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Signed Up March 23, 2013
Last Posted April 3, 2014 at 9:49 AM
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#60 An Explanation in TF2 General Discussion

I hope the quick fix doesn't get banned next season. It sure isn't fun for anyone when a heavy and a QF medic roll out but it is really good seeing the game shaken up a bit and some discussion happening.

There are a few changes Valve could make to the quick fix that would make it more friendly to 6s. They could remove the heal rate from the medic during charge so they are as vulnerable as when using a kritz. They could remove the no airblast effect so that pyro has a place on the team during static fights. They could even make it work like uber so that points can't be capped while under QF effect. Realistically though Valve won't change it, or at least not for quite a while.

I think the answer to the quick fix is more unlocks. Give teams more weapons to use, give them more creative items like the conch, give players new ways to think about the game so that they can adapt. I shudder to think about more guaranteed crits in 6v6 and I hope we can avoid that but the reality is the meta before the QF was really stale.

The 6v6 community has set up a box within TF2 to try to exclude all the boring and frustrating parts of the game. Running around a corner into a heavy is just as boring as getting headshot from across the map though - congrats you picked the right class and clicked. As long as this box is set up within TF2 I would like to see more classes played and more weapons used competitively. Lets see what crazy strats and wacky plays come out of the QF and anything else that gets picked up in 6s. Just leave the crit weapons out, Highlander would be way more fun without the RNG kills. With so few new maps coming into competitive TF2 something needs to be added to make it more dynamic.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 EVE Online Giant Nerd Space Battles in Other Games

The Goons ruin everything fun in Eve :( I stopped playing years and years ago but reading about all this brings back good memories. Its pretty awesome when the big 0.0 alliances flex their muscles. Too bad this one didn't go your way Sal. Good luck finding a corp that is getting into big fights for you every week.

ECP8-R Never forget

posted about 10 years ago
#33 Tip of the Hats: TF2 Item Ideas in TF2 General Discussion
babbleHow about a taunt which is just the player model tipping their hat?

I get it would be kind of difficult to animate, but I still think it would be very cool.

Or it doesn't have to be a taunt. It could be an misc that adds something to the voice command list, except it's a small animation (still tipping the hat) and not a line of dialogue.

I hope some of the organizers ask about doing this. If you want to spread the word about a charity event a taunt would be the absolute best way to go. If a Tip of the Hat taunt made the characters say something polite and had a simple silly animation it would be an awesome item. Valve can print money with this stuff, and some of it can go to charity.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

He's heating up!

posted about 10 years ago
#5 NHL playoffs :P in Off Topic

Hopefully the Canucks stay healthy, it would nice to see them win it this year. I'd like to see the Leafs get a couple rounds in too, give the fans and the club some excitement again.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Electronic Music Fans, I need your assistance in Off Topic

Crowd pleaser.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Retro Maps in TF2 General Discussion

avanti and osaka please

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Newbie mixes appreciation in TF2 General Discussion

Today was the first time I've seen that many newbie mix servers filled up. Thank you to all the coaches for spending time helping so many people learn more about 6's.

posted about 11 years ago
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