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Signed Up November 20, 2012
Last Posted March 7, 2014 at 12:43 AM
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#17 remove anonymity from +/- frags in The Dumpster

I'm going to be completely honest and save you some time by saying I -fragged it
I just don't want to get in a fight every time I cast a vote

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Wow really? in TF2 General Discussion

they'll DDoS their way to invite at this rate

Summon ESEA!

from what I can tell this isn't the first game that mattered where Toon's opponents faced suspicious internet problems that ended right after the game ._.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 The lock icon is kinda hard to see in Site Discussion

I wasn't even aware threads could be locked
not after someone keeps deleting all the drama ones

Yes, I agree, that is really hard to see. Change colors?

posted about 11 years ago
#136 Got scammed tf2 items in TF2 General Discussion
crumpetTechnoblademoronic bullshit

Please don't quote things I've never said.

Yes, this was a theft. There was an agreement between them that they would exchange the currency and hats, and one did not go through with the bargain, while taking the other guy's stuff. STOLEN. You say it isn't legally considered 'theft' but legal view or not, that's what it amounts to. If it wasn't legally considered that, then he couldn't have actually gotten the hat back without employing the use of completely empty threats.

Now, you've suddenly brought up a point of "this guy said he'd see his sister real soon" and then called me... a... pissfiend? Ok, that one's confusing, but I was clearly referring to the lawsuit mentions from pure. I never said that particular one was legal, because I had never heard of it.

Judging from the information Pure dug up, this kid ain't no saint either.

On a cheerful note, woohoo scammer thwarted!
ikpure to begin his legacy as a private internet investigator specializing in hats

posted about 11 years ago
#121 Got scammed tf2 items in TF2 General Discussion

I don't see what's so hard to understand, crumpet. Would you care so much if this had been a 40 year old Russian man? Do you think the thief being a child made it any better?

Do you seem to think that theft isn't illegal?

I mean honestly, you're pissed off and acting like he threatened to kill their families or something. Legal threats over a legal problem. He stole a ~200$ item from RoodY. Do you think it would have been better had he gotten away with it?

You think he stole it fair and square, eh?

posted about 11 years ago
#33 windows 7 vs windows 8 in Hardware
KipAlso, Mumble doesn't work with Windows 8

this is why
i cannot pug


posted about 11 years ago
#45 tftv i49 fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion
r4ptureIn the small possibility we raise double the goal or more, would it be possible to send a second American team?

nah after i46's grand finals Europe's officially limited the US to 1 team :3

posted about 11 years ago
#20 "Truth" - frag video featuring Rikachu. in TF2 General Discussion

Meh, didn't really like the kritz clips, most of them were just ordinary plays you'd expect from a kritz'd demo; ~3 kills.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Movement in TF2 General Discussion

I like how people can give the exact same info and some get minus fragged and others plus fragged

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Movement in TF2 General Discussion

Spam the hell out of jump, jump in random directions, pretend you're jumping off and then hit the strafe key so you lose all momentum and stay barely on highground, mash crouch key as much as you can to make your hitbox laggy and smaller than it appears-

that's vs soldiers anyways

posted about 11 years ago
#15 What The Fuck, AsianRiceGuy in Off Topic
kace9) His name is in the title of the post

His real life name is Asianriceguy? Damn, those must be terrible parents ._.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 What The Fuck, AsianRiceGuy in Off Topic

We're looking for a suspect to a crime against humanity, and this is what we know:
1) He is asian.
2) He is a nerd.
4) Really nonathletic
5) Speaks really loudly
6) Has almost no sense of privacy
7) Keeps you in death grip
8) Repels girls to the point where anyone seen in public with him is to be avoided.

Let the hunt begin.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Direct hit frag vid in TF2 General Discussion
downpouras much as i hate the dh (getting 1 shot is kind of really boring) it is an interesting weapon.
nice edit

Yeah, Direct Hit vs scouts... annoying as hell

but otherwise this weapon is really fun
liked the video, nice airshots
I suggest a stronger ending frag next time, but that shot may have been very hard I really couldn't tell.
Good music, good edits, good frags, fun weapon

posted about 11 years ago
#169 DDoS Attacks in TF2 General Discussion

Perhaps the imposter was an alt of bunny himself, who aliased as himself but left clues and then attacked him poorly.
Perhaps spammy IS the culprit?
Perhaps the culprit is none of these men, and has secretly had them killed?
Perhaps this is one of the invite themselves?
Regardless, the Illuminati are on the case...


posted about 11 years ago
#114 DDoS Attacks in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistAlso @ sal... Apparently you can't file suit for ddosing unless the financial loss from the ddosing aggregates to $5k in the US anyways.

Perhaps LAN?

posted about 11 years ago
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