around 5-15, making it not much better than a slideshow).

Thinking it might just be my internet, I coped with it for awhile. However, yesterday I decided to try out xsplit again, just to see, and it worked perfectly fine.

Now, the easy solution would be to just use xsplit full-time, but sadly my PC isn't good enough for that, and I can't afford the fps drop while I'm scrimming/playing in matches.

Here's what the vod looked like when I switched back to xsplit:


And here's just one of the many 30 second to 2 minute vods obs makes, showing the choppiness:


My bitrate is identical in both, and changing the server I was streaming to didn't seem to do anything.

posted about 11 years ago
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