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SteamID64 76561198022106397
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:30920334
Country Canada
Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Posts 789 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.4964244925
Windows Sensitivity xset m 00
Raw Input  
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Nixeus Revel / Modded WMO
Keyboard Minivan w/ gat browns & XMIT fullsize
Mousepad Glorious PC Gaming Race
Monitor Dell something
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 53
#33 TF2 Crosshair Tier List in TF2 General Discussion



posted about 4 years ago
#53 CleanTF2+ (nohats, flat textures, etc) in Customization

I disabled fullbright but yet it still stays like this.
(this is an offline server running sv_pure 0)

That wouldn't be fullbright, that'd be the flat textures messing up how they're generated (which I'm still looking into).

Fullbright will still cause (different) issues in sv_pure 2 though and afaik there isn't much I can do about that

posted about 4 years ago
#49 CleanTF2+ (nohats, flat textures, etc) in Customization
anyway to fix?
remove the solid textures, doesn't work in sv_pure servers

Alternatively just don't use the resize option. If it doesn't get resized, it won't look like this in sv_pure and will just be the default textures.

ScrewballThis will work in RGL matches yes? I don't want to practice with anything i don't get to actually play with.

Some will (nohats, for example), some will look different (flat textures with resizing, see above), and some won't (flat textures without resizing).

posted about 4 years ago
#24 HUD Creation Competition #2 in TF2 General Discussion

Haven't been able to make as much progress as I'd have liked, but two of the more interesting things I've done so far:


blur shadows aren't too uncommon anymore, but gradient text is still pretty unique -- trying some soft gradients with this one and think they turned out pretty good.


both types of the killfeed using white icons, means the background can be the same color (and just change their transparency). Internally this is done using colly's killfeed icons, except the mod_textures.txt is redone to be update-proof and somewhat cleaner.

posted about 4 years ago
#339 le economy crash in TF2 General Discussion
ShooshYou go into a music store and like this guitar. It has been mislabelled for £200 instead of £2000. You go to the checkout and there's a new employee there who doesn't know this. He sells you the guitar for £200. You have the receipt. You now own the guitar.
The owner of the store shows up to your house the next day. He forcibly gives you £200 back and forcefully takes the guitar back. You have no say in the matter.

You go to a casino slot machine. It has a software error that means you win big every roll, instead of once in a hundred rolls. You, and thousands of others, try to do this as much as possible before it's patched since you fully know it's an unintended exploit. A casino employee notices this and points to the disclaimer on the machine saying "in case of software error, winnings are voided and payments refunded." You don't get the money that you shouldn't have gotten in the first place, and act like you were the one ripped off when they didn't let you abuse their system.

This is also what actually happens in these cases: https://vegasclick.com/games/slots/malfunctions
Valve would have an even stronger case because it's all virtual hats inside their own service, and they reserve the right to do whatever they want with your items.

posted about 4 years ago
#304 le economy crash in TF2 General Discussion
Phantomthey have to concede something here

Probably revert what they can and hand out an item, for everyone's troubles. The cheater's lament got mentioned a few times, but they also did it with the glitched circuit board. It was never as extreme as this, but it's not the first time they've had to deal with people getting items they weren't supposed to.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 HUD Creation Competition #2 in TF2 General Discussion

Glad to see another, always fun to compete in contests
Getting everything in rule 3 is gonna be a lot but I don't think it'd be too bad with some borrowing from other huds

AdjeIs it really necessary to include stuff like Mann Power as a requirement though? I'm pretty sure half the people on this forum have only played that gamemode on release date

Bold of you to assume everyone's played mann power

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Keyboard in Q/A Help

There are a lot of good options: ducky, coolermaster, filco, pok3r, etc. And lots of groupbuy / custom keyboards if you're looking to splurge or DIY some.

Switches are mostly preference so what exactly are you looking for that razer green switches didn't offer? More/less tactile, more/less clicky, etc.?

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Zoom sensitivity, tf2, csgo in TF2 General Discussion

While it's bumped I did do some writing on this: https://github.com/JarateKing/jarconfig/blob/master/docs/zoom_sensitivity_ratio.md
It's the same conclusion (0.793471 is what you probably want) but explains some of the thought behind it.

106Hey I've done that but I would also like the scope sensitivity because the scopes are different, basically what ward3d wanted but the other way around

Yeah it wouldn't be too hard. Throw this into wolfram alpha:

(arctan(x*tan((20 * pi/180)/2) ) / arctan(x*tan((90 * pi/180)/2)))/(20/90) = 0.83333

And replace "0.83333" with your tf2 zoom sense. This should give you an x value, then throw this into wolfram alpha again:

(arctan(0.403109*tan((40 * pi/180)/2) ) / arctan(0.403109*tan((90 * pi/180)/2)))/(40/90)

Replacing the two "0.403109"s with the x value from before. The result should be the same zoom sens.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Multi-variable command manipulation in Customization
quintoshnot possible in tf2 without setting aliases for every x, y, z (which isn't a lot of work if you use autofill really)

quick python script for this:

# range to set
min = -2
max = 2

# enforce proper wrapping rules
def getCoords(x, y, z, separator):
    toret = ''
    toret += str((x - min) % (max - min + 1) + min) + separator
    toret += str((y - min) % (max - min + 1) + min) + separator
    toret += str((z - min) % (max - min + 1) + min) 
    return toret

# base binds
for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
    print('alias "inc_vm_' + c + '" "vm_0_0_0"')

# internal state binds
for x in range(min, max + 1):
    for y in range(min, max + 1):
        for z in range(min, max + 1):
            toprint = 'alias "vm_' + getCoords(x, y, z, '_') + '" "'
            toprint += 'tf_viewmodels_offset_override ' + getCoords(x, y, z, ' ') + ';'
            toprint += 'alias inc_vm_x vm_' + getCoords(x+1, y, z, '_') + ';'
            toprint += 'alias inc_vm_y vm_' + getCoords(x, y+1, z, '_') + ';'
            toprint += 'alias inc_vm_z vm_' + getCoords(x, y, z+1, '_') + '"'

There's some obvious big improvements (support for decrementing instead of just having to wrap around, and support for floats / not having to always be an integer) but this should get the idea across.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 rayshud issue in Q/A Help

What huds are you trying? If they're old, then their info.vdf files probably aren't up to date (if they have one at all).

In the future, there's https://www.teamfortress.tv/19073/hud-editing-short-questions-quick-answers

posted about 4 years ago
#5998 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
magistryo, how can I move one killfeed into another hud?
For example I want to use m0re's hud killfeed in Olgha's hud

Copy over HudDeathNotice inside scripts/hudlayout.res

Might also need to copy over fonts and colors from clientscheme to do it but should be easy enough to do with some know-how about the clientscheme:

posted about 5 years ago
#5992 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
bLaplusProtonHow do i make it so my damage done appears as a number on the hud above my healthhuddamageaccount.res would need DamageAccountValue, and maybe DamageAccountValueShadow
if they're already in the file, set their visible values to 1. if they're not, see if there's a customization for last damage done, or just copy one from another hud and manually adjust the positions

Specifically, you just need a label that has the labeltext "%metal%". Anything else doesn't really matter, it's just a regular label that you put in huddamageaccount.res.

fiestaNot a hud question but still.
Is there any current way to change medigun beam particles? I want to make it kinda narrow.

None in sv_pure. You can edit the vmt/vtf to change the images, or the .pcf to change the particle effect itself, but in both cases it'll revert to default in sv_pure. Don't have the filenames on hand but shouldn't be too hard to find them either.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Have you ever put TF2 on an application or resume? in TF2 General Discussion

So far it's helped me with my last two jobs. The interviewers for my current job were impressed with the tf2 stuff on my github (even though they had no clue what tf2 was), and my previous job was a gamedev position where experience modding games was a big asset. These are both programming jobs so a lot of the skills are transferable, but in both what sold it was the things I've done in tf2.

I also fucked up another game programmer interview by talking too much about my tf2 mods and not enough about my other experience, but it's been more wins than losses so far.

posted about 5 years ago
#5958 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

For some reason, the names on certain items (mainly medals) are busted on my hud. is there a fix for this?
Probably your HUD uses a chat_english* which doesn't have this type of entry. Try getting an updated one from another HUD, or deleting it (will force the HUD to use the default tf_english).

* Inside /Resource/

Just a note: chat_english will not run into these issues. tf_english will, and for that reason it's recommended to use chat_english for any localization changes.

YupI just move tf2 into my ssd and now the custom fonts are not working, I've tried everything help

Try (re)installing the fonts. It's pretty hard to tell what the problem is with just that, but if it's just the font files not getting transferred / recognized then installing them means the clientscheme doesn't have to reference the local copy.

posted about 5 years ago
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